Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
The forces of discord and war are intensifying by the day. They believe their hour has come round at last and we are truly talking of rough and slouching beasts. They are a strange amalgam of Zionists, Satanists and materialists, drunk on the power of their perverse state of being. Both the Zionists and the Satanists, which are virtually indistinguishable from one another, have been on a time table for generations. They are on the verge of coming fully out into the open. Some of them already have. It is their desire and design to be the architects of an age of darkness. There is a surface perception of this that can be gleaned by those capable of making the necessary associations and there is the deeper meaning that is there for the seer and the sage to ponder.
It is most important to understand that the end result of the efforts and intentions of these creatures is madness. They move by degrees from outrage to outrage. Within their own compromised consciousness it all makes perfect sense for... like myself and some portion of the rest of you, they hear voices and these voices tell them what they want to hear, just as our voices tell us what we need to hear. Their world is not our world, nor can these worlds coexist without stress and fatality, unless one is at a far remove. One world has the tacit and encouraging permissions of the invisible and one is a usurping outrage against it.
In The Ukraine, the security forces backed away from the trade union building and the fascist scum then proceeded to Molotov the premises. They laughed and sneered saying, “We are roasting the Colorado cockroaches.” This was done under orders from Howdy Doody's Zionist masters. There is no abomination they will not engage in. I'll make no revisionism comment but merely point out a curious and amusing thing. Now ZATO sends legions of tanks to the eastern front. As their system dies around them, they press forward in a suicidal madness. Sooner or later, the magical Rubicon of this desperate hour will be crossed and a cosmic victorious hand will snatch their sure and certain defeat out of the jaws of ignorant hubris (did I just write that? Must have been someone else.)
It is fascinating to watch this all play out. The fascination turns morbid when one sees the general attention of the deceived masses, while most terrible things, shape the darkness into engines of death like Orc craftsmen, laboring in the subterranean foundries of Saruman. “We are the servants of Saruman the Wise, the White Hand: the Hand that gives us man's-flesh to eat.” The Ukrainian Goon Squads are not unlike The Uruk Hai.
Someone was surprised that I had missed the proven, irrefutable fact that Howdy Doody's wife is a man and that there's a picture where you can see her (his?) penis through clothing; like maybe if you had bought those glasses that used to be available on the backs of comic books. I didn't miss the story, I just doubt its credibility and still do. I guess anything's possible so I've leave it there in the cold cases file. There's a reason I don't get into fake moon landings, Daddy Bush changing into a reptile, white ninjas or Israeli nukes causing the Fukushima tragedy; any of similar subjects. I'm not Wilcox, Fulford or Stone. I try to steer clear of the sensational. Howdy Doody's birth certificate is another one.
If you want fantastic tales they are out there. It's not like I am denying anyone access to any of them, nor am I stating here that these things are not true, because I don't know, do I? So long as I don't know I'll leave the things that I don't know in the I Don't Know file. One might say that by the same token how do I know what I claim about the Zionists, 911 or anything else? I'd have to say that I don't know very many things 100% but... and this goes in courts of law all over that land where there used to be law; a preponderance of circumstantial evidence is tantamount to guilt. In these and other cases, the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming.
It rained last night and so it's a gray day here this morning. It seems that will be the case for the next few days. Times like these make me reflective, same as if I were sitting by my window watching the snow fall. Last night at the end of a warm and sunny day, I was sitting by the window in my friends house. We were having dinner and my attention was constantly called to look out the window. There's a big cherry tree, an apple tree and a large pine. Several other trees can be seen in gaps between those mentioned. I could literally hear nature calling out to me. It might not have been me personally. Maybe it was to anyone who might have the awareness to pick up on it but... it was there. I meant to walk into the woods after but I didn't. It was getting dark still... even so, I could have hung about on the perimeter and communed; had a chat or something. I did not do this. I think that might have been an error but not a grave one. I won't do it again.
When you engage in attempts to communicate with ethereal beings of a high order and you are persistent about it, don't be surprised if they show up at some point. I had been doing this. Of course, these beings are not going to show up for everyone. Your deepest being is an open book to them, so they know where you are coming from better than you do and they are existent here for far, far longer than the span of any human life. It is impossible to fool them and... should you get into a position where you feel you have done so, simply because you got some results, beware... you can put yourself in dreadful danger with that reasoning and outlook. It's pointless in any case because sincere supplication will get results. Of course, if you are basically an ill drawn personality, that's not going to appeal to you anyway. There are some who believe that stolen secrets are sweet. I am not in agreement with this. It's one thing to learn how to do something, create something, but it is another thing entirely to control the results in the aftermath. This is one of the reasons we don 't get certain things until we are ready for them. Any enduring success that anyone may have in this world, of a certain kind, requires a commensurate level of self control. Focusing only on this, one could acquire abilities and conditions mostly unknown to those who have no interest in this sort of thing.
I said it wasn't a grave error on my part, not going to the woods. Well... that is something one would know and I am also sitting at the same window now and the same thing is still happening. The stillness and peace here is fantastic. I had not anticipated the degree of work and expense that I would incur with this effort here. Yeah, I knew but... it wasn't directly in front of me like it is now. A part of me thought it was a little cold to lay all of this on me when so many other options were, or could have been, available but I recognized, this morning, while I was reflecting, that I was given this mission because my handler thought me capable of it and because there would be some number of blessings involved in the doing, which I can't see at the moment.
I use a variety of terms to label the one(s) responsible for me. I don't find that any one of them covers the duties all the time. The first large hurdle of this project will be completed today. It's the least attractive of them all. I guess that counts for something (grin). Step by step we go and that is the same for everyone no matter what they may be involved in; unless they are a total slacker and even then, they will be compelled to motor in some direction, sooner or later, even if it is only out of here. I bring up this consideration a lot because I consider it of primary importance. That is... our efforts and our words move with us through time and the aggregate of them amounts to something, somewhere, at some point and also at various points along the way. You would think this would occur to people. You would think a person would say to themselves, “You know what? I think I'm headed in the wrong direction.” Mysteriously, this is not the case most of the time. Sure... you hear about epiphanies and awakening, recoveries and acts of redemption but they are the exception, not the rule, not in these days. I know this because I observe as I go. It's not a bad facility to be employing.
People look at dead objects as that which is worth having. You only have to travel in the congested shopping zones at congested locations to see this. Far, far more valuable are the qualities one can develop or have conferred upon one. There are dead objects everywhere. We live in a time of the tsunami of dead objects. You can get most of them for free if you know where to look. Sometimes used is even better than new because 'used' is evidence of functionality, or can be. I seldom buy anything new, unless it's a tool of my trade. Yet... I note there are people who go shopping for no particular reason. If I'm in a store or on my way to a store, I've got a reason for it. There are many people who shop just to be shopping. It's what they do. The idea of this horrifies me for several reasons, at least wherever it might apply to me being so engaged Like the song says, “different strokes for different folks”.
The span of differential between all of us and either extreme of anything, is something to behold. I count my blessings and practice gratitude, as much for what I have as what I don't have; for what I am and what I am not. Despite my character flaws, such as they may exist at any point in time, my objective is inflexibly direct, even when it's diverted or shanghaied it is still direct; only in these cases it's a matter of moving 'directly through'. Just think of what a priceless blessing it is to be in search of the creator. I'm sure the immensity of it does not dawn on most people, until it dawns on them (grin). People actually get conflicted about whether this is an intelligent course or not; given so many of the other options and the various trade-offs and compromises one can get into. If you're bright there is always the attraction to a leisurely life style. You probably think you'll have all the time in the world to chase certain things at some point only, it don't work like that.
Persistence is key. If you're not capable of persistence, you might as well forget about it right now. This is why I hammer on about Faith, Certitude and Determination. These are the 3 qualities that Guru Bawa used to bring up all the time. Why? Because they are really, really important. Thinking about this has put me on the verge of tears for some reason.
I know... sometimes it seems that you are trying so very, very hard and you are getting nowhere; believe me, I know this one. Sometimes it feels like so much of what you do goes contrary to your best interests, or via weakness you get sucked into things you don't feel good about after. Life can and does... often have this Sisyphean characteristic. For some of us, regret and remorse are so great that we have despaired of salvation or realization and ceased to ponder or pursue them. Obviously, those of us to whom this applies have not read about Milarepa or any number of Buddhas, sages and saints. Every master has a secret life of shame. Those I am referring to turned shit into gold. Everybody makes mistakes and in some cases, over and over again. The key factor here is to stop and replace that action with something similar but of a higher arc or... altogether different.
End Transmission.......
Visible's radio show is now available for streaming and download.
Lyrics (pops up)
Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World
- 'An Exploration Toward the Ineffable'
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Re. Mrs/Mr Obama.
Ok, for what it is worth> I actually watched a video put out by a couple (man and wife) who claim to be ex FBI or something similar, who also claim to be currently engaged in private detective work, that state that Mrs is most certainly a MR. Well if anyone should have a clue they should - right?
Wrong! Siam is the world capital for transexuals. They are everywhere. They work in stores restaruants, malls, banks, - even as airline stewardesses, everywhere.
They have the most femine bodys one could imagine (is that possible :) and can be almost impossible to 'detect' with the untrained eye.
Unless - and this is a big one (no pun meant) they open there mouths and speak. It is impossible to hide a masculine voice. Adams apple no problem. Hips and tits - childs play. Voice - no way. If anyone has a way to disguise a transexuals (man to woman) voice then let me know as there are two million potential customers interested and fortunes to be made.
Mrs Obama is not a bloke - full stop!
Visible's radio show just went up.
Thanks for the pep talk in the last paragraph. I needed it just now.
"Came to beleive that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity"
2nd Step Twelve Steps AA.
faith turning a life of shame to gold.
with gratitude.
when america is destroyed, what happens to all the zionist jews in england, italy, russia, india, australia, south africa, argentina, and nearly every other country in the world ... are they just gonna walk out the doors and hand over the keys? ... do you all see where this script is headed ... jews are gonna use america for more dirty laundry and then sell it down the river
the people selling an east v west circus are selling a fib ... the people that dont mention international jewry are selling a fib
all peoples need to unite ... continue telling the truth about zionism
I had no idea what this individual was from his voice. Then we have Michael Jackson, and my absolute favourite, THE NOSE OF ROCK AND ROLL! GARY WEINRIB, better known as Geddy Lee.
Last I heard these are all sausage casings as opposed to chicks, but things could have changed since the last time I wrote about those still living, anyway; though I doubt it. I've also known some individuals in person who could have been either/or from the sound of their voice.
Vis, I think I get what you mean by "the sensational." I admit to being somewhat drawn, even addicted to that side of things. There's so much noise out there vying for human attention. It's so easy to get caught up. But one little whiff of Broad Daylight Awareness can sweep it all aside like the chaff that it is. Broad Daylight Awareness asks, "What is the actual relevance of this to me? Why am I interested?" Quite often it is merely the restless mind hungry for something to chew on, to get that fleeting sense of satisfaction of 'knowing' something, of having nailed something down, when in fact it has accomplished nothing more than to justify and reinforce its sense of self-importance for another nanosecond of temporal illusive 'time'.
I'm currently reading "The Matrix and the Sanskrit Texts" by V. Susan Ferguson. A nutritious read, very timely for myself and very possibly of interest to people here. Enjoy.
Off to immerse myself in the latest audio transmission.... Thank you, Mr. Visible!
Inquire always,
the secret lies in overcoming the habitual.
Very insightful article
I know not who wrote this but it has great value for me and I think it's what we do here:
A lion was captured and placed in a large yard surrounded by
a high fence. He soon became acquainted with the social life
of the other lions who had been there a long time. The lions
had divided themselves into several clubs, each with its own
activities. One group met regularly to hate and slander the
captors. Another group met to sing sentimentally about a
future jungle having no fences. And a third group met to
secretly plot violence against the other groups.
Each club tried to pressure the newcomer into joining, but
something held him hack. His hesitation was caused by
observing one particular lion who kept to himself and who seemed
to be in deep thought. The newcomer shyly approached the
solitary lion and requested an explanation of his apartness.
'Join nothing,' replied the lion. 'Those foolish creatures do
everything but the necessary. I am doing what is essential, so
one day I will be out of here. You are welcome to all the facts
I have uncovered.'
'But what is this necessary thing you are doing?'
'Listen carefully. I am studying the nature of the fence.'
@send me an angle ...
singing is not talking. i know scottish singers that you would have trouble to understand in conversation who sing in perfect pitch - as english as fish and chips :)
i've actually met 1000s or transexuals over a twenty year period and they can not disguise their male voice. period.
you are very naive to say otherwise. Michael Jackson has a soft masculince voice. there is a world of difference.
i have heard many a stale of guys that end up with a 'ladyboy' after a night out and insist that they never knew. of course no one believes them. but then again maybe they have very poor perception.
ooops, that last comment was addressed to number six
University of Cumbria
Hi Renee,
Because of you and your $300, your little brother did not have to go to prison for 99-years-- I am forever in you debt...Here is my detox video, it is the first of just three videos...we don't have to change the world, it will be just fine...we only have to change ourselves...come to her like a child comes to a mother...ask and she will not anger her...just love her, love her, love her...and she will hold you in her four dinjin arms...and you are protected and sleep like a newborn that you are...her name is Isis for y'all phoranic people, and to others she known as Kali....sweet Kali...mistress of the universe...wife and severestent (well she means well, just doesn't do well...) to our master--Shiva (who without his help, you cannot make another breath.). Your little brother works for Shiva, and perhaps is his physical manifestation during, just this nasty Kali Yuga...I serve the light...I serve Yanjie, I serve Christina...I serve myself...I serve mankind...I have come to create...but ORDO ABO KAO...means, you first must destroy before you create (and it's printed on the money {one dollar bill])...I am a obedient servant to the destroyer...Mr. Apocalypse is his name and you and Bruce may see him...he will be the snappy young/old-man with the 2X4 walking rod-of-power...he's pissed...going to make all right...and y'all gonna help him...k?
Hope you like my video,
Everything happens thru majic...I hope you see it now,
Forever in your debt...
Your little brother Jimmy
@jim carey ...
I now know truely understand insane ... wtf!!!!!
i know the Vis lets 99.99999% of comments pass. but im starting to think ... well maybe thats not such a good thing. all his good work can be undermined by ......
It's probably best to let a certain amount of silly shit go by now and again. There really is so little of it.
I don't get it.
Flyingcossack, swift and clean, a dragon-slayer, but only of evil dragons. Right for the jugular. Clean, fast, finished.
And the moon rises, and some of us howl.
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