Friday, June 26, 2020

"Only the Path of Love can Cut Through the Material Darkness of These Times."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

The fear of these times is palpable. It presents differently depending on the person. In many cases, although Fear is the source of the comportment, the vehicle of expression can be anything from anger to a forced hilarity. I've seen just about every kind of variation in my 'just passing through' this vale of tears. I have to say, I am less impressed by the day with this world. Maybe it is part of the aging process, the closer you get to leaving, the less reason you have for staying; at least in my case that is. I have noticed that in many cases, the closer they get to leaving, the more desperate they are to stay. I am guessing that is for two reasons. One of them is attachment and the other is their having made no preparations concerning their onward course. All they know of life is here, and so... suffering is their guidance system. Unfortunately it goes nowhere but in circles of life after life. Unseen within the circle, is a spiral on a barely perceptible incline. This is the spiral of evolution. Just as a form of evolution exists on the physical plane, it exists on the spiritual plane as well and both of them can involve vast reaches of time.

One does not have to be a random pinball, bouncing off of the bumpers of cause and effect. One can hothouse their evolution. As Krishna said “Success is speedy for the energetic.” Personally, that is my preference. I fail to see the attraction in doing the same things over and over in hope of a different result. Strangely... at least for me, this same understanding is not commonly shared. When I was young I strove with all the strength I had to get beyond the snares of this world but... it was to no avail. I was thrust into the cauldron of Karma, whether from debt, or desire, or even because I thought I might do some good and now... I simply hope I did more good than ill. It feels that it might be so but... as I never tire of saying, I don't know.

We have plans and God has plans and I suppose it doesn't take a great deal of pondering as to whose plans will prevail. As for making preparations ahead of time, I suppose the reason more people do not do so is that they have little idea of how to go about it. Some say that fate is the result of character. Religion says ones further destiny is predicated on their behavior, or devotion to a particular icon, though I have seen all sorts of exceptions. I have come to believe that one's Kismet is solely based on the level of intensity present in one's love of God. This I found to be most especially true in the Kali Yuga. At the time I thought I had had a unique vision that was based somewhat on a knowledge of my own shortcomings, combined with the awareness that my love of God was certainly stronger than my intelligence or my self-discipline. Later I came to find out that nearly every spiritual master I felt an affinity toward confirmed it. I became convinced that further studies in the occult would only get me into trouble and it also became clear to me that whatever path one took, a guide would become necessary at some point and the only guides to present themselves in the area of the occult were unsavory to my taste.

We 'think' we are on a journey of discovery where we are charting our own course but most of everything we encounter was scripted well before we got there. I know it has been in my case and from what I have observed, it seems to be true across the board. We are all actors here and only that. When Shakespeare said, “all the worlds a stage and we are merely players” he was spot on. In fact, if any of you have ever taken the trouble to read The Collected Works of Shakespeare you would see that he diagrammed the whole of human experience in his plays. Of course, there was no William Shakespeare per se and some years after his mysterious departure, scholars went looking for him at Stratford upon Avon, and there encountered his daughter who proved to be illiterate.

I've another reason for mentioning Shakespeare than the one given and that is to point out that there is a mysterious brotherhood that has existed for millennia. They were responsible for the works of Shakespeare and many other works. I will not attempt to give it a name but I will say that many of the illustrious names that are found in history had encounters with this brotherhood and on most occasions never had a word to say about it. I don't have the time or inclination to list those I do know about but I will say that all of us would be very surprised to know how far the reach and influence of this brotherhood extended and to what a degree it has impacted on human life. I am NOT talking about The Masons or the Illuminati. The closest we could come to similarity would be The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order, not to be confused in any way with the external order that exists today.

This brotherhood interpenetrates human society. They are the true shepherds of the flock. They have no name by which they are known in the wider world. They do not interfere but they do guide. There are rules in place that insist on circumstances being worked out according to the course of Karma and the will of the almighty. They provide the initiation protocols upon which all legitimate orders exist. They were present in Mithraism. Socrates and Plato were advised by them. The Comte de St. Germain was a member and as I have said, many others as well. They are the lights and inspiration operating in the background of temporal existence.

There are many tales of individuals having met up with members of this organization. I'll go into no further details about this. I simply put this into the post to emphasize that things are not what they seem and also to say that the ambitions of the agents of darkness will never prevail. Their only power exists in perversions of lesser powers they were able to steal the knowledge of. The greater powers of light are forever denied to them. Yes... there has been chaos aplenty. Hundreds of millions have died in wars and due to other disasters. There have been times of exceptional unfairness when brutes and beasts have usurped the natural order. It seems impossible to the minds of many to rationalize the horrors of history with the existence of a benevolent creator.

You might say that the agents of darkness did indeed prevail, here and there but it was only for a time and it was all a matter of the outworking of Karma. The stages are set in many places and at many levels for the working out of Karma. That is just how it is down here and cynics and critics rage against the physical evidence(s) that they cannot reason out to their satisfaction. They seem altogether unaware and uninformed about The Invisible. I am not concerned with the pithy arguments of the uninformed. I KNOW what I say to be true and the reader can take it or leave it. It matters not to me.

We are in an age where nasty has become the currency, not only in the theaters of entertainment, in the music, and in the way we treat each other as well. So it could be said and... I am saying it; Nasty is also one of the new ways that we channel our fear and why would we have fear at all? Fear is caused by an absence of Love and if Love is absent then so is God and that is the whole purpose of the architects of this prison camp in which so many of us find ourselves. It's a bad magic show being performed daily in the penitentiary of the human mind. Poof! God disappears. Poof! Fear appears and this is why Love of God is the solution to the Kali Yuga and the passport to the Golden Age that appears when the curtain goes down on the departing age.

God doesn't disappear, but there are those who have the technology to make you think he has. What makes the love of God so critical is that it acts as a prevention against the fear created by those seeking to subjugate you with it. Everything else we might seek to use in this time will only serve to ensnare us because ONLY the spirit of God can prevail against the dark magic of this period. God is not going to permit anyone's personal force to prevail against the practitioners of personal force because one is only making another simulacrum of the very force presently engaged in deceiving and enslaving humanity. God's intention is to set us free and ONLY love can accomplish that.

Loving God makes us a channel of love and displaces the false self that blocks the passage of love and which we see prancing, posturing, and posing all round us every day. The secret is not in knowing everything because one can't. The secret is not in dazzling others because that is a charade. The secret is not in any of our possibilities of personal performance, it is in the love we can generate, which creates the resonance that manifests brotherhood in every moment of contact we experience. True love is the one thing that can't be faked and in a time of epidemic fakery it is the only thing that is real.

There is AN ACTUAL AND LOGICAL REASON for saying that the path of Bhakti, the path of Love, is THE ONLY SURE AND CERTAIN PATH. In times of material darkness and mass confusion, only Love is capable of cutting through it. Only Love masters the moment where everyone is arguing and shouting to be heard and no longer listening to anyone else. Love IS DISARMING. Love cannot be resisted. Love demands the presence of God and perforce, God comes. The prayer to receive PURE LOVE, via THE GRACE of the creator is the most profound prayer and appeal of all. Ask for Pure Love.

There is an actual and logical reason for The Greatest Commandment being the greatest commandment; “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy strength and with all thy mind.” It goes directly to 'the heart of the matter'. It gains the attention of the source of all power like nothing else can. One should do it with a guileless spirit but even if one does it, knowing it is the most potent of all approaches, it succeeds like nothing else. THIS IS THE REASON for choosing the path of love. THERE IS AN ACTUAL AND LOGICAL REASON for Jesus the Christ appending to The Greatest Commandment the statement that you should Love your brother as yourself, especially NOW as we are entering The Age of Brotherhood. It is because HE IS YOURSELF.

Those choosing the path of knowledge must RETURN AGAIN and walk the path of love, whereas... those who walk the path of love have all knowledge added unto them on the way... automatically. To love absolutely is to emulate absolutely and one... sooner or later, BECOMES the same as the object of their affection IN A MICROCOSMIC FASHION. This is what EVERY bonafide system teaches.

Love God... all else will follow. As you love God, God more and more displaces everything in you that is not God. Letting go... surrendering... utter reliance... is the way to go. If you are not doing so... you can begin this very moment.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

If you find yourself looking for something to read on a lazy summer's day, on the porch... on the deck... up in a fruit tree AS I USED TO DO, here is The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna India's greatest saint of the last several hundred years and also the teacher of Swami Vivekananda.

Hover over the document to view the controls / flip through the pages

As ever... there is Pocketnet. I imagine it is very frisky there indeed... these days. I've been busy elsewhere but if you want to see what's going on in the world and... on occasion come across some startling news... this would be the place.

les visible at pocketnet


Anonymous said...

A beautiful message for these troubled times. I am grateful for your words
Even if I need to keep referring to the dictionary (grin :)as you would write)
I look forward to what you write and check every day for your inspiration.
Thanks Vis. Stay with us through this

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

This one totally made my day.

Visible said...

I had a very eerie experience this afternoon. A couple of months ago I heard a distant voice in my head that told me something. The state of my mind, in both cases, was clear and empty... sometimes more empty than at others and on both of these occasions, it was like that. This afternoon I heard, "Big disaster coming." I paused for a couple of beats and then heard, "Big disaster coming within the week. Stay out of California." I don't know if that means anything. Not everything I hear internally manifests. What struck me at these two moments was the similarity of tone and the clarity of reception.

I won't put this in a post. I'm not like some and I don't actually expect anything. I don't know why. I'm not sure it does me any good to say it but I was told it was okay to do so. I'd hate to think I was the cause of people running for the hills and then finding there was no reason but I don't expect it to have that effect. Not that many people come around here by comparison with larger venues.

I've been expecting this and also expecting something to take the wind out of the pirate ships of the day. I don't suppose I'll say anything more because I don't know what that would be.

Thomas said...

This is beautiful, Visible.

Ah, the difference between the current madness, pungent, suffocating and unpleasant - and the clear, free blessedness that one finds in the bossom of The Lord!

It is a pity that more people do not know this, but... As you say, that is the very reason for mad times - as people see the senselessness of them, they start looking elsewhere for answers.

Be well!

KnowThanx said...


I heartily concur with Ms. Buttons... this was the best and most useful post in the history of the Internet.

It’s early morning here and you’ve already made my day. Now I’m off to the woods to enjoy a walk with my furry friend...



Guy Reid-Brown said...

What a BEAUTIFUL, profound article - presumably the Count St. Germain still IS a member -

tasmith said...

Thank you, Vis!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful and so perfect for this moment, Visible.
Thank you so much,

Hereticdrummer said...

Beautiful VIS, you keep outdoing yourself. Higher and higher, more and more profound. I highly recommend the obscure 1992 film by Richard Stanley, "Dust Devil". In it, the protagonist declares, "There is no good or evil. There is only spirit and matter." The Gnostic point of view exemplified. Be well, Brother.

Visible said...

Well now... that was more than passing strange. I was sitting with my friend yesterday and mentioning that I thought this was one of the best posts I had ever done. I noted with the last 3 that I had gotten a significant promotion. It was obvious to me anyway and then toward the end of the day I remember asking, "Why is it that every time I write something that I feel is a reflection of my best efforts, it passes unnoticed among the readers?" It happens often but when I think I have written something relatively pedestrian, readers get all worked up about it.

This morning, I notice for the first time, 5 comments from different readers ALL SAYING pretty much the same thing and I KNEW that was God responding to my query. Everything is different now, all of a sudden. Things that never, or rarely ever happened before have become commonplace and all in a good way. I could not be more pleased. I thought it remarkable that 5 readers who are not in contact with each other, would respond in such fashion and then I come back and HereticDrummer has chimed in, in the same way. Whew! Hey!!! Thank you one and all. It means a great deal to me. I knew at moments when I was writing it, especially toward the end, that it was a significant upgrade, given that I could speak directing from my intuition, what I had previously fumbled about with.

A particular MAJOR event is coming up for me, shortly. I've been reminded of this near daily. I am guessing that everything else which is happening and which I haven't commented on is also an indication of that.

NO ONE has yet responded to my comment above about what I heard yesterday afternoon. It is still with me. I can only hope it does not come true but the way it was said to me was tremble making. I've been spoofed before but... not lately. That sort of thing tends to make me question the whole of what I hear. Fortunately... in nearly every case till now, what I hear comes true in some fashion.

Visible said...

Dust Devil is on the way!

robert said...

Dear Visible One,

It is wonderful that your readers confirm what you know, when your expression is rung the bell!

For those who constantly check our perception for deception, like the essential scientific method, we require feedback from reality to continue holding perception as valid, even when our hearts and intuition cheer us on from within!

" I simply hope I did more good than ill"

If we do tilt the balance in favor of service to the will of the One, it is only through letting the One's will through our own, getting personally out of the way of an order we only dimly perceive.

"I have come to believe that one's Kismet is solely based on the level of intensity present in one's love of God."

As you have reminded us all, how we stoke the fire, how we shovel the coal into the engine's boiler is our only task on earth. Righteous action follows from overflowing love.

"...also to say that the ambitions of the agents of darkness will never prevail. Their only power exists in perversions of lesser powers they were able to steal the knowledge of."

Despite appearances to the contrary, the servants of the One see this through faith!

"The secret is not in any of our possibilities of personal performance, it is in the love we can generate, which creates the resonance that manifests brotherhood in every moment of contact we experience."

How to become better love resonators is the only practical question to answer in life!

Thank you for sharing your prophesy. Any caring heart would pause at receiving a message with such a potentially dark resonance.

However, as all prophets whose work is scribed discover, our human interpretation may misperceive the deeper meaning.

Corrupted theological seminaries have interpreted the tribulation as being all on the side of believers, a lie designed to demoralize, which serves only the encrusted evil ones.

How dark would a righteous cleansing action be perceived by those who have held the earth in slavery under pedovores for millennia?

Would the process of revealing and expunging the parasitical tendrils wrapped around human society and human hearts not be painful in the extreme for both the ensnared and the leeches alike?

Is not beautiful California the epicenter of pedovores on this earth?

No point to fearing the ripping off of the bandage and blinders, any more than fearing female labor before birth.

We step aside and let it pass, to the extent we can trust in the greater One who owns our souls.

Anonymous said...

Mas and Mas Visible
Yup, beautiful post, gratitude arises spontaneously....
saw a Bit of the post yesterday and then no way to get to it past the first two paragraphs , error 404 kept coming up....
Just two days ago was mentioning the Guidance that has been present from the Hidden and Loving Ones of Humanity for millennia, in the context of not losing Hope, as this whirlwind of insanity and destruction expresses itself world-wide .....
Appreciate the synchronicity in this very lonely place in valley of the Moon, as the Aztecs called it, lonely in the meatball, 5 senses kind of way, except for the trees, birds and the occasional butterfly or colibri through the window..... the speech-capable bipeds are ever more in fear, with ever more complex face and eye protections in the big concrete jungle of this 'city'....
Yet, yet, there moments of spontaneous 'slip' into unexplainable exstasy, as the Heart expands , and a sort of Certainty arises, not of a 'future' but of plane of interaction....
Cheerful Love Grizzly Bear Hug

Guy Reid-Brown said...

All I can say, Les, is that for the first time in weeks I thought I would log on to you, and that put I put the word BEAUTIFUL spontaneously in capital letters, without knowing everybody else was utilising the same adjective -

Ray B. said...

Vis, a beautiful post, and thank you for the CA warning. (The Juan de Fuca plate underthrusting west of us is our biggest threat...)

I do hear what you are saying; it appears I am on a different Ray (grin). Or perhaps the Love of God is simply manifesting in a different way through me. I cannot say how much the The Lord of the Rings affected me in the tale of the Elves 'going away' and having to determine whether they would leave the Humans in a terrible situation or not. This resonated to the depths of me.

My 'path' since then (with Higher Self) has been to knock-out the (invisible) timbers supporting the Dark Side. Curiously, the Love of God aspect has manifested through the Cleaning angle. It is both 'active' in intent and movement, and 'passive' in that Ray is mostly only holding space and letting the Action move through. At the conclusion, a Being contributing to the Dark Side has been moved into 'neutral' stance or even switches sides to helping humanity. Cool.

I do have to say that being a 'witness' to multiple Cleanings has given me a jaundiced view of all-God. So much ancient pain in the higher levels. I find myself sending-upwards the comment, "You are a very strange God..." No doubt, it all comes-together at some highest-level which Ray may never reach, but it kind of sucks to encounter all that ancient pain via the Cleanings. God may ultimately be all-loving, but it looks very different within a Cleaning...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

Dear Visible, Thank You for the offerings from your heart. Gratitude rises spontaneously as literal tears of Love stream down as I read this powerful transmission. Sparked a memory of a song I learned in earlier years:

Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace

It would be a gift beyond measure if you were moved to record this song, I am too bold to even suggest (grin) but there is is...

Still standing at the Gate shaking it here Boss,
From (xyz) With Love

Anonymous said...


Perhaps the 'jaundice' you feel is merely the reaction to the divine's testing of your faith, certitude and determination. Only God knows what to throw at any one of us to demonstrate to us what it is that we need to jettison to clear our path and get out of own way. Clearing the self-generated static in the signal path, so to speak.


Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

"Reincarnation, Karma and Suffering are Fixed Realities, Only Love Transcends Them."



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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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