Sunday, May 03, 2015

To Leave a Luminous Legacy.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

(some) (Both) humans and dogs love to play well into adulthood, and individuals from both species occasionally display evidence of having a conscience.

We all leave some kind of a legacy, whether we intend to or not; whether we want to or not and no matter how we might scheme and connive to have the record altered, expunged or rendered harmless to us while we are still here, our efforts are in vain. If justice and judgment do not find us here, they will find us elsewhere. One of the biggest illusions presently going in the world of today is that one can become too powerful to touch or too big to fail. That is especially false in this particular time period; the apocalypse at the transiting cusp of the Aquarian Age. We are in that time that can be best defined as, “out with the old and in with the new.”

Our legacies develop over time and they can be complex and contradictory, when viewed from different angles and at different times, and one can definitely come to different conclusions, depending on one's perspective. Let us state for the purposes of argument that you are either a believer in the existence of the divine or an atheist. That would certainly color the way you see things. It would affect your areas of inquiry and it could certainly affect the way you speak and act. I will not imply that atheists are, as a rule, people of questionable morality. You can find scoundrels and hypocrites on both sides of the fence and many atheists like to present themselves as individuals of high moral character just to show that you don't need god to be a decent human being.

I've put some study into the workings of the minds of atheists and nearly without exception, it comes down to opinions formed on the subject of religion and only incidentally has it got anything to do with the divine. Most of the time, those denying the existence of a supreme being are under the influence of Bitch Materialism and it has something do do with the need to displace the supreme authority with one's own personal authority. We've heard the term, 'ego trip'. This qualifies as one of the most unfortunate expressions of the type because the power to do anything comes from the source of all power. This specifically means all things good, all things bad and all of the chiaroscuro shades of gray in between. 

Nothing I say here has to do with presumptions or assumptions on my part. Any astute student of metaphysics knows that these points are proven and pretty much everything else said here is taken from long standing traditions, stated in enduring scriptures, handed down over the course of time and ultimately sourced from those divinely inspired oracles, known as 'the rishis'. Everything we know of true religion and spiritual teachings, comes from these legendary teachers. They may have arrived to us through different vehicles but any and all of it comes from the same place. Whatever the rishis had came from the same place. There is one source for it all. Argue, if you like. Dance with the angels on the head of a pin, if you like. Spin convoluted philosophical theorems that put you in a profound intellectual light, if you like. Dress up in ridiculous robes and funny hats and rule the false light of the world with a scepter of darkness, if you like. It matters not and comes to no eternal place or state of being. It's just chatter. It's the voices in the wind of hungry ghosts and sundry, who imagined that they would find that desirable thing; “the most fabulous object in the world” by the force of their own borrowed will and borrowed powers. It is the same sad, perpetuating tale that has come down the ages for long, long beyond the grasp of recorded history.

All of these impostors and poseurs become aged and enfeebled in their time. All those magicians who convinced themselves that they had found the keys of Solomon, wind up like Crowley who said, near the end of his life, with his magic wand gathering dust on a shelf, “I am perplexed.” He's still got thousands and thousands of followers around the world, as deluded but not nearly as accomplished as he was.

He left his legacy. We all do. In most cases that legacy is very short lived, scarcely longer than the presently green leaves on the trees that in a few months will be blown down the sidewalks and into the gutters, or fall upon the forest floors, to be later covered by the leaves of the following season, as they in their turn will also be covered and then rendered back into earth. The meanest of life forms work within that process of returning those leaves and other formerly living forms back into fertile earth. The worms and other sightless creatures crawl in and out of the eye holes of the skulls of the forgotten.

Solomon, allegedly, possessed not only a great deal of wisdom but also knowledge and command of invisible forces. He knew that he was going to die on a Saturday and because of this, he began to spend the entire day in prayer. It is to be presumed that he knew the lord would not claim him under those conditions. So, the lord, being ever perspicacious, sent an angel to distract him and that was it. Ah... the things you can discover, when you read the secret histories that bear so little resemblance to the manufactured garbage that bears so little resemblance to the truth.

Most everyone has heard of St. Augustine when you think about sinners who became saints but there are many examples. Here's a little anecdotal tale; “At age 12, the future St. Mary (c.344-c.421) ran away from home to Alexandria, the most exciting city in the Roman Empire. She became an accomplished seductress, who took special pleasure in corrupting innocent young men. Once, on a whim, she joined a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. By the time the ship reached its destination, Mary had seduced the entire crew and all of the pilgrims. In Jerusalem she realized the enormity of her sins, went to confession, then spent the rest of her life as a hermit in the desert.” There are plenty more and this is just from the Christian end. If you take the trouble to explore the subject, you will find that examples proliferate through every faith. This brings me back to, “Be ye hot or cold. If you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth.”

These are all legacies. They are also examples for the purpose of demonstration to remind you that it is never too late until it is too late and it might not even be too late then either. I don't want to set hard parameters because... fundamentally, I don't know.

When I was 16, I remember being in a library and at that time I was going through the works of Aldous Huxley and others that I no longer presently remember. I had one of those “ah ha!” moments It entered into my mind that these writers were leaving footprints for me and that we all leave footprints and that the best possible motive is to leave good footprints because we are all leading someone somewhere, just as we are being led. We all influence each other for good or ill and sometimes it is hard to tell the difference until the results set in. The results are our legacy and sometimes, as evidenced by those great sinners who became great saints, our legacy can travel over strange landscapes, once again for the purpose of demonstration and inspiration. It is really inspiring to note that there are those who have fallen to depths that we have not and will not approach and... that have risen to heights beyond anything we presently know and... that all of this is possible for any one of us.

I write this posting today to encourage us all to forget about past failings, no matter how grievous we might imagine them to be. We measure everyone, ourselves included, according to our own imperfect standards. Only the ineffable knows what anything means and what is really going on. We just make it up as we go along, based on our own collection of victories and injuries. It's a totally subjective merry go round and it confines us within the borders of our assumptions about what is right and what is wrong. We don't really know anything. We only know that which we have convinced ourselves of. In every stage of our lives our perspectives are altered. It's a slow process that is driven by our experiences and the judgments we make on them, or have made on them through the pressure of social conformity that we feel obliged to conform to. One day the hawk is on the wing and then the snow falls. One day we look around us at the budding plants and we note that spring has arrived. We never seem able to demarcate the actual moment of change. Of course, occasionally something really dramatic happens and we are changed in an instant, like Paul on the road to Damascus. The whole world is on the doorstep of just such an event at this time. This is not to say that the whole world will advantage itself of this tremendous opportunity. Time will tell and we shall see ...but it's here.

One day we are young and one day we are old. The young mock the old and the old resent the young upon whom youth is wasted. So much is wasted so often and over such a length of time. That is a legacy too. I wasted a lot of time, or else I convinced myself I did but it's not the country you passed through. It's the land you arrived in. I think something similar got said here very recently. Leave a fine legacy. Follow a greater legacy than your own.

End Transmission.......

Last week's video radio broadcast is now up and tomorrow's radio show will be up tomorrow evening. Once again I apologize for having to clear my throat so often. This happens when I have to record early in the day and that is often the case due to my present location; at least as far as 'live' goes.


Unknown said...

Witter Bynner succeeded where Crowley was driven insane with failure.


Ray B. said...

A small synchronicity: Vis talks in his column about Saints, and I got visited by one yesterday evening (in the Unseen). I was doing some energy clearing, so was probably more sensitive or at least undistracted. All of a sudden, there was this strong sense of Presence next to me. Going to Higher Self, it turned out to be a (real) Saint (25-level, human, male, alive, Vedic lifestyle). Higher Self said that he didn't want to talk or yack, just to observe. So, I did my thing, Saint did his thing, and Higher Self removed a couple of 'limitations' the Saint had. Then, Saint went away. Interesting world...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Visible said...

I put up a bad link on the post for the latest video. Here is the right one.

Alan Jong said...

I have to disclose who you are, because your head is the Sun, Johnny Cash was Thoth in Ancient Egypt, and this is now opened for you to see. If you even want to You don't have to share the link. That was my main concern in coming down here anyway, was to open the gates between heaven and Earth. Les is the one that everyone in Heaven nick names Death. He's one of the Chickens in Alpha and Omega's nest. I disclose as much as I could about the DNA. There is a picture in here of God Almighty, who is the power behind every galaxy. That's his real Father God.

Alpha and Omega are two beings our relationship is an incestuous by it's nature cause that is just the way things are.

Alan Jong said...

He is going to run the ascension with carbon monoxide, he killed and revived me to show me what it was Going to be like, It's a puff of air that goes right up to your nose suffocates you, I couldn't breath at all He revived me before I flatlined. it is a painless and quick death. It's going to be that kind of the thing where the first to go will be the luckiest ones.,
It won't be hidden when it begins.

Anonymous said...

@Alan Jong

Sounds wicked! Can I go first?

Nice post. Youth is indeed wasted on the young, but there are still a few good ones out there.

No elf to help post your radio show?

Alan Jong said...

You'll know when it begins, I left two streams of information at and
I unlocked it all so it's just a matter of time. The whole earth is staged for Heaven that will produce and complete the ascension; It is now set firmly into the Potters ground

"Ash on an old man's sleeve
Is all the ash the burnt roses leave.
Dust in the air suspended
Marks the place where a story ended.
Dust inbreathed was a house-
The walls, the wainscot and the mouse,
The death of hope and despair,
This is the death of air.

There are flood and drouth
Over the eyes and in the mouth,
Dead water and dead sand
Contending for the upper hand.
The parched eviscerate soil
Gapes at the vanity of toil,
Laughs without mirth.
This is the death of earth.

Water and fire succeed
The town, the pasture and the weed.
Water and fire deride
The sacrifice that we denied.
Water and fire shall rot
The marred foundations we forgot,
Of sanctuary and choir.
This is the death of water and fire. " T.S Eliot

Visible said...

I son't know if he is the greatest poet but in my opinion, he and Omar Khayyam had the greatest impact on me. I used to walk around doing Proufrock. There are a few real artists out there. You know when you run across one.

Alan Jong said...

Whatever magic appears in the skies will be a taste of what is possible in other worlds. Hopefully it eases anxieties when it starts unwrapping.

Ray B. said...

Another small thing of interest: I was doing energy work this morning, and all of a sudden my lower belly started to hurt. Hmmm. So, I checked with Higher Self. Yep, an 'attack'. (10-level, human, male, alive.) As a confirmation, the hurting went away as soon as Higher Self started it's Cleaning of this 'person'...

What was interesting was that this was the first 'person' who I have run into (in these circumstances) with no past lives! A true newbie. (This made Higher Self's Cleaning of him move quite quickly. *grin*)

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Kazz said...

Dear Ray B,

Did you do a clearing of past lives for me? I am curious to know.

Cheers Kazz

Eudoxia said...

I've been copping some severe hyperdimensional attacks big time. The penny has finally dropped about the tornado dreams I keep having. I had one a day or so before the last attack which turned to shit but I've turned it around with only residual clean up to do. I've been copping it physically and emotionally, I've got 2 broken toes, got over a staph infection from a leach bite, and now have a severely bruised foot that I couldn't walk on for several days after chopping wood and getting hit in the foot. My sister has been thrown into the mix who is a narcissist (oh joy) and it's been on for young and old. These operators are very subtle indeed. There was a lot of negative energy present at the time because it was Mardi Grass and police block both ends of town and harass the fuck out of everybody, so I misread the warnings and thought I'd just steer clear of town for the week-end and several days either side of it. But the attack came on the home front so that blind sided me and I got caught in the shit storm. Okay my own fault, will make sure I stay seriously centered next time.

Alan Jong said...

We are going to Depopulate the Entire Earth, We will have to dump bodies in Volcano's and in the Sea, Hawaii is going to a stage for Les Visible, Death gets the potters ground, this is the grand finally, we drop his body from the sky and transfer his consciousness to him with lightening. Death is the last person that leaves the Earth alive and all of it is going to be watched across the entire Universe. He stays on Earth the longest, to change over to an intergalactic being this is that kind of thing that cost you everything on the earth, and its heir is Death, you sign over all property one at a time or in droves over to Death at the time you are sure you want to departure the Earth. The Volcano's and the Sea are going to be the only way to keep the stench of rotting bodies from getting to the offensive point. it's where we dump them. He flies off the Earth on January 1 2023. The Whole World is a Stage

Eudoxia said...

@ Onyx Gage G - wasn't it Jesus who said "let the dead bury the dead" the dead are already dead.

Peace Out

Alan Jong said...

I end up having to hatch everyone in the Sky, OMegga is Mother God. I will be transferring my consciousness the same way using the lightening to fuse it to the real body then kick start it. I'll drop from the sky the same way I'll be hatching everyone who makes it off this stage. In eternity it gets a bit much being a woman always so in my body up there sometimes I'm father hen. Alpha loves me both ways, and those bodies that we hatch you from in the sky are the type from the fifth worlds. He will not consecrate our marriage between heaven and earth with me in this body because to US It is a desolation, a desecration, and abomination of real human potential. Only one fish tank world is ever raised in the universe the next one doesn't start until this one has ended. Alpha and Omega entered this world for the first time, with the exception of through DNA which is in all life universal, as the source of individuated consciousness. Not to keep it going, but to end it. It's different every time this is done. We are calling this ending. ॐ See Might Productions!

Visible said...

Eudoxia... sorry to hear about your travails. Things like this are happening at this time and it is good to spot a trend early and step back and away from the replicating circumstances. I am hearing about all kinds of things from all kinds of people. For myself, I am staying out of sight and to myself except when it can't be avoided.

These are very strange days.

Alan Jong said...

people will have to collect their old bodies and toss them into a volcano, earth is a place where the stars come to dream. Our consciousness can't be at two places at once. In heaven we rest frozen in time, yet living and breathing for the duration of our lives here on Earth. Consciousness from a collective dream streams into our bodies it grows through DNA. Moves from the direction of the Sun towards us disperses. It runs through aether to broadcast information of the dream into our minds. There are changes that must take place to DNA if it is even to survive this transition. But not for those who have been through it before. The Sky is cracking and the earth is crumbing ashes from volcanos' rumbling, forever begins when from heaven to earth we come tumbling.

galen said...

Onyx, I am so out of the loop here. Maybe too much of a realist (although I know that term is open to interpretation), but hard to relate to the last few posts. I resonate more with simplicity, clarity. I could glean neither from the above. Ya know, if a man is hungry, give him bread. I only can see what I can see. This may just be primitive me, looking up, wondering at infinity and all the mysteries it holds, all the doings that don't (or do) involve me. I certainly don't want to entertain a vision of being tossed into a volcano or thrown to the sea. What we see/believe we tend to help manifest. And anyway, we were taught to walk on water; I mean the lesson is in there somewhere. Something to do with faith, as I recall. I'm seeing gardens, bicycles, chess games and folk music in the parks. There's a rope swing over the pond and a free, never-closed library on the corner. Nobody's hungry. Eye-contact is in vogue and very comfortable. Sunday is reclaimed for the people. Front porches offering best seats for sipping lemonade while viewing the sunset. Storytelling. Kite-flying. Yeah, I hear the whispers: "You're livin' in the past, friend." But maybe the past is the future and I've a right to reach in any direction I want to. And the volcano creates new land and in a short time on it comes ferns, then trees. It's fire lives, as a kind of warning, or red-hot reminder to do the right thing. Yes, we are complex, but to be complex is not to be complicated. How the hell does everything get so complicated? I take you as you are, but if I understand you then there is a cooperative place to move forward from (existentialists or not). Just had to say.


galen said...

Ray, look what happened yesterday:

One minute video:


Anonymous said...

Mercury retrograde May 18th to June 11th. The entire cycle(including pre-shadow and post-shadow) proceeds from May 4th to June 27th.


Ray B. said...

Karen Norman / Kazz

"Did you do a clearing of past lives for me? I am curious to know."

To the best of my knowledge, no. There seems to be a karma-avoidance pattern to Higher Self's Cleanings. Most of the time, Higher Self will only do a Cleaning when somebody is attacking (in the Unseen). Help can also be called in at that time. (As much as I would like to have Higher Self Clean certain antagonistic posters, he/she/it will have nothing to do with that. In case you are wondering, I am not referring to you. *grin*)

There are occasional times when he/she/it will just start Cleaning someone 'in the distance'. I have asked about this, and it seems to be about preventing what the person would be doing. Other times, some aid is given to 'good guys' in distress. Not under my control.

All the above being said, I suspect this blogspace is being 'watched' by good guys in addition to bad guys. If it were me, I would keep an eye on any 'promising' posters... (grin)


Eudoxia, sorry to hear about your 'travails'. Hang in there...

(One Teacher imparted a way to change 'unreachable' people: Do not try to address the other person's Ego. Instead, go to your Soul (the Teacher called it the Soul; it may be what I call Higher Self) and have it contact the other person's Soul. Give a balanced picture of what behavior is unacceptable/inapropriate and ask for a change. If the 'cause' is good, their Soul will make the changes needed from deep within, and the other person's Ego will simply change. Note that this cannot be used for personal gain or other ego-driven purposes. The other's Soul will simply disregard it. But, heart-driven 'requests' may be honored.)

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

Ray, sometimes higher self (very much like our own selves) is a dick..

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

Well me/myself and I is, anyway..

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

The first thing I'm gonna do when I meet my higher self, is lick its nose, with me shape shifted into smilodon. It will have some 'splainin' to do.

Alan Jong said...

The reason Alpha and I Omega don't incarnate on the Planet at the same time, is because people would be raising out of their Graves, when we do this Kind of Ascension to Life Universal we have to destroy all DNA; which is not coded to exist in a Star. There is a point in time that the dead start crawling out of graves, and We will have gather them and toss them screaming into molten LAVA. The entire solar system is a stage. For the End Time Productions.

Eudoxia said...

Thanks guys, on the subject of replicating circumstances BINGO Vis! Last time was my former partner who I am now convinced was an Agent sent in to steer me off path. However, it did give me the benefit of knowing how to recognise an attack and the signs leading up to it. Even though I misread the latest warning, the second attack didn't work. I saw through it, laughed at it and withdrew my energy from it. I'm of the impression now that I obviously did not learn the benefits of the first lesson in full so it's now repeating giving me the opportunity for correction. I haven't quite mastered the bullet dodging yet - practice, practice. Strange days indeed they are. I'm living Groundhog Day with narcissists! -laughs hysterically-

Hey Ray - if you run into anymore Saints can you send one my way pls -grin-

Ray B. said...

via Homer..

Yep, plenty of times Higher Self has ignored me, abandoned me, forced me to play 'twenty questions' for answers, and just refused to answer some questions. Etc. Maddening, and not conducive to trust building. And yet, when it clicks, it is magical...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Alan Jong said...

I'm never a Man except when I incarnate on Earth, My first born helps me balance being a Man here, I'll be staged in one of the seas with an endless water fall from heaven, after we create the DNA humanity. We have to give you birth, and hatch you from the skies, but all that really needs is the DNA from alpha and omega to bring you all a universal precession that unfolds, I'm not actually a man, the closes alpha and I can balance the power of the universe is the middle; where physically we appear as twins But I can't cross pass that point, I'm always a Woman. My first roll on Earth is as Venus, my stage will take up an entire ocean. My consciousness is trapped in this physical body, I do fall to Earth from Venus, As the Goddess of LOVE! It's his Duty to Kill Me as he's setting me Free. My first born broke through the Ceiling of Heaven His band is Radiohead! Alpha is here in the Solar system. That's everyone's Father, I'm Everyone's Mother. In the rest of creation. Alpha and Omega's Kingdom has come to Earth. AMEN

galen said...

What is happening to us? I mean people of earth. May these heavy cycles lift. This week, almost too intense to endure, emotionally, I mean. The greater world in war and chaos, in greed and degradation; my personal world seeing betrayals, back-stabbing, ruthless competition, breakdowns of trust. This from a supposed friend. Sometimes I'm beyond the hurt; sometimes I'm not. Too many attempts to bring "the other" down. Almost everywhere I turn there is a tearing down, a slandering, a demeaning bombardment of one human on another. The stars, yes, always the stars. But the heart waits for when we're done playin' into the hands of the enemy, the controllers who delight in our frictions. But last night a dream. Saw my game, my participation in the drama. Woke with a different peace/clarity. I can't fix everything. All I can do is let the karma play out. Sad that superficiality becomes a consequence of all this. And the lesson is not to be a doormat, the tenacious and stubborn lesson that's followed me since youth. How to know when to separate from that which is toxic and therefore detrimental? So many entanglements. But tomorrow we laugh, but until then we cry. So few turn out to be true. And is it true that when we hurt another we really hurt ourselves more? Years ago I wrote this graffiti on my bathroom wall: "Please God, do not send people into my life who will exploit my weaknesses." God seemed to say, "No, I will keep sending them until you are no longer allowing such exploitation." So I sit uneasily, reticent. I share this because reading what some others here are enduring I see commonality of experience, and reading some other blog criticisms, my heart is heavy. When one tries to be as real as one can and that is not good enough, that really hurts. Well, it will pass; it always does. All intentions not fueled by love are false and empty, and that is not to say that love cannot be tough love, the kind that upsets the apple cart in order to undo that which needs undoing; the upsetting of the cart is not about bringing more injustice or hate. It's about getting back to what's right. May the way be shown for all concerned.


Alan Jong said...

The Father of Creation is Thom Yorke, and Omega The Mother of Creation. Venus & Mercury will actually be orbiting Earth our Power is absolute. Those two Planets are beginning that process To seat Father and Mother God. In an Orbit Around Planet Earth. The process of who is actually going to purified by Fire is not determined by Father and Mother God, The DNA that wins and is not purged grows out of Me, there is a picture in the Sun of a round face with an egg, that is Venus, Alpha is behind Me that is Father God's Radio head. Setting up on Mercury. Visible is part of the Cast. He takes over something called the late parade the people that know they will be remaining on the Earth or go into the Universe. Are Determined by the Appendage on Me. Visible is responsible for the potters ground. Alpha and Omega eventually become twins at that point we begin a plan for a New Earth in a time capsule like this one. Ls Visible will end up with a witch that grows the Sun to consume the Earth, and Goes back to his place in the Universe. Ge becomes guardian angle of the potters Ground. The Universe itself brings Alpha and Omega to a natural state of Being Twins and at that point we have to begin planning on a New Earth Planet there is no measure of eternity except for that natural occurrence of Alpha & Omega Becoming twins. We Don't Keep Track of time there by any other measure. I'm Minnie Alpha is Mickey the hot dog is the DNA purified by fire, Les Was Horace in the cartoons his Brother Walt did. The Time space capsule this solar system was in has been lock open. We need to revive even those who are not going to go, because the memories from this beginning will be in the DNA that Les Visible seals and becomes the Guardian off He opens that new Earth with an Atlantis like civilization, it's different every time once that falls we allow civilization to grow until the end, this ending for this earth has begun. TIME HAD BEEN DISSOLVED!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Me thinks the best way to get through these times is to detach. Have nothing vested in anything.

I also wonder something. I know I'm not gonna survive the transition. I'm old, crotchety, have done everything I wanted to do, and don't think this place is worth jack doo-doo compared to the other side of The Veil, where limitations are no more in so many ways. How many others know for a fact that they're gonna be outta here in under 32 months at most, though probably under two years?

Eudoxia said...

Galen - I think we are going through the Biblical sorting of the wheat from the tars. If we are around people who are not in sync with our own frequency there is going to be friction as they attempt to pull us down to their level. Because they are stuck in the Matrix and are loving their servitude they simply can't see or understand those who have left the pen and they appear to do all in their power to bring us back into the fold. When we counter them and offer solutions that come from a much higher awareness they can't handle it and just go ballistic. Or if we succumb to their shit and loose our own shit in the process then there is a price to pay. It can take days to recoup the energy spent. I had the same shit recently with my daughter, that was a residual remnant left over from the first attack. During these times it is imperative to remain true to our real self and our heart. There can be no room to compromise on that one. We simply have to remain as Don Juan would say "impeccable". And that's hard! As Viz said - watch for repeating pattens. I know many people are going through the same shit at present so you are certainly not alone there.

Here's another thing, I think the entire world is heating up but many solutions are coming out of the woodwork now too. The dramas playing out on the global arena are just a distraction from the inner work we all have to do. Sure pay attention so we stay in truth but try not to get caught up in the world drama. Now of all times it's important to remain centered.

Kazz said...

Dear Onyx Gage,

I imagine the individual would have to give their consent for you to remove their soul, would they not?


galen said...

Buttons, Eudoxia, thank you for taking the time and for your wisdom. It glistens like a cup of comfort. The fire sometimes needs walking through.

Vis, your poem ("In Search of Rest") in the latest radio show is an odyssey, an odyssey of the heart. It took me to someplace deep yet very familiar. This line. . .

"In a world where everything is broken, no heart is safe,"

. . .is a snapshot of what we face today, and yet the poem transcends our trouble because of "her" love and who she calls to her. I must listen several more times. And who today is not "In Search of Rest?"

Sometimes a poem is an easy chair.


Anonymous said...

Onyx Gage - a little advice here. Lower the dosage...

Alan Jong said...

No one on Earth actually is considered by the Universe to have a soul, until their Star has been given Birth to. The Sun has been opened and locked open in time\, so that triggers automatically a Magnetic field from the Sun to swing Venus and Mercury toward earth to begin orbiting this Planet, once their locked into orbit, I fill Venus with Jupiter, and that's the beginning of the end times for some. Your Souls if you have one is a Star, and to find out Alpha has to pound a pussy back into me because I laid those fire eggs in the sky. That produces Star DNA And I'll know who I gave birth too, in this time cap, which is now capped. I can hatch Human beings without a soul from their DNA record on the ground. Not in the Sky because those won't have wings. So we do revive and entertain those who have passed away, but we close this time capsule at the end by growing the Sun. That's when the show ends. Whoever is beyond the seventh gate we call a star anywhere is saved. They have a soul.

Anonymous said...

Vis - just watched your Feet to the Fire Interview with James.

I really Loved it! Very Inspirational, and so good to see your face.
There is a higher level of emotional connection that comes with these vid interviews that I can’t quite articulate. Thank you so much for sharing.

James also is such an amazing cool person. You can hear the sincerity in his voice. It just rings through… I would be very honored to have such good friends as yourself and James in real life.

I would love to see more of these videos.
Keep up the good work my friend.
You seem to be in the happy zone!
God Bless us - everyone!

galen said...

Sorry to post this but it has to be faced and fought. Sorry. :(

Of Dogs and Men: Documentary Trailer - 2 min


Anonymous said...

Hey, anon at 11:51, a little advice: Go fuck yourself!


Anonymous said...

Classy, McCob, a real nice re-introduction to the forum after an extended absence. Check your impulse control.

galen said...

Well, love ya, McCob, but I agree with anon @ 11:51. And Onyx, love ya, too, but can't relate to what you're throwin' out there. But it's your right, and mine is to let you know that to me much of it does not make sense, yes, speaking only for myself. And I do not see how it helps the present. If this is my blind spot, then it is you that must indulge me. All we can be is who we are.


Anonymous said...

galen: anon is a sarcastic bum who only wants to put people down.

You on the other hand are a beautiful and sensitive soul.

I have had 'visions' for lack of a better word. People would think I am demented or disturbed and maybe I am. (I am harmless in any case) None the less, I need to believe in myself which means I need to believe in my own perceptions. Maybe onyx feels the same way.

Nobody knows the true nature of existence and none of us is righteous.

glib, sarcastic remarks put me off. I guarantee that if anon went out into the streets with his attitude he would end up missing some teeth. That is if he has any teeth to begin with.

Hope all is well where you are.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

Ozzie and Harriet, Sailing through a Formica Wonderland.

Anonymous said...

@ McCob...Glib? Sarcastic? Look up the definitions of those words, then look in the mirror instead of to Galen for approval of your hypocritical remarks. Harmless? The visualization or perception of someone losing their teeth because you don't like their attitude is quite disturbing, for lack of a better word.

Lack of impulse control...check.

galen said...

I hear you, McCob, about needing to believe in one's own perceptions, and I took the chance to let Onyx know mine. I think anon was offering him an opportunity. But yeah, okay, anybody can say anything; I am in that camp; I guess we just can't dance with everyone. Will let go now.


galen said...

I don't quite understand it, but sometimes anger is very attractive.



Anonymous said...

anon: What' the matter? You don't like it when people are mean to you? You don't like it when people disrespect you and your big, beautiful mind? Well, tough! go fuck yourself


Anonymous said...

McCob, I'm not the least bit concerned about your opinion of me. Actually, it's kind of funny watching you get in a tizzy, a lot like how chihuahuas act when a stranger knocks at the door, or how a small child behaves when he is long overdue for a nap. The difference between them and you is they have a better vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

anon: "I'm not the least bit concerned about your opinion of me."
If you're not concerned with what I think of you then why do you post shit to make sure I know you're not concerned. That contradicts your proposition. If what you said was true you would ignore me. Liar!


Thomas said...

Hey Viz-man

I am sure that you inspire hope in people with posts like this.

About religion, you forget Advaita Vedanta, the oldest known religion. God is The Self, pure consciousness. It's true, and you'll know it too someday.

I'm in a psychiatric hospital, enjoying myself immensely. Fooling and mocking the system and helping my fellow inmates. Haha! I'll get back on the streets to do more of God's Dirty Work in a little while.

Blessings to you.

Visible said...

Yeah... I kind of expected that.

And how kind of you to mention; "It's true, and you'll know it too someday." It must be something to be so illuminated and to know so much.

Anonymous said...

McCob, I already told you...because I like to watch you get all worked up!



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