Sunday, April 18, 2021

"One of our Highest Possibilities is to be an Angel Whisperer."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Today... let us try something different. The focus of the world at this time is on all manner of disquiet, discontent, fear and outrage bursting to the surface. Not a day goes by when there are not, at least several multiple shootings, outcries for revolution, hypocrisy in spades, you name it; if it is venal, self serving and in search of sorrow, it's happening and all over the place. The uncertainty and apprehension is so great that it is all we are seeing and it is forced upon us by those who profit accordingly.

HOWEVER... there are all kinds of remarkable, transformative, and world-changing efforts going on below the radar. Some have been coming for a while and some are quite new. I have loved permaculture for as long as I have known about it. Now we have Saliva Culture. I am posting this brief commentary on the matter for your perusal... heh heh.

“Plants have superintelligence. If you put your saliva on the seed of an edible plant and then place it in the soil, something miraculous happens. The plant reads your DNA and will structure its own genetic blueprint to be a super-food based on any deficiencies or requirements that your DNA is signaling. Plants are capable of this due to the infinite intelligence of the natural world.”


Many, many other marvels are on the doorstep because of the turning of the age and the efforts of the workers on the invisible planes. Wonders long concealed are about to be... revealed.

(I do not know if that is true but it sounds strangely rational and reasonable. I'd love to be a Plant Whisperer. Personally, I am fascinated with The Devic Realm. It gets a lot of my attention. The Angelic Realm is in The Devic Realm. These are just terms for something understood through different templates from East to West. As much as I love plants, I love angels more, and it is an order of angels that attends to the needs of plants anyway so... you get it coming and going. One of our highest possibilities is to be an Angel Whisperer.)

That quote about Saliva transmissions comes from a Russian school of thought. Here's what they say about the source of the information; “The books fundamental to the Anastasian movement, deemed the 'Bible' of the Russian New Age, are The Ringing Cedars of Russia written by Vladimir Megre. According to Anastasian belief, their content was transmitted to Megre by Anastasia, a prophetess, 'bearer and keeper of ancient knowledge' living in Siberia.” All these things and MANY MORE like them are about to become public AND PRIVATE knowledge. They will be understood at the level of the understanding of whoever is contemplating it. Once again, there are the masses and the initiates.

For the masses, it is most convenient for whatever they accept to be true, to be in agreement with WHAT THEY WANT. For the initiates, all that is important is, 'IS IT TRUE , and does it serve Heaven?” Those who become initiates have reached a stage of complete understanding of The World. Therefore, their intensity for higher knowledge and higher love is so much greater. They are less likely to resort to or rely on half measures or inconsistent efforts.

That makes sense to me.

The World is in a state of transformation that is far more comprehensive than most of us know. These ideas and events are going on at the boundaries of the periphery of life. You see it but you don't see it. Within a few short years, things are going to be appearing and impacting on life beyond what anyone presently imagines. Then, alternatively, we have the murk and quicksand of material life with a tailwind of extreme force... pressing down... pressing down. That path is so well worn you can't even see it anymore. Maybe that is why it is called The Trackless Wastes. It's the main highway into this culture's sinker pitch. Steeerike twoooooooooo!!!

Everything you can learn in professional settings you can learn intuitively... Phrenology for instance. It is a science that you can have operating in you simply by paying attention. People think they are paying attention but they can't follow sleight of hand. How can they see the masters of the game? On the outside of humanity, though very capable of moving through it, are two differently directed groups of souls. They are most markedly diverse when it comes to motive. One is in self-service and one is in selfless service. They are of many different intensities and stages of evolution. To succeed at either is to become it more and more completely. It's the only way.

If you are going up and in, or if you are going DOWN and OUT, those postures and mindsets are diametrically opposite. In either case, you are not passing through phases and changes, although that is also taking place. You are passing through The Personas that represent the various states and stages of that form of being. You become who and what that is until you become something else, or The Self is revealed. In either direction, it all relates to everything else in the passage. It all agrees with itself. It makes sense, where it would make no sense to anyone who hasn't bought into the objective of their pursuit. It becomes your whole world. Truthfully though, there are many worlds, some nicer than others. This place -Earth- is a Proving Ground. All kinds of things go on here because this is also a Payback Zone, for offenses committed in that zone on previous occasions. There are other Payback Zones also.

If you are moving on the Angelic Path, you come into states of awareness that reflect the general climate and thought-fields of the residents. If you are moving on the demonic path, you come into states of awareness that reflect that too. You engage in mind-melds with life forms that have occupied those locations for centuries and millennia. You become that which you seek, even if what you seek or experience is tangential to the thing itself. Think of how the gravity of a large planet acts upon a smaller body. You become what you desire; drawn or driven. You become that which enjoys whatever it is that you think you are enjoying. In order to fully engage in certain appetites, you have to become the one in whom that fullness is most completely expressed. The love of God sings in everyone but sometimes it carries a tune or makes discord out of it.

Yes... there are many wonderful and curious things here on this plane of doomed flowers and dying sparrows. You see the destinies playing out all around you. Some are epic successes or failures. Most are mundane and not that interesting. Life doesn't get interesting or exciting unless Love enters into it. Without Love, you have a barren waste, literally. Everyone in any state of distress suffers from an absence of Love; whether they know it or not, or will admit it or not. Personally, I'm passing through. I'm going to enjoy the scenery but I am not going to get caught up in it and be a roadside attraction. We all have different levels of integrity and honor. Whatever your war, you need both. Integrity and honor will get you through war zones better than times without them would. Krishna makes mention of this in The Gita.

Yes, people who get too attached to what is going on down here OBVIOUSLY are unaware of the conditions of life at a higher rate of vibration. Otherwise, this place would be only a bus station to further ports of call. What do you know, that is the case. Sometimes conditions here can be fairly bad, even gruesome. Other places, that seldom, if ever happens. Imagine being in Bora Bora on a perfect day and then being in New York during a riot, or in the Hindu Kush as a Native English Speaker. There is a certain stream of personas that move across this plane that never run into unpleasant conditions, and... if so, only temporarily and for The Purpose of Demonstration. Others can't seem to catch a break, and yet others get a dose of both, at different levels of severity.

It's a movie as much as it is a dream and dreams are movies in any case. God is sleeping, dreaming this world and all that transpires here. Will he wake up? That was a question that I asked. “I don't know.” is what I was told. Now, I know a little better. I also know that as well as being a cosmic matter, it is also a personal matter. Some want to wake God up. Some do not. Of course, a part of God is always awake and apart as he is within. Some want to wake up. Some do not. The Avatar provides the means and energy to make that happens in times when it would be more unlikely otherwise.

The Avatar is bringing an awakening. You can see how this force is misinterpreted by those in search of self-interest. They are supposedly 'woke'... Because a warped human nature is directed toward turning the world upside down, they go backwards into perversity and spiritual entropy. The Usual Suspects are working overtime in search of a stock split; working for a bankrupt corporation, whose ONLY funding comes from God in the first place. THEY want to literally open The Gates of Hell. It happens on occasion here. The Initiates and The Fellowship are working to bring Heaven to Earth. With The Avatar coming, it's looking like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers last year. The Avatar is a BIG HELP. That's why the quantum leap opportunity is there, courtesy of The Avatar. You can contact him or his agents, internally; operators are standing by.

Inasmuch as we "live in interesting times", those are also the times in which accelerated spiritual growth is possible. Adversity gives us a keener edge and times of doubt give us the option to exercise our faith. It's all good, just not in the way that the self-interest junkies think of it. More and more I feel greater and greater sorrow when I observe how people are spending their times, and... most especially those that millions look up to. I see their destined AND intended end. May God flood your world with light and make your heart a fountain of overflowing Love.

End Transmission.......


Ray B. said...

Vis, a very thoughtful and compassionate blog. Appreciated...

Vis: “The uncertainty and apprehension is so great that it is all we are seeing and it is forced upon us by those who profit accordingly.”

Back when I was caretaking my mother during her fading years, she would watch news for hours on end. She would get fearful over the endless parade of bad news - especially local violence. I would have to 'talk her down' by mentioning that while a few people in her metropolitan area of over a million had very bad day, the rest of the million had a good-to-excellent day. She would think that over, and relax. (The MSM has 'weaponized' news in more than one way...)
Vis: “Here's what they say about the source of the information; 'The books fundamental to the Anastasian movement, deemed the "Bible" of the Russian New Age, are The Ringing Cedars of Russia written by Vladimir Megre.'”

I had a nice 'manifestation' around those books. I had seen them mentioned and was curious. So, I put-out that it would be nice to obtain them. Some time later, I was wandering in a nearby-city used book store. Lo and behold, there was the entire series (nine books)! Through a bulk-buy and previous store credit, I got them for a very reasonable price. Thanks, whomever! (They are in my to-be-read pile, although Higher Self tells me that I/we use them as a 'gateway' to visit certain folks...)
Vis: “On the outside of humanity, though very capable of moving through it, are two differently directed groups of souls. ... To succeed at either is to become it more and more completely. It's the only way.”

I had an early realization/intuition that once I picked a career/trade to become, I would have to become that completely in order to rise to the top. That realization kept me from plunging-in to any particular field. I mastered each to a certain level, but never put my heart in them (in an all-encompassing way). A few decades back, something 'clicked' in my spiritual studies, and I was all-in. Total commitment. My earlier realization/intuition served me good stead in not committing myself to some less-than-high path, before making whatever breakthrough happened that led to a 'career' with Higher Self. Thanks to whomever!
We do live in “Interesting Times.” My hope is that some kind of top-down 'intervention' will restore humanity to its earlier High State (older and wiser)...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

robert said...

Visible One,

We can only be One with everyone when everyone embraces our common core.
(Insidious how the deceivers throw out coopting labels which overlay deeper meaning.)
All deception and the mob mentality itself is sold by substitution, cheap hookers for truths, like our unity deep below appearances to the contrary!

Then, alternatively, we have the murk and quicksand of material life with a tailwind of extreme force... pressing down... pressing down. That path is so well worn you can't even see it anymore. Maybe that is why it is called The Trackless Wastes. It's the main highway into this culture's sinker pitch. Steeerike twoooooooooo!!!

Feel the weight bearing down now, about to shift off our backs or take us down with it?

They are most markedly diverse when it comes to motive. One is in self-service and one is in selfless service. They are of many different intensities and stages of evolution. To succeed at either is to become it more and more completely. It's the only way.

"Who do you love?" the song lyric states it most concisely.
Who is worth being at the end of the musical chairs?

You are passing through The Personas that represent the various states and stages of that form of being. You become who and what that is until you become something else, or The Self is revealed.

Right before we let go of our accumulated memories, discarded as no longer useful to the pursuit of life, their weight grows unbearable.
Memories no longer serve as the present is growing dimensionally and past experience serves no purpose but ballast and braking action, which will break our connection to spirit if we delay our awareness too long.
Either stay in the moment, in the center of One awareness or be trapped in the mindset of our embodiment, which is falling farther behind the speed of light.

Our human mind is designed to target and acquire tangible goals, even when we learn that the real goals are higher meanings related to those earthly goals.
Making space for intangible callings runs the risk of splitting the mind with hairs too fine to see.

Everyone in any state of distress suffers from an absence of Love

Or, since there can be no absence of love in anything existing, we suffer from our self-created separation, which can ONLY have its pseudo existence within our hermetic mental prison cells.

God is sleeping, dreaming this world and all that transpires here. Will he wake up?

All creation is alive and awake except the human consciousness for which it all plays out!
The One may be sleeping within us: will WE wake up and realize we were asleep to the One?

Larsbarbow said...

WOW, you are tapping into my soul more than ever. Much love and gratitude.

KnowThanx said...

@Ray B,
I always appreciate reading your comments. Like those of Robert, they add depth and insight to each Visible post.


Anonymous said...

Dave McGowen, now I remember. Thank you


Visible said...


They certainly do.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

This post competes with a runner's high. Made my day. . .week, or at least until Friday when I have a full shift. ;O)

Anonymous said...

Dear Visible,
If and when in doubt about my up and in motion of consiousness or if I am instead delusional (have been way too often in the past), you most beatifully paint a picture with words that describes what is being revealed to me also, giving me a most blessed assurance of things most uncertain and thought by many not to be true. Thank you for providing a refugee for our higher awareness to rest on that grass that rumi talks about in his poem "the great wagon" by your work, and I wish for your continued ascendace to lead the way for all of us, your spiritual brothers, closer to our common core. Thank also to our not equally but very talented commenters which have made this place feel more sacred than the churches, lodges, and asrams one finds usually in material life (talking about me). Pray we all become vessels for the selfless to become completelly us, or better worded we lose ourselves completelly in the selfless. To die before we die, as our esoteric christian brothers would say, so as not to die when we die. And so god can live in us finally after who knows how many lives, as he so obviously shines through your writing. Your wish for "May God flood your world with light and make your heart a fountain of overflowing Love" has been fulfilled for me, thank you.

A friend from greece.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Les, God Love You.

Visible said...

My God! That was beautifully put and makes the work here more meaningful now.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is now up!!!

"A Lot of Words Chasing Their Tails Round and Round the Mulberry Bush."

Thomas said...

Just reading this now, as I have been busy with certain things.

Oh, Visible, it is so good! I think this must be the post I like best of all those I have so far read from your hand. The span from light to dark, the clarity, and the light touch - without shying away from anything, nor losing your deep personal sense.

I can report that I have seen no adequate proofs against your assertions, and that I am seeing signs that you may indeed be entirely correct.

Oh God, may it be!



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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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