Tuesday, February 04, 2025

"Sometimes... The Only Answer There is to What You Find it Impossible to Explain... is... God Made It... Or God Did It."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I have mentioned several times that it often looks to me... and it still looks to me... like whoever was behind Donald Trump... was somehow engaged in what came out of the voter fraud and the stolen election. Then they waited and watched as the enemies of The USA engaged in all kinds of criminal behavior... that they then duly recorded... and set aside for that time... four years later... that we now call... Today!

I sense smoke and mirrors. I sense... what I cannot see... turning out to be something entirely different from what I thought I would see... when I can finally see it. I am not going to go into details because... frankly... there are so many details that I would soon be overwhelmed by the task, and... this is only what I have seen in the last four years. It does not include all the things I do not know about.

Think of a puzzle box, with a picture of the completed puzzle on the face of the box. You dump the pieces on the table, and... over whatever amount of time it takes to assemble the puzzle... you discover... with an ever-increasing sense of amazement... that the completed puzzle... now before you... does not resemble the picture on the puzzle box, and... not only that... it somehow reminds you of the cover of The Beatles Sgt Pepper Album with all those celebrity faces from history in the picture.

I know... used to know... people who got deeply into the imagined implications of that album cover. I never did. It was just an album cover to me, but... in this life... I used to encounter all sorts of people who believed the kinds of things you have to convince yourself of... because the evidence isn't there, so... you have to create it.

I am not the kind of person who sets out to prove what I want to be true. That is a scary objective... to me anyway. I may not yet know just what the truth is, but I have a very large storehouse of proof about what is not the truth. You narrow it down, and you narrow it down, AND... at some point... you cease to exist because you and what you are looking for are deeply connected at levels outside your sight-line. We are all self-created illusions... marching through time... with an appointment up ahead.

The thing we are ACTUALLY looking for is not ahead of us. It is behind us. It is way back at the very beginning of our journey and it is stored in The Memory. That is what you must access, IF... you really want to know what is going on. You could say... also... that it is not outside of you and ahead of you. It is inside of you. The thing searching and the thing being sought are the same thing.

So... what has that got to do with what happened 4 years ago; what really happened, not what everyone has a different perspective on and can't agree with anyone else about? I don't know. What I do know is that there is more to it all... than what we have been shown and told, and presented to us... with a voice-over... that varies from channel to channel... depending on who owns the channel.

I have no time at all for people who are trapped in their own convolutions of one conspiracy after another... all squirming and coiling like snakes in a bucket. I have seen mystery dissolving into mystery, and then dissolving into mystery until; poof! Nothing remains. The people who killed The Golden Goose were like this. Sometimes... the only answer there is... to what you find it impossible to explain... is... God made it. God did it.

You see... sometimes... in situations that seem to be the result of human activity... the real situation is God... moving in mysterious fashion... through human affairs. You could tell yourself that so-and-so did this, and then... someone else reacted, which called in third... fourth, and fifth parties in response until... whatever real evidence there may have been is somewhere at the bottom of a sea of complexity.

I don't spend my time trying to figure out the game plan behind what my lying eyes tell me at any given point. I know the only way I am going to get anywhere near the truth... of anything... is to somehow... find the author of truth itself. So... initially I went to The Archetypes, which are always around, but present differently... depending on the time frame. They do a costume change with every age.

What I discovered is that there is an author of The Archetypes, just like there is an author of The Sun... Moon and planets, which are the forces that are expressed through The Archetypes. Then I see that human dramas are constantly repeating themselves like the ever-shifting geometric patterns in a kaleidoscope. It's always the same thing... only different in appearance. Shakespeare hit on this... as did the writers of The Ramayana and The Mahabharata. It's also there to be found in all the children's stories and fables. It is all the march of God's spirit through the experiences of the human soul... temporarily... but... constantly... incarnating for The Purpose of Demonstration.

There are certain basic ways that different personas view the mechanism of existence. Some prefer Science, which finds all sorts of information about what objects are made out of and what they do. One science deals with the physical objects and another science deals with the forces that act upon or are generated by the objects, and... there are many specializations... on the studies of the vagaries of form, and the formless. That's not my department. My department operates on the understanding that the entirety of creation is a living... breathing... action figure playing hide and seek. My system is much older than the science-based systems, BUT... much harder to prove, which is why so many people... especially in Times of Material Darkness... prefer the science side of things.

Rational minds are horrified by the idea that... every single person on the planet... is a variation on the theme... of a single self that operates through every single one of them. This is why these science-based characters kill The Golden Goose... should they encounter it, and... we can run on for lifetimes... from this point... into all the metaphors and allegories... that can be spawned from the consideration of limitless possibilities, and the endless mirrored images... of countless dogs chasing their tails in the reflecting surfaces; keeping in mind that they are only reflections, very similar to the shadows on the walls of Plato's Cave. Has anyone located that cave yet? Are the shadows still there? (grin)

When I said that Donald Trump and everyone else in play... at the moment... is only incidental to what is going on, I meant and still mean just that. The Trends and Patterns of human history are not the province of any particular example of The Great Man Theory. The Great Man is also incidental to what happens. God likes to play roles. You see... in his essence, he is a thing apart... motionless... and his constant meditation on existence is what keeps it all in place. That is The Impersonal God, BUT... The Personal God very much wants to be in on The Action.

I am completely convinced about certain features of existence... insofar as The Mind is capable of going... before it gets helplessly entangled in The Details again, which happens over and over to people who keep performing autopsies on dead things that are all of what remains once the animating principle has moved on. I think there are a lot of things you can learn from dead bodies, and that might be what fascinates so many people about that area of inquiry, BUT... The Point... the real point... is ONLY to be found in The Animating Principle; what I used to refer to as The Divine Animating Principle or... DAP. Not very romantic... heh heh... but functionally accurate.

Oh! We look and look. It's what we do, BUT almost always in the wrong places, AND... if you do look in the right place... and you do find that essential pinpoint of The Inexplicable... what are you going to do? What are you going to say? People have found it before, and been rendered speechless... because that is always the case, and you are left either to remain silent OR... if you have been commissioned otherwise... to talk around it. To use inference... allegory... parable; stories about a story that is only apprehended in the experience of it, which is why God likes to play.

Some are compelled by destiny. Some are driven by fear or the hope of gain... to command science and make it do their bidding... or reveal its secrets... to make it do what they want it to do. It's a sandbox. In so many... many ways, it is a sandbox. You make things out of sand and eventually, they return back to sand again. The seabeds give us certain mute and haunting traces of something long gone. Wisps of dreams... vapors can rise from such contemplations, and then they too are gone. Don't worry. It will all be back again... and again... and again. Waves pounding on the shore... are an apt metaphor of what used to be, and is no more. The absolute futility of human ambition is enough to make you laugh and cry... at the same time... for a very long time.

Then there is that other science... the metaphysical templates of Hermetic Science. I may not know shit, but... I do prefer it... much... much more than the other. It's comforting to me that it is there, I may never understand it, but I don't have to. I have Love and Love contains all that knowledge promises and can't deliver on, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Our intrepid facilitator has given us another version of The Way and The Life. It is at a more reasonable speed. Thank you, kind sir.

Today's Song is;

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M - said...

"the metaphysical templates of Hermetic Science" - I prefer that, too...

Anonymous said...

Back in the day I wanted to be a fireman. I trained and studied until I got on a small department outside of flagstaff. The slugs I worked with knew it was messy and ugly so they didn’t renew their EMT certifications so I went on virtually every fatality.
I saw a lot of death…suicides, traffic fatalities, and motorcycle crashes..

The worst one was a 1 year old who choked to death in a car seat. I tried to resuscitate it’s little blue sweating body in front of its entire family…for what seemed like an eternity. It didn’t work.

All these years later, I came to the conclusion that, even if I don’t know what it is…God has a plan.



M - said...

"The New Confessions of an Economic Hitman" is definitely a MUST READ. By everyone. I found it at my local library, but it's well worth purchasing. You won't be disappointed.

M - said...

OK, just one more thing...
Re: the frequency spoken of with regard to bells, I have a singing bowl and whenever I employ it my cat, Ramses, comes running to the room. Animals know.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

All life's illusion and speculation anyway. What's there to figure out? I've come to the conclusion of I WANT MY AKASHIC LIBRARY CARD OR NOTHING! I mean, Maya is Maya is Maya. Why bother with it?

Well, I've had a few agendas shoved down my throat, but that's all I'm gonna deal with. We all get what we signed up for, and if I didn't sign up for this or that, it's not my problem. Me thinks leaving the world behind is the best solution. Why have anything vested in a vat of every effluvia imaginable, considering that's what I think of this realm? A perpetually inconvenient, often painful sojourn with more valleys than hills; though I must admit my valleys have been above sea level due to lifestyle choices.

I really wonder what in the news is real these days? So many contradictions, and so much rubbish. I look at all these silly headlines, and read perhaps 1 or 2 percent on a good day.

Nostrils to the sky!

Andy said...

"Perhaps if you are still enough you can hear the everlasting tide of being fling itself on the shores of forever." Book Title: Prayer The Master Key. Author: James Dillet Freeman.

Afterwards, Schrödinger looked in the box and found that his cat was neither dead nor alive, but had become a dog! Schrödinger then grabbed the dog and went to the mirror where he spoke to himself saying, we must never tell anyone about this portion of the experiment! In his fear and amazement he didn't realize in the mirror he was talking to God.

Visible said...

Hah! That is very clever, Andy

0 said...

Jnana or Bhakti... the two typical paths up the mountain... aka Knowing or Devotion.

Good post!

Anonymous said...

Like this Vis...

Visible said...

I didn't watch that. It struck me like one of those Jimmy Dore links where I am told I am mentioned. First off, on that account, I don't care if anyone mentions me. I'm not that into myself. Second... spelunking is not my thing. so... I watched 5 seconds in the middle and ten seconds at the end and did not see why you sent me this.

In the future, if you want me to give my attention to something, you have to be a person and not an Anonymous, and you have to provide a reason. I am immediately suspicious of cryptic statements and no context links. You can clear this up if you like, but... in any case, I had better things to do with my time.

0 said...

Ain't this a turd in the cereal bowl? :P



Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"You Get your God... According to The Way You See and Live Your Life... on The Plane Where Your Appetites Are Exercised."

0 said...

... and a knuckle sandwich to boot...



Anonymous said...

Maybe the god of the Bible is is the devil. I never cared for it much and I certainly refuse to lavish worship upon it. Thomas Jefferson called it. Bloodthirsty thing. I agree. Blavatsky said it was a demon at best and may be the devil himself if such a being actually exists. Agree. Marie Corelli said it was Moses and Aaron’s hobgoblin. It’s far worse than a hobgoblin.

Some say the greatest trick of the devil is to convince you that he doesn’t exist, while others say “the greatest trick of the devil is to convince you that he’s God.’




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