Wednesday, July 12, 2023

"Material Life... is a Never-Ending Storybook of Tales... that Chronicle The Outer Search... that Always Leads Within."

God Poet Transmitting.......

When I was locked up on Maui... facing a mandatory 60 years in prison... my friend, Michael Green went to Guru Bawa (a Sufi Saint) and told him about it. He looked off into the distance of Time and Circumstance... or at his hand (he liked to do things like that) and said, “Oh! He'll be alright. He's just chosen another path.”.......

He was right. I was in the worst possible state to get into this sort of difficulty. It was a place of hanging judges and hanging juries. No one had ever beaten such charges, in that location before. There's no space in a posting of this size to cover all the absolutely remarkable events that took place or the comedy of the trial. Sometimes the entire jury broke out into fits of laughter. It would make a really engrossing film........

Anyone can get the jury transcript. I never did, but I know it's an entertaining read........

You don't know where I'm going with this... do you? Heh heh... that's the thing with these blogs. I often don't know myself... usually, I don't know. That's part of the other path I took. Today is one of those rare times when I do know where I'm going; at least for the next page or so. (there are three and a half pages per posting in Open Office).......

I ran into a number of gurus; from Bhaktivedanta to people you never heard of. I ran into a lot more of the followers of certain gurus. Since my Kundalini rising, which took place around my 21st birthday, I've had certain abilities. One of them is a lie detector. As I discovered on the road, it's not 100% unless I apply it. This I learned to my distress a time or two. A tool won't work if you don't use it. However, when it comes to gurus. It was spot on. It still is........

Because of this, I have wandered in a state of fairly consistent disappointment with people passing themselves off as spiritual masters. Even those I knew to be bonafide were not always in tune with the truth of the moment. Did I miss something? Was it me who was in error? Or... is The Truth hidden from everyone at different points along the way?.......

Are even The Masters lacking in omniscience now and again? Is that why they say, “I don't know?” Is that why all true masters are so humble and self-effacing?.......

One day, one of Bawa's student translators... getting on-the-job training... and not a particularly nice person... (she certainly didn't like me) had me called in before Bawa; just Bawa... her... and me. She had gotten it into her head that I had sold some marijuana to her boyfriend, Bill. I can't remember her name. She accused me of this when it was my roommate Larry who had sold Bill the pot........

Bawa didn't seem able to see through this. The malice in the lady's face was palpable, and... being the sort of guy I was at the time, I drove her into a near fury by not being all submissive and chastened. See... she was translating. He didn't speak English, so... it left me a lot of comic leeway, which I took full advantage of. By the time we were done, she was hopping mad........

Still... I didn't do it. This happened to me a lot; getting accused of things that I didn't do; past life karma? Karma taken on to a specific end? Something I still don't get? I don't know, BUT... it troubled me that Bawa did not see through this slanderous action directed against me........

Yes... isn't it ironic that I was later charged with a similar crime of much greater magnitude? This life has been filled with such dreadful ironies. How did I get away with breaking Germany's biggest no-no law for 15 years... in print internationally... hundreds of times? One of these days someone is going to explain all of this to me, and there were hundreds of examples of WTF that have taken place that make no kind of sense........

So... I ran across various individuals who claimed to be spiritual teachers or who their followers declared to be spiritual teachers and there was nearly always something wrong with them. The ones I deeply admire, I did not meet in the flesh... except on the one occasion on a Kalifornia beach, and I still don't know who that was, except that I keep getting told it was me at a future time........

That should be about the page or so I mentioned earlier. From here on, I guess we are winging it again........

What's the point of my bringing this up? It's that the external world is a constant disappointment, if... you... are... looking... for... truth. Even if you should encounter it, you often don't realize it till later. That has certainly proven true for me........

I have had it FUNDAMENTALLY proven to me that you can't find what you're looking for Out There; Out There being every place that is not within you........

I have come to realize that we are the truth searching for itself, and material life is a never-ending storybook of tales that chronicle the outer searches that always lead within; if that happens to be what you were looking for. People... I observe... are often content with unreasonable facsimiles........

Truths' only carbon duplicate is your shadow... and a shadow is not the thing that casts it. There can be no physical thing that can be called The Truth. It's said that Jesus Christ was The Truth, but... I think what that means is that if you follow in his footsteps you will find The Truth within you. Compromised Priest Controlled Christianity has a real problem with the meaning of Jesus and the meaning of Christ... and a whole lot of other issues........

The World is a shadow of something that cast it... that is... presently... wandering through it... as an amnesiac... in a state of mistaken identity... in a dream-like stupor. This goes on for centuries in The Hive Mind dancing through cyclic changes... so far removed from one another that seldom does anyone realize life is endlessly repeating itself... and that none of it matters in any sense of longevity. The World is change. God is changeless. To get the one... you must give up the other........

To... get... the one... you... must... give... up... the... other. This works in both directions. It is what scripture means when it says; “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” This analogy-metaphor-parable-dichotomy-catch-all... elusive understanding... is playing out in every life all the time, and... half measures avail nothing........

People don't want to hear this. They want an easier course where they get to take certain things with them, and there are false spiritual teachers who know this and work that angle. You will note... if you even look deeper at all... that the true teachers did not have a vast entourage, and... when you do have that vast entourage... those are the people you are going to have to track down... in lives to come... and apologize to for misleading them. That's how it works........

Atonement... recompense... the tit for tat of existence... is a formidable and inflexible thing. You can't get around it. Christ arranged a solution for this, but it is not generally understood what exactly that is. There is a large body of the misinformed who believe that... no matter what... they are now saved; Hallelujah!!!.......

There's this thing called the baptism of The Spirit, which is a baptism of fire, and that's not much understood either, and because of that... there are a good many charlatans making big bank from the unreasonable facsimiles........

You have to be sincere. You have to be relentless. You have to be enduring. You have to be purified. The Mind must be subdued. The False Self must be vaporized. There are stages of progression for all of this in every legitimate tradition that will walk you right out of The Shadow Rituals into The Rituals of Light........

Like bookmarks between those centuries of The Hive Mind... dancing in a dream-stupor... through cyclic change... come periods of awakening. The Truth is uncovered for those in search of it. Otherwise, it's no more than a hiccup in the same old same old. We are in one of those bookmarked moments now, and it is a time to pay attention, cause you never know what might appear in front of you if you happen to be looking for it........

Of course, that appearance is only a significator of an awakening interior vision, but... it's meaningful nonetheless. (grin)

End Transmission.......

Some links are to be had at GAB=

I'm removing the quote that was here moments ago because the provenance cannot be established. You can find it all in the comments section below today's Truthseeker posting of yesterday's Petri Dish.


M - said...

That comment about Schwab is SOOOOO yesterday's news. But perhaps the person who posted it just discovered that bit of information. If so, welcome to the party!!!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Personally, me thinks the world is an inconvenient POS that can't be flushed. Yet I know I've been here a gazillion times. It took me how many lifetimes to come to that conclusion? I dunno. I'll find out when I get to where I'm a'goin'. Well, at least I have no worries about gaining the world. In fact, if I knew the sun was gonna nova tomorrow, I'd have a pre-nova party with my nosey-poo like people have hurricane parties. Head off to Trader Joe's for some killer food since I REFUSE to give the restaurant industry one more cent probably for the rest of my life. They're a rip off, sometimes toxic, and I can outdo any of them in the kitchen.

In fact, my former boss who I give my extra cooking project stuff to since she's a fan of my food has offered to pay me to make her extra a couple of times. I only charge her money for supplies and nose pets for labour. After all, I don't run a business, and she's my buddy. Once she even had me put together a meal at the restaurant for a buffet when she was managing the place. That was a royal pain, considering I had to shop for all the supplies, but she kinda saved our lives by hiring me, I still don't know if she deserves nose pets or nose licks from a smilodon for that since I hate life, but hey.

My, did I go off tangent, or did I go off tangent?

As for the reset, Japan of today isn't the Japan of yesterday. China isn't exactly following the wishes of the CCP either, except doing the minimum to survive. The younger generation is saying the Hell with traditions. A lot of them are not getting married, refusing to breed, laying down flat and letting it rot since they see no point in working for nothing. For those interested in China, check out Winston Sterzel/SerpentZA videos. Not that they have a hot cup of tay's chance in Niflheim of their plans comin' to fruition.

Al said...

Many thanks for all the experiences you share of this life and probably a few others from what I gather. I'm only online these days to read yours and precious few others sharing's left for those with eyes to taste with. That and how the clown show progresses on or at how the pace increases with planned precision. It's truly a marvel to watch The Great One compose as I eagerly pick up the crumb trail left behind.

I'm enjoying being here on Lady Earth even knowing all that takes place from the dark brotherhood. Some days I grin for a few but watching my Grandchildren being free and in love with life before me evaporates that and leaves me with gold inside.

Much Love to you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Vis - I have followed your writings for years, and have always appreciated you :)
Something about your musings today nudged me to reach out and say thank you.
I have prayed for years requesting discernment, and I finally realized that it has been there all along- I should have been praying for trust, trust in a higher power and trust in my own discernment.
Thank you and bless you in your journey-



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