Thursday, July 08, 2010

Getting it on with The Great Beyond

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

There was a reason that I mentioned sex on the last radio show and not because it sells newspapers (grin). It’s the same reason that I’ve mentioned it several times in tales concerning some of the strange adventures of my recent times and by allusion. All of what I discussed was quite real. I didn’t bring it up to shock people or drive them away, even though it’s not a bad idea to weed the place out on occasion because... all the things the darkside is capable of, came about by theft of the secrets of the light and then a perversion of the light. You might think it silly of me to talk about keeping something secret while talking about it in a public forum. That’s not the point. You can think about what the point is.

The reason that the dark side got a lot of information is through the weakness of those entrusted with certain things. It’s not just weakness, its ignorance too, because... whatever they sold it out for, the light would have given them without the suffering that attended their giving it to those whose intentions were not good. Of course, this is all part of the drama. The divine lets this happen and sometimes encourages it too because it makes for great entertainment. Anyone who thinks the divine is not entertained by our follies has not yet grasped certain fundamental points. I should also add that we are watched the same way people watch a TV show, by all sorts of beings, high and low. As that great teacher, Mikhail Aivanov once said- not verbatim- If people only knew who shows up for lunch while they are having sex they would be more careful about it.

I can only tell you about the things I discovered while involved in all the things I did. Some of them will never find their way into a public forum but that’s just how it goes. Usually, if I am talking about something, it is either based on my own experiences or something I have been told by the divine. Anyone who doesn’t think that the divine speaks directly to those who have put themselves in the position to hear also has not grasped certain fundamental points.

The divine is intimately involved in everything we do. If we are eating; sleeping, walking, talking, thinking, defecating, urinating, dancing, drinking, insufflating or making love, as love, or as a four letter word, the divine is involved. People seeking the divine are okay with portions of this but not with all of it. This is why I have been bringing it up. The times in which we live are drenched with the advertisement of and the suggestions for our appetites. If you are engaging the divine in some of the things you do, that is good. If you are not engaging the divine in everything you do, that is not good; if you are seeking the divine... because... the things you are doing with the divine- attract and the things you are not doing with the divine- repel. So, you are treading water, running in place, wasting time? Go ahead find your own definition for it.

I know that some people think I am off my rocker. Ask me if I care. Do I care about you? Yes I do. It’s why I give myself away pretty much all the time for free. This is not to present myself as an exceptional person or a fool. It is because there really is no other way to celebrate the things I know to be true. It isn’t a matter of it being splendid or foolish to do this. It is a matter of; “why isn’t everyone doing it”? Before you can freely give yourself away, you have to have gone past the place where celebrity and all of the other enticements of the world of personal vanity have been neutralized. This isn’t all that hard to do if you know who you are really performing for. Who are you performing for?

Last week’s radio show generated a couple of complaints from people who, quite frankly, are uptight about certain things and that probably reflects in their performance of them (grin). On the other hand, it generated many more supportive comments in emails and to the radio station. Interestingly, complaints always carry more weight. I know that the majority of you would rather get the essence of what is being communicated, even if it goes through strange landscapes, rather than my skirting these areas out of unnecessary decorum. I think the proper response to that is, “fuck that noise” (grin).

What I discovered in my travels to the presence of the divine was that I was doing some things where my attention was on the divine and some that were not. However it happened, I started engaging the divine in all of them and... good grief, what a difference. This is the essence of Tantra and, I’ll tell you a little secret. All of those complicated breathing rituals and enormously intricate accessories of behavior are unnecessary, unless that’s what is required to show your sincerity and dedication. Otherwise, the divine knows all of that and engineers it without you having to think about it, once you have encountered the divine, one way or another.

Sex (and survival) is our most powerful drive. Fear is our most longstanding atavistic companion. It stands to reason that as soon as you feel sexual in any way; you should direct it to the divine. Since the divine can be either male or female, this grants you comprehensive options. You should remember though that everyone is female to the divine and that that is the key to a remarkable secret that doesn’t need to be a secret but happens to hide in plain sight.

After my Kundalini rose, my hands and arms would move all by themselves and I noticed a current coming from my two middle fingers, which were drawn down toward the palm, and another current coming through the two outside fingers. People get confused about the mudras. They see what looks like the devil’s horns and don’t make the connection that there is only one force, expressed two different ways, for two different types of purpose, generated by two different types of motive. You might call them ‘selfless’ and ‘selfish’. I should point out here that although some degree of the powers of the light have been perverted over the ages by those who were deluded and did not possess a purified will, certain knowledge and powers have never been obtained and perverted and these can neutralize every power below them instantly. If people knew how pervasive and all controlling the divine is they would not spend their time looking for anything else.

One of the key reasons that people do not seek the divine with more fervor is that they think the divine frowns on all these earthly experiences. Think about it. Doesn’t that sound irrational and even ridiculous? This is why I have been stressing certain things about the divine... not because I’m all messed up and off my rocker. Of course I’m off my rocker. You have to be. Putting it more concisely, I am on my rocker but actually rocking.

When my hands and arms moved of their own accord, I saw that there was a particular thing they might do on occasion and it disturbed me at first. My left hand would be drawn down to my genital region and the two inner fingers would direct their current there. As was the case for awhile, discovering these things, I would think I might be possessed, which is just what I thought when the Kundalini rising first happened to me. As it turns out, everything makes sense if you have the courage to go beyond what suppresses your freedom, which is ‘fear’. I found my other hand would go to my heart or higher and that the sexual current would be drawn up into those places; marvelously simple and beautiful, n’est pas?

The Kundalini is a female energy and it is her that dances in the body of the one dancing. One’s mind has to be able to accept certain things or you won’t get very far. This is very scary for people who are not comfortable with their female nature. You’re not going to make much progress toward the alchemical marriage until you do. Now, it’s possible to go in the wrong direction with all of this but that leads to the divine too, depending on what is held in the mind and heart at the time. I’ll stress here that, though relative right and wrong and relative good and evil do have their meanings and applications, up to a certain point, once one has made real contact with the divine, they no longer apply at all, period. And there is no telling what the divine will put you through either.

It’s all about establishing trust which makes the miraculous possible and which is what the divine wants for you. If you can involve the divine in everything you do, as if the divine were doing it (which the divine is), you would find that you are already in that room I was talking about where you do nothing else but call out for the divine. Ah! No kidding? And a lot easier too.

I do regret that I lost some readers on the way and that any number of people who know all about it already and are put off by the fact that my ideas do not match up with their own, have also departed but... that’s show business and it’s all show business, one way or another. It’s not the most comfortable thing to look batshit crazy to people you are trying to communicate with but sometimes there is no other way.

The divine is putting more attention into getting our attention, at all times, than we are. We have got to stop separating our functions from the divine. We have got to engage at all levels at all times. We have got to give our hearts... and our minds... and our ass (grin) to the divine and the divine will illuminate the first two and save the other; in a certain manner of speaking. If parts of you seem bad or evil, it is because you are performing it apart from the divine. If what you actually, naturally desire seems at odds with your spiritual intentions, then what does that mean? It’s the simplest thing and for some reason, one of the most difficult things to get.

End Transmission.......

Visible sings: Then You Let Go by Les Visible♫ Then You Let Go ♫
Lyrics (pops up)

The New Shangri-La.


Erik said...

Hi Les,

As a male apprentice it is somewhat difficult to envision making love to the Divine in Old Greek fashion (grin)
But who am I to object?

Namaste All,


WV: oppoized (if you don't oppose, you're poised?)

Anonymous said...

come on,every body knows sex is evil
its like thinking nice thoughts about palestinian people and going to the toilet,also not believing lies
all of these pastimes in my consideration are evil.

only messing people..neil

Anonymous said...

sun and moon
open mind
energy collect
mighty greatness
power of flame
release the thunder
sacred rain
pour the truths
fill the hearts
flow all ways
loving sparks
flow through all
with ever loves
arrow aimed
sign of peace
hunt by night
inner candle
shinning bright
inner sight
energy explain
through this plane


Neko Kinoshita said...

Once again, you remind me not to stop.

The experience is not the same but I seem to need reminding; never try to control, just allow the divine to drive.

Every time I forget that I'm just along for the ride, I get a reminder of that wicked sense of humor.

The other day I found my hands positioned as you describe (Left was right and vice-versa though) and I was quite surprised, since I never move my hands that way consciously


Pstonie said...

My main point of disagreement with you is the conscious, English-speaking god. At the risk of sounding like a dumbass, I don't see the need any more to speak to such an entity. Understand me, these days I seek a deeper connection with life/nature/the divine, but through life itself and intuition. I have no need to talk to a guy.

It seems to me that people that generally seek to speak to "a guy" seek the power to make the "bad" things that sometimes happen stop, and for everything to be "good" forever. I've made peace with these things. More and more there are no more bad or good things that happen in my life, there are just things, and we should learn from all of them. If I need anything I trust that life will provide, and from experience I know that I seldomly consciously realise what I need and what I don't, so I leave it up to the life force. This seems to me like what you're suggesting by giving your life over to the divine, with the exception of the more human manifestation of god, who I wouldn't know what to do with. If I wanted to talk to the divine I would go talk to a neighbour, because it's all of us. I don't want anything any more, and I don't need a red phone to a god to ask for it.

Since this seems to be the universe where things happen because we expect them to happen, I have a theory that maybe if you expect the divine to speak to you in human language, in human form, it will. If you expect it's more like a universal field of life energy, that is how you shall connect with it.

Pstonie said...

I don't want to put words in your mouth, Les, but sometimes I think we're saying the same thing in different ways.

Personally though, I find sex to be rather disappointing and, where we are now, more than a bit exploited. Family here leads to enslavement most of the time, because you need money not only to feed them, but mostly so they can fit in. Most women want the house, the car and the white picket fence, and they want their children to have "everything".

Statistically speaking there should be some who don't, but there are so little people in this world right now that actually consciously consider their actions that the odds on finding one are largely theoretical. From my experience women are also far less likely than men these days to think outside the system. Why is that? I've seen that blank stare when I speak about anything that's not hot on TV, and I don't want it staring back at me over the breakfast table every morning. Granted, if I were a woman I would probably be able to say the same about all the men I've encountered, so maybe while we have work to do we should do it alone if we must.

Sex is great, it's only marginally less entertaining to me than really good drugs, but like everything it gets old. I am not content with merely continuing my existence and hoping my kids will somehow do better, I think we've tried that for centuries and it hasn't worked too well. Maybe we struggle so because we've finally encountered a problem that cannot be solved by fucking.

To be continued-->

TheSparkle said...

Wow! Thanks!

And wtf were people complaining about in the last radio show? I'll have to listen again to see if I can find the 'good parts' lol.

Visible said...


Do you ever read your stuff afterwards and say to yourself, "Why did I say that"? or have you considered that some portion of the things you attribute to me I never said? or do you find it strange to assume so much of what someone else means when it turns out it never even was in their head but came out of your own.

As I was reading what you wrote I kept thinking, "He's talking to someone, I can see that and it's someone he knows but it's not me."

Anyway, no negative intentions on my part with this response, it's just that all those references like English speaking god and what not just leave me shaking my head and crossing my eyes.

Visible said...


I'm hardly promoting that (grin) but what I was saying was that it doesn't matter what direction one goes in with these things if the whole being is pointed at the divine because the divine will orient it as a result or even adapt the universe to accommodate it. They've got a unique way of handling that sort of thing in India.

This fellow, Mark was gay and he became a follower of Guru Bawa. Bawa made him pregnant (grin) and took him through a whole series of changes which accomplished something in him but I never asked except to be aware it was taking place.

He died not long after that. A number of people died there who weren't that old. Bawa did some truly amazing things.

I've seen a whole lot of unorthodox things go down around realized masters. It seems to me that they have the ability to put you through things that you can't get around and do it expeditiously and so that it actually benefits you.

I try not to apply contemporary mores or mindsets to the working of the divine. Anything might well happen but it won't end up like it would have ended up without them. First thing that came into my mind as I wrote this was that phrase you see stenciled on boxes sometimes, "This end up". (grin)

Visible said...

Oh yeah, this seems like a good time to mention this. The other day someone plaintively asked me in an email how come I never answer him/her in the comments section. I asked them if they had asked me a question and they said "No" but that I answer other people who don't ask me questions (grin).

I said that first of all, simply asking me to respond usually results in something and except when they slip past me or so much is going on that it goes off the page while I'm not looking that emails generally do get a reply and even if they don't, another email probably will.

Responses come about according to no schematic that I can think of. It used to be that negative comments nearly always got a reply (smile) but not even that is routine anymore and even less likely now just because it should have always been like that.

Pstonie said...


All the time. It's the main reason why I like posting here (so much). Often times I can see the answer as I'm writing, but sometimes it takes the energy of someone else reading for it to return. Realising that projecting is often a factor in human thinking has been a great help to me. Probably I wouldn't need to post nearly as much if I weren't so stubborn.

No offence taken, I'd rather someone give me their opinion straight than dancing around what might normally be someone's ego. We may be on the same page here, though somewhere the communication is disjointed.

There's too much confusion.

Anyway, keep it up. There are probably other communities on the net with such a concentration of aware people posting their views and ideas, but this is the one I found and it's awesome.

Anonymous said...

it seems it may be a fine day again
people,be back in a while...neil

Visible said...


Thanks for taking that in all the right ways. It increases my respect for you exponentially.

Anonymous said...

Hi Les i don't think you are off your rocker i think you are a god sent love on the face of this earth

The Doktor said...

"A sane man appears to be insane in an insane world..."

I feel ya on this one, Les. Story of my life to this point... ;-)


TheSparkle said...

Les, sometimes (all the time) I have questions to ask or things that I'm wondering about. This post answers quite a few even though I wasn't sure what to ask. I have found the same thing happening here over and over. Thanks again.

And, did Long John ever get you that old original book? Or, are we at least able to know the title now so that we may buy the cheap reprints? :)

DumbGoyNot said...

Hey Les,

At the risk of pushing the envelope by coming across a bit too
religious, I had some additional thoughts regarding the power of
idolatry, one being that owning the idol gives the person a feeling of
power, however at a very heavy price, i.e. they receive a measure of power
in exchange for their discernment. The feeling of power comes immediately
(but which has to be constantly replenished via contact with the idol),
whereas the loss of discernment is a gradual process that happens over
time as a result of repeated scenarios of spiritual communion with the
spirit of idolatry that occupies the shadow world behind the idol. If
the idolatry is continued for a long enough time the person will
eventually experience total spiritual overthrow after which they will
function pretty much as a human puppet for the principality of idolatry
(i.e. the spirit of Antichrist) to manifest himself through whenever
he wants and however he chooses.

It can be seen most clearly in people who have worldly power. It seems
the more worldly power they have the more they mirror the personality of
the principality Antichrist, who the book of Revelation refers to as
'the Beast.' Such people are no longer themselves as they share a common
personality which the book of Revelation suggest is a personality that
is very appealing to most people. Here's part of the description of
Antichrist the man who will purely manifest the personality of the
principality Antichrist:
To be continued:

DumbGoyNot said...

4. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and
they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is
able to make war with him?

5. And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and
blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

6. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his
name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

7. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to
overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues,
and nations.

8. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names
are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the
foundation of the world.

9. If any man have an ear, let him hear.

10. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that
killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the
patience and the faith of the saints. Revelation 13:4-10

One thing I find interesting is that the Holy Spirit speaking through
Solomon made mention of worldly power in verse one of chapter four.
Here's what it says:

1. So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under
the sun: and behold the tears of such as were oppressed, and they had no
comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they
had no comforter.

Then around 900 years later Jesus gave this warning to his church:

1. These things have I spoken to you that you should not be offended.

2. They shall put you out of their synagogues: yea, the time is coming
that whoever kills you will think that he does God service. John 16: 1-2.

I can see the hubris, paranoia, and hatred welling up in Christian Zionism
to where at some point the killing of the prophets will resume at their
hand, the same as their Talmudist forebears have done ever since the
Babylonian Captivity (the Talmud was authored in Babylon around 500 B.C.
by a group of apostate Judaic rabbis during Nebuchadnezzar's captivity of
the Hebrew tribes of Judah and Benjamin).

The way the Christian Zionists got off the path of truth was that they
believed the lies the Talmudist/Judaic false Jews say about themselves.
Jesus told us that we are to discern people by their fruit, i.e. by the
things they do, not by what they say about themselves.

A few months ago I got into an email debate with some college professor
regarding the racial origin of the false Jews (i.e. the Ashkenazi Jews),
and after I made the following statement he didn't email me any more.
Here's what I wrote:

Think about it, if you were the Synagogue of Satan (per Revelation 2:9
and 3:9) and you owned nearly all the world's media, wouldn't you rather
be known by the world's people as "God's Chosen" than to be known as the
Synagogue of Satan?

Visible said...


No but I do have the title which I never heard of. I suspect it will arrive shortly. I won't forget to post necessary info at the time, though I may reserve my opinion as to its value to me (grin).



I tried to figure out what this has to do with the post but was unable to. I'll say this. My relationship with the divine is intended to be direct and implies engagement with a living, conscious force. Where I depart from many is in saying that this force can be completely unpredictable and capable of anything insofar as making its/his/her point.

Anonymous said...

Les, I felt you implied on more than one occasion that the 'Gita' was your 'main squeeze,' that Krishna was your 'main man.'[?

That's why I wonder why you are unwilling, seemingly choose to disregard the cream, the very essense of the 'Gita.'

You know, the part where Krishna says to Arjuna, after explaining in detail all these very same things you expound upon so eloquently, to please forget about these things, that they aren't where it's at.

Just wondering, so please don't spit at me.

Visible said...

I'm surprised you think I would spit at you. Of course, your nameless so you couldn't take it personally anyway could you?

Let's see... hmmm Krishna and the Gopis... something... something.

Never once have I stated that the Gita was exclusive to me or that Krishna was either. I have admitted to chanting it and I have often mentioned Krishna as the 'supreme enjoyer' which also seems to imply... something... something....

It would be helpful if you were to list what you're talking about instead of a sort of "you know" "you know" and... I don't know.

I hold no scripture to be more valuable or important than the actual presence of the divine. I take no scripture literally. I don't rely on scripture and I don't resort to scripture and I don't think any scripture explains the divine.

The road to the presence of the divine is one thing. That could and does follow specific formula generally with some exceptions of the eclectic and unusual; certain seldom traveled roads up the same mountain but... once the divine is contacted... none of these things apply any longer.

Those who rigidly follow traditional formulae find it most difficult to understand anything outside of it. I'm not sure what the solution is to that.

Anonymous said...

when I was in kashmir a little while ago in the muslim community a lot of the people were studying the gita the koran the bible and a lot of other stuff..neil

Odin's Raven said...

Mr. Visible,

Was this Sufi the Guru Bawa to whom you referred?

Anonymous said...

The Prayer To Our Mother
(in the original Aramaic)

"Oh Thou, from whom the breath of life comes,

who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration.

Nethkâdasch schmach
May Your light be experienced in my utmost holiest.

Têtê malkuthach.
Your Heavenly Domain approaches.

Nehwê tzevjânach aikâna d'bwaschmâja af b'arha.
Let Your will come true - in the universe (all that vibrates)
just as on earth (that is material and dense).

Hawvlân lachma d'sûnkanân jaomâna.
Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need,

Waschboklân chaubên wachtahên aikâna
daf chnân schwoken l'chaijabên.
detach the fetters of faults that bind us, (karma)
like we let go the guilt of others.

Wela tachlân l'nesjuna
Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptations),

ela patzân min bischa.
but let us be freed from that what keeps us off from our true purpose.

Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila wateschbuchta l'ahlâm almîn.
From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act,
the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age.

Sealed in trust, faith and truth.
(I confirm with my entire being)

Anonymous said...

paramhansa yoganda I think that is his name,just had a little look well worth a look...neil

Josey Wales said...


Josey here. I am doing what you suggest. In all things including this note to you now I will ask the divine to do it thru me.

Sounds possible, is possible, will do.

Thanks, Josey

Anonymous said...

Les et al,

A lot of times when people conceive of the Divine what they are really imagining is a realm of pastoral stasis that is infinitely peaceful, loving and at rest. The Heim theory (look it up) conceives of this space as the classical aether which we refer to as zero point energy.

The biggest misconception about the zero point is that it is at rest and devoid of movement, when in fact it is a state of mutually canceled out spin resonance -- i.e. left/right life/death, light/ dark opposing spins that come towards equaling zero -- but since the initial impule of the universe is towards life (creation) the zero point slightly favors life.

The dark forces that we allude to being the mindset of the controllers is towards left spin -- death, destruction, control and when they channel this energy it takes them into the infernal realms of power which are dark, finite and ultimately static i.e. the state of death grip control.

Conversely, if you channel the right spin resonance you are getting in direct communication with life, which is unfolding, energetic, wild in its embrace of creation.

When Les describes this encounter with the life force he is not encountering zero state, but life spin -- and the reason he stresses wildness, sexual energy ,etc. is quite simply that these are the characteristics of life as manifested everywhere in the universe.

The reason these encounters are wild, sexual, etc. is that they reflect this energy. The reason for encountering these energies is to blow off and balance the negative death forces awash in the world these days...

The dark forces must be spun away and neutralized by an active embrace of the life forces in order to equal out the psychic spins, so that it is possible to enter the state of divine stasis we think of as God.

The reason positive "occult" knowledge is needed -- and has been supresswed by the cabal that think they run things -- is that by demonizing this knowledge and the path to right-spin resonance -- is quite simply to keep you in a negative spin state.

All the rest is child's play after that.

As The Doors said: Break on through to the other side -- spin your life force until it equals out the negative spin of this world as its currently adminstered.

That is the only way to access zero point divine bliss.


Anonymous said...

Les wow!

" It’s not just weakness, its ignorance too, because… whatever they sold it out for, the light would have given them without the suffering that attended their giving it to those whose intentions were not good."

I have been working on my "tai chi"(its something far more than that, it just looks kinda like that) and found much the same with the light and my hands. Its now moving with me or me with it and its blue. I feel the real weight of my body and my ideas apon it.

It all starts with wanting to be with/talk to the divine! Ive been workin on this for years and yes the more you stay with it, the faster it grows. I fade in and out too much still. Its like getting better at running. It takes time?

Just ask and it will embrace you and help you but you have put forth the enegry and affort!

Ive been suffuring with lust of a woman for a year or so now. Its was all a big mistake on my part, I was hoping to love and have "sex" with the divine not her. Im just now seeing that in forms of symbols and colors linked to feeling I make with movement. Just changing the words I use to explain the lust has help in ways I cant write.

Its far more than this simple statment, but its the divine I speak with about it and not here, I just wanted to share that Les wont lead anyone astray on this!

On a side note, Les your correct. Many other "beings" or force love watching us at our worest. I find just standing stait up and feeling lay lines or the north to south flow helps drive off these viewers.

Thanks man

Love Your Life

Vanguard said...

(continued from above)

Sex is a powerful, natural, drive. Involved with the "instinct" for self propagation. Infinite variations on key attitudes, physical attributes, actions/practices, etc. But the core functions are common. Can it serve a normal, useful purpose, individually or societally? Of course.

Can it be conducted with very high (magical or mystical) purposes? Yes.

Can it be channeled from the lower to the higher, temporarily for certain operations, or longer term, for certain paths? Indeed.

Is it abused in almost infinite variation? Undoubtedly so. With resulting: cognitive dissonance, disease, dissipation, selfishness, carnality, temporality, heartbreak, etc.

Human experience and divine inspiration has gifted to mankind over centuries, millennia and aeons...knowledge and insight meant to help each and every returning visitor advance beyond the past.

The eternal battle between good and evil involves continuous attempts to destroy and pervert absolute truth, which is knowable on a fundamental level.

Look to your body, a temple, for analogies of truth in spiritual matters. Do not abuse your temple. As below, so above.

It is true that some have succeeded in "enlightenment" after languishing in debauchery. All at some point have likely wandered into some abuse or misuse of natural laws--physical and spiritual.

But nobody should encourage "shocking" the self with "evil" thoughts and actions as a way to be, or become, pure.

Which "feels" more right: To counsel someone and see improvement over time; or to use shock therapy or even a frontal lobotomy to "calm" the distraught patient?

Vanguard said...

It truly has been said: "To the pure, everything is pure."

Mostly this is interpreted to mean: If you are "pure", then nothing you can do is impure, regardless of commonly held opinions.

Firstly, I will admit that people of a certain caliber might experience some things and feel little or no spiritual repercussions.

However, having said that, someone who is truly "pure" will not persist in actions that are commonly considered impure.

I do accept the duality of the divine nature. However, mastering the negative does not imply indulging.

Is it not said that Solomon commanded demons to fashion the great temple? Was that evil?

Evil is a force. It must be understood and conquered. That is only possible with divine attributes. But one must not indulge evil thoughts and actions.

As some say, here is a mystery (which is likely not a mystery to many here): the evil is a force which can serve as energy but which must be transmuted...leveraged.

Do not opposing forces work in concert and also opposition to cause one's arm to move? (But the mind wills it. And is the "mind" the conscious or the subconscious?) [Woe to that mind that wills that arm to strike down someone with ill intention.]

Do not foodstuffs get converted: From decay, as nutrition, absorbed into living things, by various processes involving light, air, time...activity. Which safe things are consumed, on up the chain. Energy extracted. The byproducts given off as waste. And the cycle continues. Why?

It has been said that one of the main reasons for an increase in modern health and increased lifespan is: public sanitation. (So waste is a useful byproduct of living, but it must not be wallowed in...indulged. There is a very good reason why we have the concepts of: sanitary, clean, etc. And why abuse results in: filth, disease, etc. Who would turn these concepts upside down? Topsy-turvy? Call that which is good, evil?)

(continued below)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Les for taking another stab at it. Isn't it just like the divine to allow the quest for enlightenment to actually be fun?

Sometimes around here it reminds me of Jimi, There is too much confusion here I can't get no relief said the joker to the thief.

Luddite programing is powerful, almost unstoppable. Henry Makow has a plan now to turn them against women's breasts.

The practice of eastern yoga, tantra/sutra has almost absolutely nothing to do with having families or orgasms for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Vanguard- one of the first tenants of wisdom is to speak for yourself and not for others.

Like many who follow that curious road of contemporary Christianity you see everything in black and white. You cancel out the life in you for something somewhere else that you know nothing of.

Visible isn't even saying what you associate with him in that sidewinder style of yours, all high and righteous with a lunge to the ribs. What is debauchery Vanguard?

I wouldn't want to live in your world. I don't like this one that much either but it's getting better the more I let go of the duality that tears us apart. The words of the mystics and saints who describe God all use erotic imagery. They speak of God as their lover. They speak of him intimately, closer than a kiss, closer than their skin. The self discovered is the eternal lover taken by the beloved out of the bondage of time.


Anonymous said...

Para – Beautiful. Wonderfully laid out, ruling out mis-interpretation. Thank you.

I’ve not used any psycho-active substances. Through hypnosis, guided meditation, and spontaneous felicity, I’ve experienced altered states of consciousness a few times and “seen” and “realised” certain things in my mind.

I think I’ve reached the level of serenity, acceptance, and faith I am now in through becoming informed, thinking, and inquiry (eg the “who am I” of Ramana Maharshi, also used somewhat differently in some modern psycho-therapies, “I’m not my clothes, not my beliefs, not my position at work, not my family identity not my religious, group, ethnic, social, or national identity, but more than any of those,” etc, to arrive at what one is).
I owe to your writings the re-rooting of my faith which had become spindly because of the horrors of present-day conditions.

There must be many humans who have no other recourse than to use their minds and thinking capacities as their path to the Divine. (The desire, as you say, had to be there first, if not in this lifetime, in an earlier one.)
We don’t know about other life-forms, it goes without saying.

And the Divine seems to reveal itself to us humans, or is perceived by our individual brain-minds, uniquely. Perhaps no two human conscious and aware Experiencers of the Divine as Divine, will give identical descriptions of their experience. Snowflakes, all.
In one sense, we are experiencing the Divine always in all forms and activities, as you’ve just pointed out. As you say, we have to learn to recognise it.
continued -

Anonymous said...

Para -continued
Theoretically, it must be possible that the Divine can take any shape or form, even of animals, plants, or rocks, to reveal Itself, since everything material and non-material emanates from It starting at the electro-magnetic level of vibrations and Consciousness.

It’s documented that when St Mary appeared to humans who were gathered in anticipation, not only in Medjugorje, but in Egypt not too far back, only some could perceive the apparition, others could not. Similarly when a scent of flowers wafted around with the arrival of certain holy individuals (documented in Roman Catholic - eg Padre Pio in the 1940s - and Hindu sources), not all could perceive the scent.
Similar to what you touched on, I’ve read of amazing occurrences brought about by other Indian, Indonesian, Japanese, and Western spiritually realised individuals.

Anyway, thank you very much for all you’re doing to help those who are seeking, and for providing a platform for exchange of ideas, wishes, queries, beliefs. I hope you’ll continue and not get tired.

nina said...

Thank you Visible, this one was very clear. It streamlined past a number of cloudy suppositions in its simplicity, one being a common illusion of the Forces when in fact what appeared to be unidentified propulsion, conscience and revelation is actually the voice of the Divine. Maybe the Divine likes to be known as the Forces sometimes and maybe it was just a way to go through the door. As Mucic 13 once said, some are dancers.

Gratitude and love.

Vanguard said...

(continued from above)

So tell me, "sun worshipers" et all, what exactly are you supposed to do--are are currently doing--once you've tasted or actually incorporated "the divine"? Enjoy all of the earthly pleasures without thought or care, and to hell with misery and suffering and misinformation in the world?

By the way, does indulgence extend to the sexualization, abuse, and sometimes outright torture and murder of helpless, innocent, inhumanly terrified children?

Take care where certain paths lead. It is a fact that many in positions of vast wealth and power indulge themselves in such for twisted aims and fleeting rewards. There is a terrible, and sometimes eternal or final, price to pay for such. Do not be deceived. "You shall not surely die."

Yes, I will keep my black/white world view. And by the way, it far predates Christianity. Is is from the foundation of all things, is it not. Think back to ancient is so much earlier than that.

Also, the sex, male/female, etc. Are SYMBOLS. ANALOGIES. There is the physical capability and practice. And there is the spiritual. They are not the same--though they meet on the continuum. The spiritual depends upon a more fundamental understanding of the energies involved than coitus.

Think people. As has been said so many times: Are you your fleshy brain?

Is enlightenment derived from "getting the closest that two people could possibly be, physically"?

Vanguard said...

If this is a battleground for ideas, then certainly people are entitled to presenting their own opinions, delivered in a respectful manner. People can and do disagree, just as emphatically in the proposal as the rejection.

Under tyranny, no dissension is allowed.

I cannot in good conscience leave certain things unsaid. As with others. Who can gainsay this?

Anyone, please point out if I've personally attacked anyone, used name-calling, etc.? Nobody should conflate disagreement with personal attacks, in order to suppress discussion or dissuasion from this or that tenet. Such histrionic arguments are what the evil powers set up as faux justice in this modern world.

Also, nobody should accept personal attacks as valid rebuttals.

Apparently some people would like to completely ignore the reality of their physical existence and functioning, when deciding what spiritual reality to "believe" in.

I do understand that people do not like the tone of speaking with authority. Well, many do such. Are you unhappy commenters questioning my authority because you don't like it, but accepting other authority because it sounds pleasant? Isn't that the way of things?

(continued below)

Visible said...

I want to elaborate on something Rick touched on and Vanguard alluded to.

First I want to say that the reader should be able to intuit my meanings and I should not have to print in big type every possible permutation that does and does not apply. Most things, even intricate arcane things can be grasped with common sense. The divine, on any number of occasions has taken illiterate and simple people and inspired them to demonstrate it.

In simple and direct terms- because most people are fucked up on sex (pun intended)- My meaning is IF AND WHEN you have sex, include the divine. See it as the join of what is missing and you will, after a time, have the internal result as well. Sex is a form of 'communion'.

At no time did I say go out and find someone to have sex with so that you can contact God. Have sex with multiple partners so you can get even more God. Screw everything in sight so that God will always be present. These are not things I said or implied.

What I meant was IF AND WHEN. The point is, whatever you are doing. When you eat, eat with gratitude and the understanding that God is becoming part of your body. This causes the cells that replace cells to be of a certain type.

When you breathe, breathe God in and out. Bawa Muhaiyadeen said that every pore in your skin is a vagina. Bawa was unquestionably a saint. I saw others, so called masters, tremble in his presence.

If you speak to someone, speak to God. I have personally witnessed incredible things happening when I address God in other people. Sometimes God replies. No kidding. After awhile it gets really interesting and it is often without the person speaking being aware of it and sometimes they become aware of it and very surprised.

Look, I've been exceptionally wild. I'm not going to lie about that. I've also gone long periods of time without any contact at all. When I'm wild I throw myself completely into it. Is there a point to being otherwise? If there is it has escaped me.

When you go to the toilet allow God to remove your shortcomings and the old you. When you get high- IF AND WHEN, IF AND WHEN!!!!! then get high with the divine. I used to bless my comestibles and call them sacraments and then basically say, "Alright Lord, I'm on my way, lets go for a ride." Nothing enhances altered states like having God riding shotgun. This IS NOT a commercial for getting high. Those of you getting drunk and taking pharmaceuticals should not be concerned that I am suggesting that others should break with your venerable tradition of ingesting something that makes people stupid, violent, irrational, incoherent, bestowing crack whore slut capacity, gut wrenching puking, terrible hangovers, shakes, DT's and car wrecks and vehicular manslaughter. Of course people should take alcohol instead of psychotropic substances. I'm only saying, IF AND WHEN.


Anonymous said...

yep para,that mr visibles and some of his buddies are top quality and he shouldnt worry about things as much as he does..he is another interpretation of living divinity
and he is our brother,he always was and always will be...peace neil

Visible said...

The whole point is whatever you are doing. If you are not having sex then it doesn't apply does it? But you can still be amorous, sitting in meditation you can super sensualize the experience.

I realize that people have hangups and moral restraints. I've got nothing like that. This does not mean that I'm doing anything. It just means I've got no limits in respect of doing what I want to do within the parameters of what I like to do.

Back when people got up to that kind of thing I used to walk through rooms where there were group gropes and orgiastic scenes. I've encountered all of the things people get up to. I would be invited to join. I never did it once. This is not to say that I didn't sometimes take advantage of serendipity and explore a few selective multiples but that hasn't ever been my direction.

The whole point of this post and explicating strange scenarios of recent origin is based on people being all fucked up about sex. I want them to get unfucked and the best way to do that is to include the divine in the equation because when you do, the divine can get to work rewiring you. Anytime you are focused on the Divine in anything you do, the divine has an opportunity to work on you. Otherwise you are closing the divine out by having something else as your focus.

No matter what people's best intentions are, I know that sex runs through their heads night and day. Besides my being telepathic to a degree you can see this by just looking around you at what the world advertises. What happens in nearly every movie? sometimes often? What's spread out with a cocktail on all those new cars?

Sex runs through people's heads these days to the point that they get in trouble all the time and to the point that it takes over their lives. I'm offering a solution. The people who really need to read this probably won't but that's not my lookout. I stop short of wearing a sandwich board on some busy street that says, "God is coming and you should too" heh heh, that doesn't apply but it's funny.

Anyway, even money that the people who don't get this don't get this still. Time for an American Spirit and some reflection in my chair.

Visible said...

Actually Vanguard, people have all been respectful and open minded. You are the one being strident and insistent upon your being all inclusively right, which I know for a fact that you are not.

What it is is you don't get what's actually being said. You don't get it. What you are getting is taken through a filter which changes the character and color of what is being said.

I'm kind of amused at how everyone who comes from this perspective all say the same things. Here's a useful tip, "In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not true I would not have told you so." NO one is going to throw you out of your mansion or deny me mine.

and... for the record, God is in the flesh as well as the spirit. And the physical can connect to things of a spiritual nature. Why does Jesus so often use the terms, 'bridegrooms' and 'brides'? What's that point about 'foolish virgins' and oil for their lamps? That oil happens to be the sexual force spiritualized into light. Those who have 'exhausted their substance' are those who have sown it all around in pursuit of common carnal behavior.

Anyway, you're not getting the point here but that's okay. Everyone plays an important part here and sooner or later, no matter what, we all agree because all of us are a part of God and she/he collects it all together from time to time and rests between creations. That is also a sex act. Maybe that's why they call it 'the big bang'.

Rebel 4E said...

The 'Big Bang' lol!
love it...

I also love sex...but I don't get to practice it half as much as I'd like to (o___O)

Seriously though,

Vis..your words resonate with me.


Anonymous said...

About the topic of losing readers. It is not a big deal, due to the fact that if they are truly seeking the divine, then the divine will lead them full circle back to your blogs, IF they indeed were supposed to gain something out of it and didn't due to their own preconcieved notions.

This has happened to me many times, and I am sure it happens to everyone else who really wants to know something.

For me could be a week later....could be a year later, but if I was supposed to get something out of a blog or news story, and I walked away from it because it made me feel uncomfortable, it would show back up at a later date/time.

If I still felt ancy because of it and walked away from it again, it would show up later yet again.

I guess my point is basicly those who walked away but are truly seeking something will be led back if they needed to get something out of, but did not prior to walking away.

TheSparkle said...

It seemed pretty clear to me that the message was something like this: "Whatever you are doing, acknowledge, welcome and 'invite' the Great One to participate.'

Jeez, some of the replies didn't even seem to be directed at the actual post. I guess people interpret what you write very differently.

Visible said...

I was just corresponding with one of the readers, Chris, AKA Zoner and something he said reminded me of a quote I haven't thought of in a long time and it applies to this post. its' by Rabindranath Tagore-

"God respects me when I work but he loves me when I sing."

abe said...

Love the title for this one Les. Is it all homophobia, probably not- but as a meditative aid just consider that God also nurses us from her breast and spanks us when bad- just like your Mother did(big grin), or is that opening another can of worms?

Anonymous said...

mighty greatness
truth of one
ever living
inside sung
strum the chords
of moon and sun
blow the wind
that swirl and brung
all the colors
all the sounds
strum them hearts
connect to ground
spinning loving
truthful light
weaving peace
from low to height
ever bringing
all as one
the living heart
inner hum.


Anonymous said...

how is the zoner he has been sort of quiet of late,I suspect he has been practising them loves,as you can see through his posts,another of the fine fellows and our hank another who express's his loves in a most compassionate manner,and all of those others I have forgotten to mention.

..peace to all neil..

Anonymous said...

I am embarrassed to say that I am the sperm donor of two [that I know of]. Out of egoic self fulness I figured then [27 and 30 years ago] that with me as their daddy they would be okay. WRONG. Trying to be a responsible parent in the face of institutional organized crime is an invitation to the "Big House". Most subjects of the NAU Central ZONE are de facto slaves. The bureau-rat hooligan mercs are mostly whites who show favor to you if you kiss there ass, if not... The challenge is to look in the mirror after encountering some conservative apologist for the American way and not blink because you calmly tried to share wisdom with a self appointed retard, Who spends his spare time bathed in televised fantasyland, getting toxically infected with American Culture. How oxymoronic. Surveys show that American youth have very high esteem! Why do you suppose that is? Proud to be an American? OK but what do you know, what can you do? When I go out in public it's always like that first acid trip in 1966 when I discovered I really could read peoples very thoughts and that I didn't like it. The celibate alien is OUT.

Visible said...

Wow! Hank. How could I have forgotten him. He's one of my favorite people. That disturbs me and I hate to even admit it. I just generally assume everyone is alright and, to be honest, I'm in the moment so much that I forget there's a past and a future (grin).

Zoner is more or less fine, playing his music and experiencing the wild state of the energy of the times. He's getting that altered thing that some of us are getting where the dials can be turned further than ever and where all sorts of new perceptions are coming in. I told him that was a very good sign. People that are getting that are being signaled.

You know... the world is balancing on a very thin edge. It could change so quickly. One little Sarajevo event and it transforms what passes for reality. I should point out that TPTB have been putting all sorts of things in place for just such an episode.

During my extended experiences in Italy, one thing recurred several times over. I was standing with someone or several someones and saying, "This is just great, now there's not going to be any World War 3. All that bad stuff they had planned is not going to happen. This is really good news." Some version of this happened a number of times and gave me profound relief.

Could be projection too because in one case I was responsible (grin). And so it goes.

I'm confident for some reason. I feel in a state of,,, don't even know how to say it.

Vanguard said...

"My meaning is IF AND WHEN you have sex, include the divine. See it as the join of what is missing and you will, after a time, have the internal result as well. Sex is a form of 'communion'."

"When you eat, eat with gratitude and the understanding that God is becoming part of your body. This causes the cells that replace cells to be of a certain type."

"When you breathe, breathe God in and out. "

"If you speak to someone, speak to God."

"But you can still be amorous, sitting in meditation you can super sensualize the experience."


Agreed on all points.

And thank you for the clarification that you are not encouraging others to follow your "exceptionally wild" life experiences.

Perhaps it could be expected that I should not have assumed such, except that I try to avoid assumptions in life these days.

There are so many overwhelming negative--outright evil--influences in the world today. Souls are being sifted as chaff from wheat and being harvested, many unwillingly. Fact. Even allowing for karma.

(continued below)

Vanguard said...

"You are the one being strident and insistent upon your being all inclusively right..."

I know that's not my intention even if I came across that way. I could see you misunderstanding me as I have misunderstood you.

I'm not so much questioning your professed path put forth as an example (intentional or not, you know people will follow it). I question anything that encourages "dangerous" behavior for the young in spirit.

Who sends children out into the world to fend for themselves? It has been said that people younger than 16 are not developed enough to comprehend some abstract thinking.

But then, this forum is for seekers, and those are usually not the babes.

"Anyway, you're not getting the point here but that's okay. Everyone plays an important part here and sooner or later, no matter what, we all agree because all of us are a part of God..."

All I've ever asked for is respect for my opinions, even as I respect--though disagreeing sometimes--with others'.

In my opinion, I'm one of the few who are directly called names, etc. I wonder why that is. It's certainly not because I've attacked others first. Maybe people take it personally when I question their dearly held beliefs. Well guess what? Those same people don't bat an eyelash when trouncing my dearly held beliefs. How's that for blind selfishness? ("By their fruits ye shall know them.")

So, yes, sex is great. An ultimate experience touching upon the creative power of the Divine. Even as the love of a mother for her child is an example akin to God's love for us.

All good things are massively undermined in this world, upon this battlefield, in these ending days. As was foretold.

A last point: (rhetorical) Has it occurred to anyone that...some...must rise to the occasion of widespread evil, interspersed with epitomes thereof made flesh, to strive with the utmost striving of mind, body and spirit, to confront and combat such? What would be the mindset of such?

As I said some time ago:

Great is the Lord. What is my life that I should not lay it down in His service. Thy will, O Lord, be done, in all things, in the heavens and upon the earth.

Erik said...

Hi Les and all the gentle people that visit here.

I am awe struck tonight and awfully grateful. Compared to Les's stories it is maybe les grand, but it still brought me tears of sincere bliss.

Those that have seen my earlier posts might know that I have been in a 'hell-hole' in the past years, but recently I have been able to move to different and far more beautiful pastures.(I only surrendered to the Divine being hours away from actually dying from starvation caused by a unknown medical condition).

After this event I was blessed to be able to devote all my time and effort to my most pressing question: 'Why am I still alive, and what the f*ck am I supposed to do here; cause at that time it did not make sense to me at all.

Long story short: with the help of you Les, and all the beautiful souls that visit here, 'I' have been able to find answers to these questions.

Only from my experience; once I got out of the way of the Divine (extremely difficult for a 'left-brainer' like me), all sorts of amazing things have started to happen.

Being close to forclosure by the bank, I now find myself living at a small farmhouse I was able to rent, with dogs and all the other live-stock to expect on a farm. I, or rather the old and wise farmer I rent from, has ample farmland (grass) for rough camping. So anyone that wants to escape from the Gulf (DubM ??) is more than welcome to stay the summer or longer in my humble abode in the Netherlands, maybe we can have a party together?

Now, after a long re-introduction (I have been without Internet for some months, so please bare with me, so much to share .... :) what is this small silly event that brought me to tears??

I used to live across the street from my local. Tonight I visited my local after some weeks since moving. After spending a lovely night there some stranger out of the blue offered me a ride home on his moped (scooter).

It maybe silly, but for me it felt like a ride home on the back-seat of the Divine ...

Love to All,


Anonymous said...

yep I feel that too,I think everything is in order as it always was,and whatever happens everything
will be dealt with down too the finest detail and as I'm writing this I am getting a really strong feeling in the heart will get another poem out a bit later,have a couple of things to do first though..

peace neil

FromBeyondOmega said...

Getting it on with The Great Beyond.

Ah yes: and such grand foreplay it is.

TheSparkle said...

This is from "Geronimo's Story of His Life" as told by Geronimo himself. I think Dublin Mick might enjoy it and everyone else as well. I am sad to say that Geronimo was kept as a prisoner of war and died at the Army base that adjoins my home town.

"Once when living in San Carlos Reservation an Indian told me that while lying unconscious on the battlefield he had actually been dead, and had passed into the spirit land.

First he came to a mulberry tree growing out from a cave in the ground. Before this cave a guard was stationed, but when he approached without fear the guard let him pass. He descended into the cave, and a little way back the path widened and terminated in a perpendicular rock many hundreds of feet wide and equal in height. There was not much light, but by peering directly beneath him he discovered a pile of sand reaching from the depths below to within twenty feet of the top of the rock where he stood. Holding to a bush, he swung off from the edge of the rock and dropped onto the sand, sliding rapidly down its steep side into the darkness. He landed in a narrow passage running due westward through a cañon which gradually grew lighter and lighter until he could see as well as if it had been daylight; but there was no sun. Finally he came to a section of this passage that was wider for a short distance, and then closing abruptly continued in a narrow path; just where this section narrowed two huge serpents were coiled, and rearing their heads, hissed at him as he approached, but he showed no fear, and as soon as he came close to them they withdrew quietly and let him pass. At the next place, where the passage opened into a wider section, were two grizzly bears prepared to attack him, but when he approached and spoke to them they stood aside and he passed unharmed. He continued to follow the narrow passage, and the third time it widened and two mountain lions crouched in the way, but when he had approached them without fear and had spoken to them they also withdrew. He again entered the narrow passage. For some time he followed this, emerging into a fourth section beyond which he could see nothing: the further walls of this section were clashing together at regular intervals with tremendous sounds, but when he approached them they stood apart until he had passed. After this he seemed to be in a forest, and following the natural draws, which led westward, soon came into a green valley where there were many Indians camped and plenty of game. He said that he saw and recognized many whom he had known in this life, and that he was sorry when he was brought back to consciousness.

I told him if I knew this to be true I would not want to live another day, but by some means, if by my own hands, I would die in order to enjoy these pleasures. I myself have lain unconscious on the battlefield, and while in that condition have had some strange thoughts or experiences; but they are very dim and I cannot recall them well enough to relate them. Many Indians believed this warrior, and I cannot say that he did not tell the truth. I wish I knew that what he said is beyond question true. But perhaps it is as well that we are not certain."

lol wv: hotoged, when that didn't work it's spurge

Visible said...


This condition is easy to explain but it could be hard to accept. Everyone here who is not a Christian of a particular type where demands are made for a particular order of behavior from the world... all of these people are not interested in the minutiae of controls set forth by those who interpret scripture for the purpose of their idea of social order.

Here we generally believe in a divine that is beyond the confines of religion. We see religion as a elementary state where the trapping pose as the item itself. Some of us see religion as a trap, a hindrance and also something similar to lined paper when one is starting to learn to write.

The implication is that this means we are immoral or loose or adapt the truth to our behavior in order to justify it. Such is not the case. I would say that most of us are more moral (more moral? grin- I don't think I've ever said that before) than most because, even if we live with a certain freedom in some things we are very conscious of mimicking the divine in others.

So, we generally don't talk about rules and codes of conduct, except in the sense that brotherhood demands certain responses from us or that love commands a greater fealty than anything else.

The world is the world. by example this concept of no sex before marriage. This impossible ideal of chastity and repression of a force that, being stronger than most people are capable of, tends to break out at the weakest link and then creates enormous guilt which is the whiphand of a particular religion and which is very good for business.

I recognize the tenants of your faith and have no problem with your following it. I quote Jesus the Christ here more than any other world teacher or way shower. However, my path is presently and ever shall be now, a direct result of intuition and sensing and maintaining the presence. Whether I possess this or not is open to debate, that I rely on it is not. God is present in every faith according to the needs of different people. God is also present beyond all faiths and can be directly experienced. That's my path.

You will have conflict here no matter how you phrase it -and you phrase it very well- for as long as you feel your code of conduct applies across the board for everyone. That's just how it is. My suggestion is to enjoy the spirited debate and not get defensive or feel embattled. Try to see the rationale of the arguments of another and treat it all as an exchange of vivid and unique ideas and it may surprise you. I think it already has.

On the main things we agree but on the St. Paul end of things we would probably depart.

Anyway. it's late and Visible must perforce head for the bunkhouse.

estebanfolsom said...

there's a boy with a flute
that the milkmaids all know

he drives an old chariot
his friends got a bow


he didn't want to fight
and he told his friend so

threw down his arrows
felt sad and didn't know


the battle's inside him
'bout which way to go

all in you
my friend
my foe

[little tune i been working on for 30 + years]

m_astera said...

Les, I'm going to take it upon myself to interpret what a couple of commenters here are oh-so-subtly insinuating that seems to be causing some confusion re "what does that have to do with the original post?"

See, the "savior idol" that they worship is not really an idol, it's really the real thing, and the same goes for the book that they learned about that idol from, just plain infallible, plus this savior idol is the real God Almighty and all that and not an idol.

You, on the other hand, are worshiping a false idol, as opposed to their real one (which isn't an idol, because, well, because). Like for instance this Sun God, or the Divine that is speaking to you. If those were anything other than false idols, they would be clearly laid out in THE BOOK, but they are not, so, well, sorry but you will go to hell (after being possessed by your false antichrist idol and leading many astray) and don't say they didn't warn you.

Worshiping Jesus savior (not-an-idol) who suffered and died for your sins in advance = good.

Anything else = idolatry = bad, evil, antichrist, demon, beast, etc.

Hope that's all clear now.

Neko Kinoshita said...

When I was much younger, I was told "Rules are made to be broken." I did not then understand.

When I was studying music theory, I first learned many rules that had to be applied in composition. (No parallel fifths for example)
I later learned that knowing the rules and why they were established would lead to knowing when it was appropriate to break them.

I went through a similar process learning computer programming. Not only what the rules are, but when to break them.

As I have struggled with the duty of fatherhood, I begin to understand the role of the religious dogma.

Children, you see, need rules to follow. When enough maturity is achieved, they are merely reference. I don’t need a rule to be home by a certain time for example, responsibility causes me to either arrive or inform in a timely fashion and the rule is unnecessary.

Lack of understanding can lead to the belief that the rules should always apply, when, in fact, they are guides, not laws.

Just some philosophy from the alley,

TheSparkle said...

I tried to make a multiple post comment, but I don't think it worked.

This is a tale of a near death experience on the battlefield as told to and related by Geronimo himself.

Since it didn't work in this comment section anyone can view it here:
Geronimo relating a tale of a near death experience

Anonymous said...

les will get one in the morning.neil

Angeline said...


I found this post inspiring and comforting. As I usually have with me a feeling of the divine being present the idea to consciously evoke it in all that I do is wonderful..I will be practicing this now.
Thank you and much love.

Anonymous said...


The problem Vanguard runs into is most of us have heard it all before. It is like a prepared speech. It is about being judgmental also. In other words you are going to hell if you don't follow the guidelines of the Pope of Nicea. You all sound the same and it is frankly very superficial and you don't even realize it.

I also notice vanguard you immediately associate what is being explained to you here into indulgence and abuse of children. How did we get from here to there?

What are the exceptionally wild life experiences Visible is supposed to have had anyway. I must have missed those? Are we not talking about Jesus the man who turned the water into wine? You know when we talk about separating the wheat from the chafe we should be sure we are not so dry and lifeless will fall in with the chafe.

My feeling is you will be going to heaven and so will everybody else here. The question is what strata of the ether will we find ourselves in in regard to further teachings and experiences we are able to absorb. Yes there are many mansions and many people from what I can see are still at the sunday school level.

Life on this planet was originally meant to be enjoyed not walking around with a chalk board pointing out to people where they failed to follow the dogma of Nicea, and outfit by the way that has made child abuse their calling card and some of the adherents appear to be mixed up in the Dutroux affair.

If these people are a shining light to you then more power to you. Count me out.

I am more of an adherent of the Russian monk Rasputin. He was condemned by every Christian cleric in Russia due to his amorous adventures in the bath houses with all classes of women in Russian society and fondness of Madeira wine. He explained to the women that first you have to sin before you can be forgiven. They must humble themselves. There is a stark difference in him and the christian clergy however. He could see the future and heal the sick and they could not. It was the storehouse of tantric energy he stored up.

Anonymous said...

Doing the will of the lord is great unless we misconstrue what the will of the Lord is. We should be very careful our mind simply has not been frozen by the council of Nicea to the point where we are no longer capable of discovery.

I guess what i am saying is very similar to the inscription over the Potala in Tibet, a thousand monks a thousand different religions. This holds true for Christianity, a thousand Christians and thousand different Christianities. The difference here being is that most monks understand this and most Christians don't. That is what I have noticed anyway.

Every one you talk to will have a different idea of what Christianity is. Much of the ado comes when one is of a mindset to "understand this thing throughly" to the point of proselytizing. This is very easy to do also with Christianity as it is such a simple concept. You say I believe in Jesus, I am going to heaven and the heathen will burn in the fire. A five year old can pick up 90 percent of the basics of this concept in sunday school. Follow the ten commandments and do good.

The baggage that comes with this and I noticed that with many around here is you are of the belief that sex is the original sin when it is the opposite. It was the key to knowledge and the awakening of Kundalini that has been obscured. The Lord of the universe himself remarked behold they wish to be as us. I am also pretty sure this Lord was Antu of the Enuma Elish, the Annunaki referred to as such.

Anonymous said...

The problem Vanguard runs into is most of us have heard it all before. It is like a prepared speech. It is about being judgmental also. In other words you are going to hell if you don't follow the guidelines of the Pope of Nicea. You all sound the same and it is frankly very superficial and you don't even realize it.

I also notice vanguard you immediately associate what is being explained to you here into indulgence and abuse of children. How did we get from here to there?

What are the exceptionally wild life experiences Visible is supposed to have had anyway. I must have missed those? Are we not talking about Jesus the man who turned the water into wine? You know when we talk about separating the wheat from the chafe we should be sure we are not so dry and lifeless will fall in with the chafe.

My feeling is you will be going to heaven and so will everybody else here. The question is what strata of the ether will we find ourselves in in regard to further teachings and experiences we are able to absorb. Yes there are many mansions and many people from what I can see are still at the sunday school level.

Life on this planet was originally meant to be enjoyed not walking around with a chalk board pointing out to people where they failed to follow the dogma of Nicea, and outfit by the way that has made child abuse their calling card and some of the adherents appear to be mixed up in the Dutroux affair.

Anonymous said...


The female is negative and the male positive, the two forces of creation. It is not about what you believe, it is about what you know.
At this point in time every rudimentary scientist realizes the earth is alive with a living energy field. Even a rock has it's own energy field. Haarp is based on that very energy field. So yes the earth is alive as all the great religions of the day have pointed out. 

Oppenheimer especially liked the Bhagavad Gita, immersed himself in Sanskrit while working on the Manhattan project. After the first atomic blast in New Mexico he quoted a couplet from the Gita 11:12. attributed to Lord Krishna: "I am death devourer of all."

Matter as such does not exist, there is only the life giving, invisible, eternal spirit as primordial ground of matter, which I do not fight shy, to call God."
Max Planck Nobel Laureate in Physics"

The brothers who let themselves by guided by scientific curiosity alone, will stand empty-handed at the day of judgement. I preferred they filled themselves with vital energy. Then God were with them in the hour of need. For in the hour of need and hardship, books are no good for nothing and will remain on the shelf. Vital energy, however, will turn hardship to the better."
St. Francis"

If you don't understand that it is a direct reference to life force or vital energy. 

We can accept the the council of Nicea or parts of the gospels they hid away in the Vatican and were discovered in an Austrian museum and translated by Szekely. 

Anonymous said...

If these people are a shining light to you then more power to you. Count me out.

I am more of an adherent of the Russian monk Rasputin. He was condemned by every Christian cleric in Russia due to his amorous adventures in the bath houses with all classes of women in Russian society and fondness of Madeira wine. He explained to the women that first you have to sin before you can be forgiven. They must humble themselves. There is a stark difference in him and the christian clergy however. He could see the future and heal the sick and they could not. It was the storehouse of tantric energy he stored up.

So tell us Vanguard what is your definition of God? Is God a bearded man in the sky, Jesus or some other conception? Could you elaborate on this?

I myself am absolutely convinced that God is vital energy/life force. That is what causes a flower to grow, not ideology. I am in some very good company here also.

The misunderstandings can mostly be traced back to the conception of what the creator is. Many view God as a man in the sky with a white beard mostly in the west. The east has a more scientific view in that the creator is energy, the two forces of positive and negative that produce lightning in the sky and form a baby in the womb. Mother nature if you will.

Anonymous said...

"Your Mother is in you, and you in her. She bore you she gives you life. it was she who gave to you your body, and to her shall you one day give it back again. Happy are you when you come to know her and her kingdom; if you receive your Mother's angels and if you do her laws. I tell you truly, he who does these things shall never see disease. For the power of our Mother is above all. And it destroys Satan and his kingdom, and has rule over all your bodies and all living things.

"The blood which runs in us is born of the blood of our Earthly Mother. Her blood falls from the clouds; leaps from the womb of the earth; babbles in the brooks of the mountains; flows wide in the rivers of the plains; sleeps in the lakes; rages mightily in tempestuous seas.

"The air which we breathe is born of the breath of our Earthly Mother.

Her breath is azure in the heights of t heavens; soughs in the tops of the mountains; whispers the leaves of the forest; billows over the cornfields; slumbers in the deep valleys, burns hot in the desert."

These are quotes from Jesus they don't tell you about in sunday school.

I promised myself I wasn't going to be involved in any more of these and this is the last time.

TheSparkle said...

No message here.

I just luv the word verification: kingsing

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

... shawn said,

Hey Vis and all you interesting Cats ))
Love this thread ... Ok, I love them all ) Such passion, and as the time goes WE all seem to be getting closer to the inner spiral. Vis I must apologize, you had sent me 'the way to the kingdom' before christmas and I only started it today ?? Funny thing is, it was Y-OUR 'mouth breather' comment that reminded me I even had the pdf. I just returned from a ten day Vipassana meditation retreat ... I experienced a kudalini awakening, to my knowledge none of the other 50 or 60 meditators (I spoke with most??) had, nor has experienced what I did ??
Breath through the nostrils is the only way )) ... WE can't judge OUR breath through the nose (ie. craving nor aversion // like nor dis-like). Like usual Vis, you have opened my mind ... I thought of you after my first experience with the kundalini (I wonder what Vis would tell me ??)) ... the 'ass-istant' had a chip on his shoulder ... when I asked him what he thought, I had experienced ... he deflected the idea with a, "meditators can spend years trying to RE-experience something, its counter productive" ... ??? Was he helping me, or something much less ???
Anyways, my experience went something like this: (please, anyone // someone comment) I was following the technique ... recognizing sensations and not allowing my mind to 'tell me, what is'; the position I was sitting in was becoming 'white hot' unbearable; but, as told, I kept telling myself it was only vibration and to congratulate myself for recognizing this. I was rewarded with brief moments of 'pain relief', feeling only vibrations. Suddenly, near the point of screaming, agonizing vibrations )) ... the vibration spontaneously "took OFF !!!"
... the pain was long gone !!
My body felt like pure electricity & magnetism + incredibly heavy, yet, like I may start flying ... behind my closed eyes, I saw a million points of liquid silver light all swimming around ... as if I had been banging my head against something for hours on end. My breath was a bit quickened and my heart beat as well ... yet, I've experienced it six times since (in the last week) and the more I relax, the faster and more profound the experience becomes ? -))
My awareness has since taken on new perspectives ... and I no longer experience pain, only minor discomfort will meditating. )) If this is not 'kundalini' ... well, I don't know ??
Anyways, thanks for listening Cats ... and very big thanks to Dublin Mick for the links, timely brother. )

... end first half ))

a GrebBear said...

Hey Vis and all you interesting Cats ))
Love this thread ... Ok, I love them all ) Such passion, and as the time goes WE all seem to be getting closer to the inner spiral. Vis I must apologize, you had sent me 'the way to the kingdom' before christmas and I only started it today ?? Funny thing is, it was Y-OUR 'mouth breather' comment that reminded me I even had the pdf. I just returned from a ten day Vipassana meditation retreat ... I experienced a kudalini awakening, to my knowledge none of the other 50 or 60 meditators (I spoke with most??) had, nor has experienced what I did ??
Breath through the nostrils is the only way )) ... WE can't judge OUR breath through the nose (ie. craving nor aversion // like nor dis-like). Like usual Vis, you have opened my mind ... I thought of you after my first experience with the kundalini (I wonder what Vis would tell me ??)) ... the 'ass-istant' had a chip on his shoulder ... when I asked him what he thought, I had experienced ... he deflected the idea with a, "meditators can spend years trying to RE-experience something, its counter productive" ... ??? Was he helping me, or something much less ???
Anyways, my experience went something like this: (please, anyone // someone comment) I was following the technique ... recognizing sensations and not allowing my mind to 'tell me, what is'; the position I was sitting in was becoming 'white hot' unbearable; but, as told, I kept telling myself it was only vibration and to congratulate myself for recognizing this. I was rewarded with brief moments of 'pain relief', feeling only vibrations. Suddenly, near the point of screaming, agonizing vibrations )) ... the vibration spontaneously "took OFF !!!"
... the pain was long gone !!
My body felt like pure electricity & magnetism + incredibly heavy, yet, like I may start flying ... behind my closed eyes, I saw a million points of liquid silver light all swimming around ... as if I had been banging my head against something for hours on end. My breath was a bit quickened and my heart beat as well ... yet, I've experienced it six times since (in the last week) and the more I relax, the faster and more profound the experience becomes ? -))
My awareness has since taken on new perspectives ... and I no longer experience pain, only minor discomfort will meditating. )) If this is not 'kundalini' ... well, I don't know ??
Anyways, thanks for listening Cats ... and very big thanks to Dublin Mick for the links, timely brother. )
When considering what I'm going through, I remembered this link:
... ps. there are 17 slides, don't miss the link at the bottom of the page. )
I'll finish 'the way' pdf in the next couple days, Merci Vis ))
... please continue reflecting and refracting Y-OUR experiences Vis, I find Y-OUR insights very heartening ... giving me much more faith // confidence, to my 'new' wild intuition ... which now likes to 'buzz' when I'm on the right track, thinking or otherwise, and falls flat when I'm out in left field, thinking or otherwise. ))

Amazing times ))
... although, I'm believing much less in 'time' ... and more in, multiple perspectives ))
I Love you ALL

a GrebBear

Peace Love Light Truth
(- ;
; -)

ps. join US at Project Harmony

a GrebBear said...

Hey Vis and all you interesting Cats ))
Love this thread ... Ok, I love them all ) Such passion, and as the time goes WE all seem to be getting closer to the inner spiral. Vis I must apologize, you had sent me 'the way to the kingdom' before christmas and I only started it today ?? Funny thing is, it was Y-OUR 'mouth breather' comment that reminded me I even had the pdf. I just returned from a ten day Vipassana meditation retreat ... I experienced a kudalini awakening, to my knowledge none of the other 50 or 60 meditators (I spoke with most??) had, nor has experienced what I did ??
Breath through the nostrils is the only way ))
... WE can't judge OUR breath through the nose (ie. craving nor aversion // like nor dis-like). Like usual Vis, you have opened my mind ... I thought of you after my first experience with the kundalini (I wonder what Vis would tell me ??)) ... the 'ass-istant' had a chip on his shoulder ... when I asked him what he thought, I had experienced ... he deflected the idea with a, "meditators can spend years trying to RE-experience something, its counter productive" ... ??? Was he helping me, or something much less ???
Anyways, my experience went something like this: (please, anyone // someone comment) I was following the technique ... recognizing sensations and not allowing my mind to 'tell me, what is'; the position I was sitting in was becoming 'white hot' unbearable; but, as told, I kept telling myself it was only vibration and to congratulate myself for recognizing this. I was rewarded with brief moments of 'pain relief', feeling only vibrations. Suddenly, near the point of screaming, agonizing vibrations )) ... the vibration spontaneously "took OFF !!!"
... the pain was long gone !!

end part 1

a GrebBear said...

My body felt like pure electricity & magnetism + incredibly heavy, yet, like I may start flying ... behind my closed eyes, I saw a million points of liquid silver light all swimming around ... as if I had been banging my head against something for hours on end. My breath was a bit quickened and my heart beat as well ... yet, I've experienced it six times since (in the last week) and the more I relax, the faster and more profound the experience becomes ? -))
My awareness has since taken on new perspectives ... and I no longer experience pain, only minor discomfort will meditating. )) If this is not 'kundalini' ... well, I don't know ??
Anyways, thanks for listening Cats ... and very big thanks to Dublin Mick for the links, timely brother. )
When considering what I'm going through, I remembered this link:
... ps. there are 17 slides, don't miss the link at the bottom of the page. )

end part 2

a GrebBear said...

Three parts ??
opps -))

I'll finish 'the way' pdf in the next couple days, Merci Vis ))
... please continue reflecting and refracting Y-OUR experiences Vis, I find Y-OUR insights very heartening ... giving me much more faith // confidence, to my 'new' wild intuition ... which now likes to 'buzz' when I'm on the right track, thinking or otherwise, and falls flat when I'm out in left field, thinking or otherwise. ))

Amazing times ))
... although, I'm believing much less in 'time' ... and more in, multiple perspectives ))
I Love you ALL

a GrebBear

Peace Love Light Truth
(- ;
; -)

ps. join US at Project Harmony

Anonymous said...

The black prophet in jail speaks...

enjoy it!

long john said...


i'm glad you asked. yes, i have sent Visible the info regarding that book, and where to obtain the new reprinted editions of it. but i am also going to be sending him an original edition for his library. i currently have several of these in my possession, and am expecting more in the coming week or two. so i will give you the title and also some links to where you can obtain the new reprinted editions.

it is now 3am in the morning where i am and i need to hit the sack. so i will post another comment here later today (approx 12 hours from now), which will give you a better idea of the gist and content of the book. there is also a sampling of the book at Google books, however you can only read small random portions and not the whole book. the new reprints are quite inexpensive, so if you order one from Amazon or Albris, you should have it in hand within a few days time, depending on shipping cost.

and i assure you, you will find it quite illuminating about the bigger picture. it corroborates everything that Les that has revealed and more. i seriously recommend it to anyone who senses the reality of the guidance of the divine which Les speaks of, the unveiling, and the now impending new cosmic aeon.

for now, here is the title and the links:

"The Impending Golden Age: A Critical Analysis of the World Sickness and Its Cure" -- by Sanctilean

New re-prints available from AMAZON.COM

>> in paperback:

The Impending Golden Age: A Critical Analysis of the World Sickness and Its Cure 1948 [Paperback]

>> in hardcover:

The Impending Golden Age: A Critical Analysis of the World Sickness and Its Cure 1948 [Hardcover]


New re-prints available from ALIBRIS.COM:

The Impending Golden Age: A Critical Analysis of the World Sickness and Its Cure 1948
by Sanctilean

>> available in both hardcover and paperback:

long john said...


At Google Books, readers can read some, and perhaps even all of The Impending Golden Age.

Visible said...

There's a new Smoking Mirrors up.

Dick and Jane get Crucified on Corfu.>

Anonymous said...

ever love
thunder spear
striking light
recite through fear
those who hear
truth engage
mighty greatness
rise the waves
rise the flow
connect the life
hunter slice
the lower strife
howling wolf
roar through plains
flames shatter
smash the chains
arrow aimed
from the tongue
strike a heart
all is one


Anonymous said...

hey grebbear good to hear
may the greatness of the mighty all
electrify the graciousness of them higher vibrations in all hearts

..peace to all..neil

Anonymous said...

Asalaamualaikum (Peace be upon you brother) Les,
I could not help as the tears in my eyes welled up..Truly you are of the blessed. May he protect you guide you sustain you for the sake of his beloved muhammad s.a.w

At this point you are placed firmly and squarely in the nuur (light)..I am able to learn and understand so much that there is no value quantifiable in th world which can express my gratitude to your adventures..I pray to the Allmight Allah s.w.t to allow more and more brothers and sisters gain inspiration to attain a truthfull relationship with their creator..


Anonymous said...

who ever wrote that ,a prayer to our mother..graciousness love and ever living goodness to you..neil

TheSparkle said...

Michael: I had a hypothetical theological discussion when I was at a Southern Baptist University. I asked if someone who was born in a remote area or on an isolated island and had ABSOLUTELY NEVER heard of Jesus would certainly go to Hell, and the answer is of course 'Yes'.

The Great one is not that stupid or illogical, and if he or she is then he or she isn't so Great. May I be stricken if I blaspheme! ;)

Even as a small child, when I would read something in the Bible that didn't make sense I would discard it or interpret it in my own way.

When I was pursuing my Old Testament class in college and we discussed Constantine and the Council of Nicea my eyes were really opened. I didn't think about these topics for a couple of decades, until very recently in the past 5 years or so. Now I study history exhaustively, trying to get at any grain of 'truth'. It's amazing how things that are happening today which make no sense, take on a different light in the context of history.

m_astera said...

My last comment was supposed to be humorous and satirical; reading it here it falls rather flat, but thinking about it led to an insight that is probably not original but is interesting to me.

Many of the world's religions prohibit idolatry, the worship of symbols and beings other than First Source, the Prime Creator. So, how did Christianity sidestep this rule to allow the worship of the man and prophet called Jesus/Yeshuah, his depictions and symbols? By declaring that J was/is the Creator. Paul seems to be the one to get most of the credit or blame for this, and it worked from the Roman point of view as it integrated well with the Apollo/Mithra sun god cult. As far as I know, the Romans had no prohibition against idolatry and trying to enforce one would have made integrating the new religion with established cults and practices impossible.

GrebBear(?), a question about your experiences: does the energy seem to be localized or centered in a particular location in the body?

Burnie said...

I am unfucked up about sex, at my age it is a non issue, null and void. I am filled with all the fire I had in younger days but it is of no use really, Grin.

Thanks for your words, they mean something to me. I don't know what it is that I speak to but I speak. The closer I come to defining it, the more inarticulate I get.

Thanks Les, and thanks to all who comment. None of us to my knowledge have ever experienced what is going down, it is nice to know you don't walk alone.

brian boru said...

You can be told the truth in all kinds of ways and at various times in your life, but, if you are not ready to hear it you won't. A few years ago I would have dismissed you as a crank and gone on my way. Now, however, because of personal experiences and what I have been exposed to elsewhere, I can accept the truth in much of what you say. There was a time when I believed most of the lies told to me by the system and wouldn't have listened to anyone who told me they were lies. But, I always wanted to know what was true, and unless you really want that you will make little progress in pulling the veil of lies and illusion aside.

Nick said...

Dear LV
I have not yet read the comments but I certainly will be. I found this message to be one of the most profound of all your messages.
It's resonance is like a cool mountain stream for my rage. Refreshing sparks of connection.
I was going to quote those parts that were personally shatteringly moving but won't because the message in your work stands in it's completeness.
Since the Great Revealing you were recently granted, I have found your work has more sources for joy.

a GrebBear said...

Hey Cats )

... sorry about the multiple copies of my previous comment ?? -))
Thanks Neil ))
Hey m_astera ... thanks for the inquiry )
The build up to the 'spontaneous vibrational take off' = kundalini (??), is a process (for me) of recognizing sensation on the 'whole' body ... the teaching (Vipassana) explains, WE are always experiencing sensations over the entire body; but, OUR minds are to 'coarse' to recognize them (see: distracted, drugged [[shitty food, fluoride, microwaves, etc.etc.]], indoctrination, etc.etc.).
>> Step one, refine the mind through recognizing subtle sensation ... nostril breathing & sensation on the upper lip. The mind will wander, recognize & return to the lip. When WE recognize sensation, WE are taking back control, from OUR mind = Joy of BEing ))
>> Step two, recognize sensations over the entire body. When my kundalini (??) takes off, I'm feeling my whole body and the first place I feel 'ignition' is in my hands (like intense magnetism) ... and then throughout my whole body !! The most amazing feeling ... as the energy grows (?) up my spine, my neck and over my bald head ))
So ... localized, once the kundalini (??) starts 'humming' ))

Its rushing through my body, in a 'quiet' way, just telling you about it ))
so ... THANK YOU ))

I Love you ALL

a GrebBear

Peace Love Light Truth
(- ;
; -)

ps. Please join US at, Project Harmony

m_astera said...

a GrebBear-

The energy, is it clearly and obviously moving up the spine, from lower to higher, or not?? Where does it originate, what stopping points does it have, if any?

The energy in the hands, is there heat there as well? Actual heat/temperature rise? What position are the hands in when you feel this energy?

If you perceive the energy as rising, what happens when it reaches your head?

One can delete their own duplicate comments by clicking on the little trash can below the comment.

psychegram said...

Hey Les,

Haven't commented in a while and after reading this I thought, maybe Les thinks I'm amongst those who has abandoned him? Nothing could be less true ... though I will admit I've raised an eyebrow or two over the past couple weeks. The real truth though is that, I've been too busy to participate in the comments threads as much as I used to. But I've never stopped reading.

So, speaking of Kundalini ... been on my mind of late.

A few weeks back I had an outbreak of sores in my genitals, reminiscent of herpes. Went to get tested and around the same time, had to tell my girlfriend that we couldn't be with each other our last night together, before she went travelling, on account of my possible herpes infection.

Well the tests came back negative, which is a relief but in the meantime I looked into herpes ... which name, comes from the Greek root for snake ... a virus which lives in the bottom of the spine ... is associated with sex ... is connected to the nervous system ... and I started to wonder. Google has not helped me with those wonderings.

Making love with this woman has been more like touching the divine than any other woman I've ever been with. Every nerve of my body sings with holy fire during orgasms which stay 'on the inside', if you follow (and I'm sure you do) and as much fun as it is it's something much deeper than mere fun, too. In so many ways she's like my other half, with talents and flaws that compliment mine perfectly.

Well ... I can't tell if I'm on the right path or the wrong, anymore. But I know I'm on a path and for that, Les, I have your influence to thank. Sure, you say, it's not you, it's God and yeah you're right it is but it was your voice She spoke with and your example that pointed me in His direction and so, thank you.


TheSparkle said...

Long John: Thanks for the book. I have read what is available online, and a copy should be here soon. I am very curious having read all that is on Google.

Have you reached any conclusions or gotten any insights from the book that you would like to share?

Annsie said...

I just thought I would comment to pstonie regarding females not thinking outside the box. I find the exact opposite. None of my male friends or family will open their minds to whats really going on in the world nor will they look at consciousness.The females are very intuitive but the men are completely left brain..Then again I come from a family that is not very materialistic, maybe Irish women are not as shallow, my husband is an American and he said that a high percentage of American women are "up their own arses" and can't think beyond shoes and clothes...Just keep in mind that just because you haven't been around open minded ladies does not mean that we don't exist..If I were to judge from the men around me I would say the males are the ones with closed minds...Just saying...

Visible said...

There's a new Reflections in a Petri dish up now-

The Year of the Exceedingly Strange, Living Dangerously.>

Anonymous said...

hey annsie

check out jackie o'keeffe. great audio and video satsangs on her site.

my dear mother was irish, born and raised.


Anonymous said...

Nice link there grebear thanks. I have been so tied up, grin, I didn't have time to read it until today.

Anonymous said...

To relish higher meaning than the simpleness of modern academic conditioning towards that which is equivalent to a 12 year old mind allows, it is necessary to experience new, perhaps original sourced thought/reality.

Here is the essense of what the rather retardedness of Kali yuga has watered down into what is commonly known as "idol worship."

Simply Google the word arca-vigraha.

"Worship of the arca-vigraha is not idol worship. The arca-vigraha is an incarnation of the Lord in a form appreciable by a devotee. ...

Braja Rani Devi Dasi said...

I've craved the reconnection with the divine for a long time. I just don't know how to get it back. It was so nice.

Julia said...

One thing that bothers me which I hear a lot from many who describe themselves as being on the spiritual path...who cares what bothers me, but it's worth throwing in a wrench...anyway....
Becoming the light, expansion, manifestation, better connection to Source, becoming more psychic...what I hear and feel is that many act as though they must be doing something more, bigger, grander...etc. This process of remembering who you are feels to me so natural, as I see many running to class after class, book
after book, seminar after seminar. Parroting really, but few really experiencing what they parrot. In other words, spiritual vagabonds. It seems too forced. What I don't hear but rarely, is the willingness to have a strong relationship with ones Sources, as a lover to the beloved, as Gibran puts it so beautifully. From the time I stepped foot on the planet my life path has helped me to remember and from a child the speaking with my own Sources has been much of my teaching. People ask me, who did I study with?, myself, and my Sources. My life is my teaching.
They always look stunned. This comment isn't meant to be about me, but...I have gone through 3 huge expansions in my life, and each one wasn't pretty and I laugh when those smile and say...oh! you're going through an initiation, how wonderful! NO! its not wonderful! Sorry, burning marks, shaking from energy, and hair falling out...was not wonderful. LOL! Left me with many gifts, but the process was scary and sucked, came naturally. My point being, people are going to expand whether they want too or not. They are doing it now. Im not saying just go sit on top of a mountain and find yourself, but everything you need is in your own backyard, if you want to embrace it. I have read for people all over the world, and energy work for years with Huna, Reiki, astral travel the whole bit, but everything that I embraced came through my love and devoted relationship with self, and Source. We are already big! It's embracing the heart which is the power, and running out your doubt.

Zambucka Is Wonderful and relays perfectly what I am trying to share.

See that Man is like the fool in the Tarot card...
Wandering along...
A vagabond going his own way
And he carries a bag containing universal knowledge
But he doesn't open it
And he walks towards a precipice
For he can so easily fall into the bondage of material desires
And the sun, like his spirit, rises behind him
But it never reaches its zenith
For if it does, it will descend and decrease its power...
Give yourself powerful keys to ponder...
Surround yourself with the yellow light of sun
For you need not leave your own space to fly and expand
Reach out and touch the universse
And look down on small troubles ...for they will melt in your heart-fire
For the sun of pure consciousness shines in the chambers of your heart like a self-luminous spirit, a sun of suns
It is the inner self that transcends words and thoughts
And once you realize its preence, you will no more return to this world of birth and death
And the truth will ring inside you; nobody comes and nobody goes
The soul exists forever
Burn through your fears and delusions with the power of enquiry
Have the courage to always climb upwards
Aspire to the higher world
And know that courage itself is power
For you have control over what kind of dance you do to the solar-music of the sign under which you were born
It is not all wasted stars and dead suns
For all the patterns are imprinted on your subconscious mind...trailed from lifetime to lifetime...ready to be activated in your present existence.



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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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