Thursday, December 10, 2020

"Guided and Led by the Universal Attractive Force to that Great and Glorious Ultimate Destiny of Life.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

We will talk today about the SIMPLICITY of Life, and how to live it to the fullest extent that is possible, and with little more effort than just paying attention. In a recent post, we talked about the three floors that compose the House of the Mind. There is another relationship and that is the interaction between the Personal Self and the Impersonal Self.

As you look at the world around you, there is- if you are looking for it- something that becomes more and more clear the more you pay attention to it. Once you know WHAT you are looking at and what you are looking for, you can see the perpetual drama of existence AS IT IS. People are doing one thing or another, at all times... everywhere. Some are doing it better and some are not doing it well at all, and there are countless permutations of that.

There is a Conscious, Living Light within each and every one of us. Were that not so, we would not exist, because it is that Living Light that accounts for our being alive. Each of us struggles with this in our own personal way. Some of us work to further block this light, for the benefit of a Personal Agenda, and some of us are working to PERMIT the light to shine through us. Some are; an unfortunate number of us, not even aware of it.

No matter where we are. No matter how old we are. No matter what language we speak. No matter what time of day or night it may be and no matter what we may think we are doing, we are ONLY... EVER... doing one of two things. We are either, resisting the free passage of the Conscious, Living Light through us, or we are permitting it to freely express. Those who are permitting the passage of the light are in a very small minority. There is a much larger number that is struggling with the passage of the light. There is a large number resisting the passage of the light and a large number is comprised of those who are unaware of its presence or influence. I wouldn't even attempt to provide percentages here because I REALLY don't know.

In times of Material Darkness, the numbers of those struggling and resisting are quite substantial. This is all about to change with startling speed because of The Awakening, and because The Light is breaking, within, and without. The whole of your life, or anyone's life, comes down to the manner in which we permit or resist this light. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO for your life to wondrously unfold is TO GET OUT OF THE WAY of the light. It's easier said than done, isn't it? Despite it actually being one of the easiest things in the world, it becomes surprisingly difficult the moment you begin, and this is mostly due to one single factor; the inability to FULLY commit. This is also the same feature that is present in EVERYTHING we do and do not do, and the ease, or lack of ease with which we do it

You NEVER fully enjoy or experience anything unless it is being enjoyed or experienced by The Indwelling because The Indwelling is The Supreme Enjoyer. I should point out here that that Indwelling is also YOU. It is the more stable and enduring YOU. It is the YOU that is present in every one of the countless lives you appear in and depart from, and which is, more or less, routinely ignored in The Temporary World of Time, Space and Causation. It might seem that this world goes on and on... but even this world ceases for great periods of time before it returns again. That process rinses and repeats ad infinitum. The real YOU is beyond Time, Space, and Causation. It is Eternal and Everlasting and it is RIGHT THERE, RIGHT NOW and always will be, though NOTHING ELSE will be... nothing else will be. Until you unite with that living light, you will suffer.

We are here for only one reason and that is to discover that Conscious, Living Light and allow it to freely reside and express in us. The WHOLE OF EXISTENCE is a game of Hide and Seek. At the beginning of each period, God breaks himself up into billions of particles and expands out into creation. Then he spends the rest of that time looking for himself. Imagine a gigantic mirror that is dropped from a great height and which shatters on a stone mountain and explodes in all directions. All of these pieces are living parts of the Great Singularity. They are animated, and each of them goes forth in search of itself, lost over tremendous lengths of time, due to looking outward for what can ONLY be discovered within; driven by appetite and desire in a case of perpetual mistaken identity.

Once you know that what has been discussed so far is true, you are not far off from The Main Event. From that point, on the way, a pattern begins to emerge, and you are guided and led by the Universal Attractive Force to that Great and Glorious Ultimate Destiny of Life. Just let your light shine. This is how you attract the angels who circle the world looking for just that. ♫ this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine ♫ Once you come to the attention of The Angels, FOR THAT REASON, you come under The Divine Protection of whatever member of The Celestial Realm has chosen to be your guide.

What most people DON'T KNOW, and which is why they keep at it, is that everything 'out there' has thorns of one kind or another. Attachment to ANYTHING will EVENTUALLY lead to the PAIN of Separation from it. This is in addition to all those thorns. I am impressed by the degree of relentless denial demonstrated by so many people. I am impressed at what was once my own. EVERYTHING you think you are looking for is God Concealed within it, and that accounts for the state of perpetual disappointment that we all find ourselves in, when we discover that whatever it was that we thought we wanted, turns out to be not what we wanted... AND... IT ALWAYS DOES.

We are experts at hiding this from ourselves. Despite all the evidence in this, and every preceding and following life, we CONTINUE to deceive ourselves into thinking, 'well, this time it will be different.' No, it won't. No, it won't.

Sure... you 'might' be having a very pleasant time of it now. Your whole life, this time around, may have been an effortless flow of fortunate events. This does happen on some occasions and you can be sure you paid to get it. It would be far better had you earned it. Yes... my friends, all kinds of deals get made at other locations because people just gotta have what they gotta have. Sooner or later though, you will find yourself AGAIN in The Valley of Thorns, BECAUSE... Life, yes, life, is NOT going to let you rest in illusion, and you will be DRIVEN through all the experiences required to WAKE YOU THE HELL UP. The truth is, it's only you doing this to yourself, BECAUSE... what you really want, whether you will admit it to yourself or not, is God, is Realization, is Liberation because the Divine Imperative of EVERY SOUL is Freedom! And material life is a confinement.

I'm not going to get into the reason or reasons why it is all as it is. I've done that over and over and over already. None of that matters nearly as much as letting the light shine through you NOW. Your personality SHOULD BE a stained glass arboretum, through which the Impersonal light of God shines and expresses, and lights up, and illuminates the unique and individual construction that you are. Everyone is so afraid of losing their identity while, at the same time, not knowing who they are in the first place. The secret is to GIVE YOURSELF AWAY, each and every day; just be profligate as all get out. You have unlimited wealth; why shouldn't you give it away? It will just keep coming back to you. This is one of the laws of existence. Scripture unqualifiedly tells you this.

The strangest feature of people who read The New Testament is that while they will tell you it is absolutely and irrefutably the truth, they still don't believe it. They wish and hope but they DO NOT viscerally believe. If they did, their lives would be a miracle-making wonder of spontaneous magic, endlessly replicating. This is also why people don't see the magic of existence, unfolding in every moment, in an exquisite symphony of perfection, AND IT IS. It is.

One must stop STRUGGLING to let the light pass through them. We struggle because we want to bring a personal agenda along with it. You can't. It doesn't work that way. I can tell you the good news though. Once you relinquish all personal objectives, they get fulfilled anyway, in the precise form they were 'truly' meant to and which they would not have otherwise. If we could begin to see that EVERYTHING that happens to us is a good thing, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS... it will be. Certain things need to happen and you can't do anything about it, but you can leave it all in the Hands of God and it will be sorted in the least egregious fashion possible.

It's like learning to fall in Judo. If you tense up it will hurt and this applies across the board in every way. In Aikido, REAL Aikido, you have to go through a series of preliminary stages, and it is eighteen months before you actually start learning Aikido. You spend six months just learning to fall. Any real discipline is the work of a lifetime or lifetimes. You might get a master's certificate after 3 weekends and a four day intensive, BUT... you will NOT BE A MASTER. You'll never be a master anyway. One becomes a master when they permit The Indwelling Master unobstructed passage through them. There is ONLY ONE MASTER.

End Transmission.......

First Church of the Presence of God discourses are here. I really will get another one up soon.

Visible's music site is located here.

Visible's GAB Page is located here.

The Parler Page is located here.

The Pocketnet Page is located here.


God living through us

les visible at pocketnet


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Just finished reading Conrad's 'An Outpost of Progress', and in a way it relates to what you wrote regarding those who are basically 'lost'. I'm at the stage and have been for a long time, that the rest of my self-imposed prison sentence here is just pointless garbage for my own sake; though I am needed by others, hence my servitude continues; albeit with a bad attitude, since a prison sentence is what I see is the remainder of my sojourn in this cesspit. A prison of limitations, illusions, perpetual inconvenience, and increasing discomfort. Not to mention I can no longer carry a fifty pound bag of cat litter up the stairs with ease.

Thank the gods we don't live forever in this form. Anyone who has dreams of that is a complete NUTTER!

robert said...

"We are either, resisting the free passage of the Conscious, Living Light through us, or we are permitting it to freely express...We are here for only one reason and that is to discover that Conscious, Living Light and allow it to freely reside and express in us"

A true Visible Origami, make a sensible shape out of the paper of words!

We may grasp this metaphysical insight with our minds, we don't yet know it by heart, like the song we will song to our dying day. If addicted to trying too hard, believing in the need to compete to stay alive in modern derath cults equate letting go of striving with death.
Lifelong depression, excising desire for anything leaves fear of other human reaction to being awakened

"Your personality SHOULD BE a stained glass arboretum, through which the Impersonal light of God shines and expresses, and lights up, and illuminates the unique and individual construction that you are. Everyone is so afraid of losing their identity while, at the same time, not knowing who they are in the first place. The secret is to GIVE YOURSELF AWAY, each and every day; just be profligate as all get out"

Why we insist on a separated identity which brings no one lasting soul level satisfaction is the mystery of ignorance! The orc mindlock offers escalating sensory novelty at the expense of inner light and karmic debt unrepayable but the children of light are deceived by their delusions indirectly
But there is only One
ONLY ONE IDENTITY to live in and through!

"One must stop STRUGGLING to let the light pass through them. We struggle because we want to bring a personal agenda along with it. You can't...It's like learning to fall in Judo. If you tense up it will hurt and this applies across the board in every way"

Why we try so hard long time?
Why we squeeze our hearts with fear instead of expand them in love?
Fear of falling is logical for those headed down the spiral but not for those headed upwards!
Following the heart's deep desire to fly freely is not the hubris of Icarus but the natural desire of the One to grow out of the illusion of limits.
Experience shows we learn by failure, by falling down. The Spirit helps us up if we don't balk and pout ourselves to death

Thomas said...

We can certainly be our own worst enemies... How strange is the dance between the false self and the real self that the wise speak of. And not only one's own, but everyone else's, too!

In strange, stormy and confusing times, throwing anchor in the Real, inside, is not only advisable, but seems necessary to not be carried off by the waves of madness. Even in other times, it is the best one can do, it is said.

Giving oneself away... yes. It is a wonderful experience when someone wants what one has to give, not so much when they do not. But God, the good, is always there to recieve a sincere heart. We are lucky that it is so :)

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"The Star of the Avatar is Going to Shine and Shape our World with the Angels of our Better Nature."



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'I Need More Light' from the Les Visible Album
God in Country

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A classic Visible post:

With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

Click here to watch and comment on Vimeo and here to read the original text.

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