Dog Poet Transmitting.......
Well, here we are at Origami and each of us is a type of origami. We are either bent and folded, according to our resistance to the divine or shaped by the master’s hand, having discovered the mystery of conscious and willing surrender to the subtle pressure of Love in precipitation. All of us here are seeking that and each of us has some degree of success in it. I like to think of myself as a horse that is being ridden by The One. Sometimes I am in the chariot with Krishna behind me. My master told me, “everything is under control, take the reins”. That time approaches, as it will for all of us.
I cried out in frustration this morning because something I had put some time into wound up causing my browser to disappear. Of course, this meant that all the information I had been typing was lost and I would have to start again. I rebooted the browser and there it was, unchanged. This does not happen. I was being shown that I am still resistant now and again to the more perfect fulfillment of my relationship with the one. I have never had a browser come up with everything intact before in this way. It’s just one more curious episode in a journey that becomes more curious and wondrous by the moment.
The first thing that would come into most of our minds is guilt and disappointment in ourselves for having prejudged an outcome. Some of us fear that the divine is now angry with us. That is not the case and I can say that I never feel that particular thing myself. I’ve come to understand that the divine is not a larger version of me. It is my idea of myself that stands between me and a closer union and thankfully that does wear away with each incident of this kind. Near the end of our travels on this path, what remains are the most intransigent and deeply rooted aspects of our false self.
The time for our community to take actual shape is now here. I have, possibly, several people coming to my place in Italy this fall and winter. I know Imron comes for a visit but some others are coming to build tree houses in the alberi di ulivo. There are a number of options and the beauty of my situation is that you can build anything you want as long as it can be taken down; meaning, use bolts. You don’t need any permission at all. There’s electric and all the usual amenities, as well as wireless DSL. I’m going to build a sauna also and who knows just what can and will take place? Given the willingness of the environment to host extra dimensional experiences, I approach my visits now with a tingly trepidation that has nothing to do with fear but a lot to do with excitement. The New Shangri-La website now has near 600 members. At this rate there will be a thousand in the near future.
My intention is to have the place in Italy as a working retreat and center for self introspection. It’s where you go when you want to be outside of the world inasmuch as that is possible these days. Then there will be another place that will be the main center and where the efforts to finance and maintain the experiment will take place. I see that as a very easy thing once the property has been bought outright.
Regardless of where the world goes or how nuts the self-empowered overlords get, we still have to go on living and continuing on our individual paths toward a common state of self-realization. The self remains the same in all cases. I cannot stress too often the defining truth that all power comes from one source. If you need an example then you can consider the physical sun, which is the source of everything that occurs on this planet at the base level. The temperatures and climatic conditions, everything that grows, all life as we know it, takes its sustenance from the single power of our indefatigable sun. There is a conscious entity that lives within the sun and his name is Lord Surya. He’s a friend of mine and I try to say hello to him every day. He’s been a big help to me in times of trouble and could probably be a much greater help if I weren’t so dense, as often as I am. He rules from that location for around 400 million years. He controls ‘The Great Work”, also known as The Operation of the Sun and is a good friend to have. Those who think you cannot make friends with entities like this are uninformed and I know this from personal experience and take walks and have chats with various invisible friends on a regular basis.
As I have said many times, I don’t have to convince others, I only have to convince myself. I have done so numerous times. The part of Italy I live in is a magical location that has ties to some of the oldest civilizations on Earth. Being where it is in betwixt the Aegean, Ionian and Mediterranean Seas, it was a natural stopping off place for most of the ancient cultures with sea travel. There are some really beautiful locations down there.
Lord Surya is also known as Lord Vivasvan. Those who have not studied in the Hindu tradition probably don’t know what a rich tradition is contained there. It is the oldest of all of the traditions and all of the others, including Christianity come out of it. Christianity operated from its Eastern roots, until it was hijacked by those forces who believe in the false bible that is often promoted in the comments section of these blogs by fundamentalist lunatics screaming for blood.
The Eastern leaders of Christianity were assassinated at some point centuries ago and I expect certain of the readers who are familiar with the story to comment on it when they have time. There’s some connection to Thomasine Christianity but these things are not part of my data bank. I’m mostly connected to and influenced by the intuitional end. Please, whoever has the story of how the west took over the interpretation and control of the Christian religion; please add it to the comments section.
As Christianity became more and more corrupt we have been more and more plagued by hysterical fundamentalists, who by their speech and intolerance declare themselves to be agents of the dark lord. It takes very little interaction before vile insults and mocking travesties on the behavior and teachings of Jesus Christ start to surface. All of them remind me of Oliver Cromwell. When people like this get temporal power they always wind up torturing and killing people in the name of Jesus. How they justify this in their minds I cannot fathom but it is what they do. I suspect some mind parasite takes them over and they just can’t see at all.
No one that I know wants to go to the sort of heaven that would contain the sort of people that show up here and threaten the reader with Hell fire if we don’t bow down to their version of Jesus Christ. Since the Jesus Christ I know bears no resemblance to their Jesus Christ, I have to accept that their Jesus Christ doesn’t exist (grin) but they don’t know that. They mock up a god with names like Yahweh and Jehovah and don’t even know where those names came from or the numerical associations that compose the name. It’s pointless to inform them that Jehovah is a catchall for Tetragramaton= Yod He Vah Heh. All of this comes about after the Hebrew hijacking of the Christian bible for the purpose of gentile control. This god these fundies worship is a bloodthirsty brute and no doubt a relative of Moloch and Baal. This fundie god is a demon masquerading as a good guy while murdering millions. The Jesus they associate with him is also a demon and history has well recorded what these Christians have done. They’re in for a surprise when they meet the real thing.
A reader mentioned today that everything is upside down. It’s not only upside down, it’s backwards too. He said if you want to know how things really are then just turn them upside down because usually the opposite is the truth. That is why I find myself moonwalking on the ceiling most of the time. You have to go against the crowd without running into it. You have to “walk in all things contrary to the world” and the world includes organized religion and the kind of dogma, cant and intolerance we have seen at these sites lately by bombastic loons who set themselves up as a spokesman for god. The only time God actually uses people like this is to make an example.
I think the reader will have an easier time of it if he/she acknowledges that everything is upside down and backwards and accepts and recognizes the protection that comes to those with the courage to see things as they are. When you were born you saw things upside down and overcoming this was the major feat you had to accomplish in order to walk. Once you’d gotten turned around it wasn’t long for the tragic integration to take place. It’s time to recognize that your present view on most things is upside down and let go of everything you think you know so that what is real and true can surface.
I know I was all over the place today in this posting but I hope there was some useful information for someone. Useful is what I aspire to.
End Transmission.......
'Surfer Joe' is track no. 6 of 12 on Visible and The Critical List's 1992 album
'Not Politically Correct'
About this song (pops up)

The New Shangri-La.
Aha! Like "The Divine Horsemen" of Haiti (grin)?
There's an old docu of the same name...fascinating.
Maybe you saw it?
Upside down and backwards ... Visible, can you explain how it is that to some of us this has been the mantra of our entire journey here and the rest just go along with it like right side up and forwards is all okay and good if its anything at all? I've looked at this in great detail, certain this subject is an important key to what we are doing here on Earth and have a theory not my own, but supplemented by many great writers such as Arthur Silber's take, Meaningful Connections, on the works of Alice Miller who wrote extensively on child abuse creating the circumstances for blind obedience to inherited and violently abusive falsehoods. When you synthesize it all, it really comes down to ending abuse and violence with ourselves in this lifetime and when you go that far, naturally the realization that everything supposedly right and just is exactly upside down and backwards emerges.
I'm can't give you the thwarted Christianity story because I don't know it. But if you have anything to add or refute about my (nothing is mine)observation, I'd like to know what you think.
>one heart>
PS: You are burning with inspiration these days. Of course this template would be the most thrilling, ahhhh.
Thassa nice peace Man, so Eyes aged: Hey Mojo wear you going witdat Karma inyo hand?
Did not see it Bholanath. There's a lot of things I haven't seen.
Les I have had all kinds of weird things happening to me lately. Bills coming from literally nowhere, losing my keys. My battery went dead on Saturday and I had to run home and get jumper cables. I dropped my truck key somewhere on the way. So I have been jogging the exact same route 4 days in a row with no success. I thought this is an opportunity to utilize my remote viewing ability. Needless to say I am not there, yet. The local locksmith said he could make a key for a 100; finally today I was gonna let him when I (en route, mind you) I remembered a friend borrowed my truck over the summer and should have my spare key. Eureka Les, "Sweet Baby Jesus" came to my rescue at the last possible minute before spending money I didn't have. Now don't get all upset, I grew up in a Christian Culture, so when I express my spirituality I tend to use Christian terms.
"the Jesus Christ I know bears no resemblance to their Jesus Christ, I have to accept that their Jesus Christ doesn’t exist (grin) but they don’t know that..." "..The Jesus they associate with him is also a demon and history has well recorded what these Christians have done. They’re in for a surprise when they meet the real thing."
I learned this a few years ago in the Andean Jungles and it was a very painful. I cried a lot and was saddened for a long time after learning the horrors of those that oppose the light. Later I learned that what they fear most has already taken place and regardless of their actions, it will manifest. At this juncture, we will have to lend a hand within our own circle of influence to those in need after the upcoming cleanup.
It is very nice to read truth amidst all this convolution. It is a blessing to find this place. May you receive all that you need to fulfill your purpose to the fullest. Many blessings!
Upside down and backwards, even time has a negative value...
I have heard of the hijacking of christianity by the west, but I have no hard data.
A reader mentioned today that everything is upside down. It’s not only upside down, it’s backwards too. He said if you want to know how things really are then just turn them upside down because usually the opposite is the truth. That is why I find myself moonwalking on the ceiling most of the time. You have to go against the crowd without running into it. You have to “walk in all things contrary to the world” and the world includes organized religion and the kind of dogma, cant and intolerance we have seen at these sites lately by bombastic loons who set themselves up as a spokesman for god.
nice one, les!
exactly the advice of unc' al, as explained inre dante's divine comedy, which he considers johannite/gnostic in nature. (M&D; pg 822) ;)
"Faust, escapes from that gulf of Hell over the gate of which the sentence of despair was written, by reversing the positions of his head and feet, that is to say, by accepting the direct opposite of the Catholic dogma; and then he reascends to light, by using the Devil himself as a monstrous ladder. Faust ascends to Heaven, by stepping on the head of the vanquished Mephistopheles. Hell is impassable for those only who know not how to turn back from it. We free ourselves from its bondage by audacity."
And they had a king over them, [which is] the angel of the bottomless pit,whose name in the Hebrew tongue [is] Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue ...hath [his] name Apollyon....APOLLYON IN GREEK MEANS THE SUN.
I was an astrologer for 30 years, my husband a atheist until 2 years ago when I came face with something so unbelievable that I could not logically rationalize it.
I was a new ager, reincarnation, karma, Christ consciousness. I experiences astral projections, a NDE and psychic impressions. Two years ago my life became a living nightmare, it became a sci-fi horror show made real. I had a something manifest itself to me and I filmed it. Because of my new age mentality I thought it was good, a wonderful sign from the beyond, it had a special message for me. Then all hell broke loose. It took me months to figure out what was happening to me and how to stop it..You know what I learned? It was a demon and they OBEY the NAME of JESUS CHRIST!! My husband and I are 10000000% Christians now and forever. Believe it or not!
Beautiful :)
Hi Visible!
Regarding the sun:
at 7:00
regarding the "message":
regarding to anything:
all the best to u !!!
om namo bhagavate vasudevaaaaaaaaya
Get a copy of Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass" and read them over the Fall Exquinox while sitting outside. You'll enjoy this as much as Les' post today : )
wv: riniatr ....if you put it up to a mirror, it'll remind you to put your rtainir in before bed
From Godpoet to Dogpoet II
Christ warned his followers away from the temples telling them to seek it in the quiet of their dwellings and not in public (ie the Temple) like the Pharisees. this future attempt at temple building will not come to completion.
as long as Neo Con Zionists continue their murderous ways.
Christ was a Sadducee, they did not speculate in the after life.
He made this clear in the statement" My Fathers Kingdom is of the living,
not of the dead, leave the dead to bury the dead and follow me.
and when asked by the Roman interrogators if he was the Messiah he responded "You say this!". Remember there was no Trinity or Roman Christian church until the Emperor Constantine and Nicea Council deified the good Rabbi..
You have been taxed to find God on your own, this starts with a clean dogma free, pure heart ,apart from the accepted myths and stories created by the Roman oppressors of the fledgling Nasorean/Ebonite Gnostic movement of Yesu.
For over 1200 years the Roman church hunted down
the Gnostics to try to wipe out the true Christian movement.They murdered the Cathers, the Albingensians, and the "Heretics" who had kept the truth
of the origins, alive and practiced underground, for hundreds of years.
I speak today for the millions of the voiceless dead, sacrificed for their
rejection of the Roman hierarchy, to deal directly, one on one, in spirit with out interfering clergy and temples .And greatful to mankind's first teachers,the Annunaki, who elevated mankind above the primates
and changed the million year Neolithic life styles into confirmed agricultural
hybrided farmers and city builders creating the first large city complex called" Dilmun" in a couple of hundred years.They directed and aided in building the Pyramids, and huge structures around the world that couldn't even be built today.Introducing metallurgy, medicine, writing, and visual arts and musical instruments.
The Jehovahites only gave us warfare on their neighbors,Land theft and blood sacrifices,this is still being practiced today by their followers,
organ mutilations and the ego based "we are better than you and the rest of you are unworthy of equality and are only slaves to be used by
we Jehovahvite followers. Just ponder what is being revealed here and keep an open mind.( the opened mind is a god mind ,A doctrinaire and closed mind is a lucerferian mind.
As It Always Was Merek
The key figure in the usurpation of Christianity was Saul (aka "Paul", author of half the New Testament).
Read "Acts of the Apostles" (the book immediately following the four Gospels); it's all right there, in the text and behind the words. He starts out as a soldier, a military leader sent on a mission to annihilate the new Christian movement before it spreads. A series of atrocities ensues as his forces massacre as many Christians as possible.
Only for all the broken, bloody bodies he leaves in his path, the movement is still growing. The-powers-that-be decide to shift tactics. If you can't kill them fast enough, you fall back on Plan B, the old standby that the demons seem to love so much: infiltrate/usurp/manipulate.
So they give Saul a new set of orders. Claim to have had a vision of Jesus. Claim that you have been miraculously converted to the religion you have been so actively persecuting. Infiltrate the movement. Become a leader in the new Church. Gain control of their secular organization. Leave a lot of written works so that the book we later compile will be loaded with your documents, drawing the focus of future followers away from the original message of Jesus. We'll take it from there.
I'm sure you already know the part about Emperor Constantine (wherein the movement became Property of the Empire), the part about the Council of Nicea (wherein the vast library of Christian texts were narrowed down, systematically removing all Gnostic documents, until the resulting compilation was suitable for public manipulation in accordance with the Agenda), and the part about the Cathars and Bogomils (wherein the original Eastern-influenced, Gnostic Christianity reemerged in Europe, only to be annihilated through Church-ordered genocide of every man, woman, and child in the offending regions [including Roman Catholics who happened to live nearby]).
My dad used to have some acreage in the boondocks but sold it. That was the bolt out hole for the 90s. I don't have any money and no where to go so looks like local it is. The web page background is neat it looks like a rain soaked window looking at a mountain. Italy would be awesome close to Austria and mountains. Euros are not so warmongery like we are over here, they have learned to avoid all that after thousands of years.
My search for The Way of truth always seems to circle back to the St Thomas Christians, also known as the Syrian Malabar Nasrani.
The first point where the Nazarene/Essene sect made error was at the Council of Jerusalem in 50AD and the final take-out was with the various 4th century Church councils.
It was decided at the Council of Jerusalem to allow Gentiles into the christian community which had previously been exclusively Messianic Jews.
The Desposyni who had ran the Jerusalem church up to the time of Sylvester, bishop of Rome in 318AD petitioned Sylvester in person [snip from Wikipedia] " These blood relatives of Christ demanded the reintroduction of the Law, which included the Sabbath and the Holy Day system of Feasts and New Moons of the Bible. Sylvester dismissed their claims and said that, from now on, the mother church was in Rome and he insisted they accept the Greek bishops to lead them. ...This was the last known dialogue with the Sabbath-keeping church in the east led by the disciples who were descended from blood relatives of Jesus the Messiah".
And yes, they were probably killed off .. the dark ages are only dark because the history of those times was rubbed out to the greatest extent possible to protect the guilty.
But they forgot about the Nasrani. The Portuguese discovered them still faithful to The Way after over 1500 years and tried to rub out their heritage and replace it with the Latin Rite.
Christ never had any intention to start a new religion, this Christianity thing as a religion distinct from Judiasm slowly developed over the years. In the beginning they were just one of a great many sects within Judiasm.
It is ironic that in the beginning, allowances were made to admit (mostly Greek) Gentiles into what could be called Messianic Judiasm and later the Gentile Christian Church judged The Way to be heretical.
Neither the Rabbinic Jewish Synagogue or the Christian Church would have anything to do with the Nazarenes or Messianic Jews after the 4th century.
I'm only a beginner at this study and best to leave the history to others much more knowledgable. Finding tells me you know at least as much as I do, Les .. but yes, over the passage of time the original practices of Christianity were lost to Orthodoxy and Catholicism.
Something about this time of year makes it all seem especially upside down and backwards. Maybe it's just me but I feel like I get run through the cosmic sausage grinder every August.
Anonymous said... REVELATIONS 9:11
That was very interesting about the demon. I see no reason to disbelieve you. I have had glimpses of them in my own life and they can be hard to shake. They are things that, for the most part, we have invited into our lives through different means or they simply come calling, looking for room and board, and if they find room at the inn they can cause a lot of havoc. The things you describe you were into may not be bad/evil in themselves but there is a lot of spiritual activity that goes on within these groups and you need to be mindful of that. Mind you there is a lot of spiritual activity that goes on within Christianity and not all of it good so you need to be mindful of that too.
Stick close to Jesus and you should fine but you probably already know this. Shit I sound like a Christian agony aunt. If you bump into a fellow called godsend you will know what I mean. He is looking for something but can’t remember what it was. Some of the people here tried to tell him what it was but he got a bit pissed off.
Anyway thanks for that.
I read today your writing of the mirror of the infinite. Like any mirror, it is not an exact copy but a reversed copy distorted by the integrity and quality of the mirror itself. It reminds me of the time in college when we wrote 'stoner' backwards on some poor passed out fool's forehead so he could read it in the mirror in the morning and comprehend.
I know of the mirror because I am voluntarily editing a book called The Extortion System of the Ruling Elite, for a fellow in Canada. It is an incredible work. Like all things put down by men, it is not flawless, but it is a critical eye opener of much everything that exists in the World, and it is written with the highest intent of Love, so therefore it is honorable. I invite you to read it in pdf for free if you want to look it up.
In the meantime, I am developing my own unregistered church, with seal, location being my own home and mind. It is memberless, it is purposefully absent of any dealings with cursed money, and it requires only that one follows the commandments Christ presented to us: Love ourselves with all our heart and mind and soul (the only way one can love God), And love our neighbors as we would love ourselves. Both of these testaments require complete forgiveness of transgressions against us. The God my church will know is the creator of the Heavens and the Earth, but not any Lord over people exemplified in the texts following Genesis Chapter 1. My God will never be given a title, such as Lord or King, as that is a disfunctional blasphemy against myself. To the best of my ability, my church will be devoid of opinion, or in the least, will give opinion minimal power over me (us). Througout and Within Infinite Love...ChewyBees
Jaya Srila Prabhupada!
Glad to read your nice article.
Dearest Les,
I so love how you manage to forge what is going on in my heart, and in my life into words.
I don't experience the depth that you speak of, but I'm working on it.
Meanwhile, I shake the upside-down box, and truth falls out for inspection. I'm actually beginning to get used to looking at things like this, but I never expected the shift to come in my lifetime.
I rejoice that the experience will be mine, and that I have a place to go to reinforce my daily lesson.
It's either upside down, and inside out, or that damned Hadron Collider sucked the reality out of this place when they fired it up a while back... I like to blame it, because it makes people give me that sideways look.
New Smoking Mirrors-
Time for that Old Time False Flag Redux.
While there always have been adepts that understood some of the deeper teachings of Jesus, many followers in Jerusalem could not shake off their paradigm of Judaism. The Gnostics have several inspired books that indicate that Jesus came to the Jews not because they were the most holy people on earth, but the wickedest, dominated by the demiurge. In the gospel of Judas, Jesus laughs at the disciples when they are keeping a Judaic observance saying they don't know what they are doing or whom they serve. The evolution of Christianity required pulling away from the domination of the demiurge in regards to archetypes. However, freedom from the demiurge also requires constant vigilance against other evils as well.
The book 'Not in his immage' by John Lash is probably the best book documenting the demise of Gnostic wisdom and the asscent of current 'salvationist' religeon.
It gives excellent insight of the Gnostic creation story, the descent of Sopia (wisdom), the creation of the (mad) demi-god Jehova.
Why we have the current psychotic ruling elit, even how tha Gnostic Archons tie inn with UFO's etc
Related Info:
The origin of Christianity is a very controvversial topic. Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy have written a series of semi-popular books stressing the Gnostic and Mystery elements. 'The Laughing Jesus : Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom' is particularly relevant.
On it's Amazon reference page we find the following:
"Product Description:
An Incendiary Wake-Up Call to the World
What if the Old Testament is a work of fiction, Jesus never existed, and Muhammad was a mobster?
What if the Bible and the Qur'an are works of political propaganda created by Taliban-like fundamentalists to justify the sort of religious violence we are witnessing in the world today?
What if there is a big idea that could free us from the us-versus-them world created by religion and make it possible for us to truly love our neighbors—and even our enemies?
What if it is possible to awaken to a profound state of oneness and love, which the Gnostic Christians symbolized by the enigmatic figure of the laughing Jesus?
Discover for Yourself Why the Gnostic Jesus Laughs."
Their other books, 'Jesus and the Lost Goddess' and 'The Jesus Mysteries', are also well worth reading.
more on the gnostics..if interested...
john lash has a wonderfully deep dive of website, i've link'd to b4.
much there to learn. the material was used for his current tome;
"Not in HIS Image".
i believe sparkl passed along his name a while bak, inre 'human predators'..
here's the gnostic section in case anyone miss'd it.
Gnostique (formerly /VIEWS) contains essays arranged in five categories: Metacritique, The Archon Files, Tar Baby Jesus, Telestics. and The Gnostic Castaneda. Each of these sections comprises a complete book of research-based interpretative material.
As we stand poised upon the mountainous precipice, one hand raised just so, to the light. The other down just so, restraining the darkness welling from the roiling chasm below. (and not in the blasphemous, satanic manner so often witnessed of persons of worldly [self-]import)
The duality of the poles, and their duality, combine, in a world-creating fashion.
Thus it is why the poles and polarities are heralded, repeated and emphasized. For they press upon our beings unlike that which has occurred in an aeon.
Servants of negativity are slaves, increasingly, of body, soul and ultimately, unfortunately, spirit.
They restrain nothing and consequently call down nothing from on high, nor unlock divinity within.
They believe and live the lies. And would feign claim darkness is actually light.
And they endeavor day and night with hysterical, manic earnestness, to convince the world of men that the way of evil, is the way of fulfillment. And it is so, to the way of diminishment, and daeth.
The intensity of the many, and the wrong, impel, convoke, evoke and invoke, the almighty power of the few, and the just. As it is.
It is a reality-chiming calling. And it is answered. With power. Beyond the imagining of the fallen princes of the earth. Though they have glimpses which terrify them as they rattle their unbreakable chains.
For universal balance and harmony, though not appearing symmetric, nevertheless is maintained, forever and ever, in worlds without end, in time without ending. Immeasurable. And immovable. Unknowable in this mortal frame. But intuitable in that place of being and creating.
The path of glory is within, a whisper in the soul, and a joy in the spirit, and enlivening of the body.
The destination of glory is written in the stars, in the skies above, and the heavenly bodies in their ages-long singing, dancing with God. Here and hereafter. To the edges of mind and beyond.
Behold, here is a mystery: The intensity of the discomfort we feel on a deep, visceral, psychic level, cometh from that which transpires ahead of us in time. Thus in all things great and small, may the echoes be felt before and after. The greater the working, or the occurrence, the further forward and afterward are the rippling waves washed through.
methinks you are a master of many things. Of the word, undisputed. Of life and the inner realms, those in the know agree. Even in the art of the original-and-captivating-title you're quite unequalled. Scanning the many rense entries, yours flare up as if written in magic ink. No need to go to your dedicated box on his site. Instant hook. Line and sinker come after one clicks on them but readers will know as they are here reading this. Well done. Again.
Love what you're doing.
...You can find him in the morning when the sun is rising...
is partly why I loved my job as a bartender for 4 years:
closing up between 4 and 7 in the morning, then on my way back home. Splendid. Always anew, always new.
@all here. Thanks. You guys and galls are part of -my opinion- what makes this site exquisite. And real. And hopeful. What a lovely blend of nice, informed, opinionated, self thinking, searching and sharing individuals around here. Makes for fine utopian dreaming of this new shangrila thing. My personal and very limited experience -but experience none the less- informs of a less rosy picture as far as communities of the alternative kind are considered. Maybe a smidgeon off topic -more something for new shangri-la I gather- but here goes none the les(s).;-)
One of the better (more hopeful) examples -which unfortunately I didn't have a chance to visit- seems to be in Italy too:
Damanhur. As far as I recall they hail from somewhere around Naples and got quite big, 600 and more.
One interesting thing they seem to have found out or at least corroborated is that such communities are ideally rather small. They elected a prince for a single term of two years, who had to resolve the issues that forcibly arise if my memory serves me correctly. Past the point of 200-something souls they split up and swarm out, like the bees or the ants I guess. They dug an underground network/temple where they live and eventually swarmed out to a valley nearby as the herd grew and also to be more self-sufficient as an entity. This group has been at it for more than twenty (thirty?) years -gee boy, am I this old already?-. Started out in the cold war or thereabouts. Used to have a webpage with some basic info. Was but you might have to google for them. Anyway, thought you might like to know.
Check them out. No guarantees though.
Say, Les, crossed this tribe on your quest? Whaddayathink? Got their own money apparently, legal and everything, sorted out with the Italian taxes etc. So they should be a valuable source of do's and don'ts on a practical level for those about to go swinging in a jiffy. No harm in informing oneself. Is it a cult? Is it sectarian? Dunno. Have a look yourselves when about to make dreams come true.
May Lord S. look kindly upon your endeavors, may your path go uphill with a gentle breeze in your back and may it rain softly on your fields.
Les mon, if you weren't real, we'd have to invent you.
The gods seem to love you. You honor them well. What can I say more? Stay fluid. And fluent, for all I care :-)
come visit. I will be there all winter and fall and part of spring and there are other friends there as well.
Will least, that's penciled in. Still gotta raise an amen from the wife and the kids for such.
Thanks a trillion for the invite (even more zeros than you make out of writing,no?). I am delighted and packing.
P.S. What's this thing? In reply to my post the site says “too big”. Next thing I know it's published and answered as well. Too good to be true. Glad I refrained from cutting and reposting.
Anyway, fare well. All of you. May we gladly meet -again- somewhere in this life or another. Hopefully this winter...
P.P.S. mv: "ousionsu" ... what's that supposed to...?
There is a new Petri Dish up-
This is the Teabagging that John Waters considers Pornographic.
Ideas are power.
Words are power.
The lies and illusions which hold most of the world in abject sway are a lesser type and shadow of power.
The evil lords of the earth, smug in their dominion over mortal man, exult in their “power” over life and death. Over DNA. Over food, water and air. Over money, and land...and sea.
But they are circumscribed. They fear this truth, forbid its utterance. Punish the bearers of such tidings.
Their dark, inhuman masters display negative power which stupefies and enamors their macabre high servants.
By great self-serving lust and effort (and pain, blood, sexual taking/abuse especially of children) have they...moved...or tipped...the balance. And yet the range of movement is bound.
We are, at this time, near the boundaries of solidity. Fraying and fracturing are present. Even the earth upheaves.
Psychic storms of dark energy unleashed whip all humanity, in the depths of their hearts and minds.
We stand, as a people, one hand in heaven, and one leg in hell.
For far, far too many, there is no salvation. In the end game. They will choose and do nothing different, for their hearts and desires are mostly unchanged. Confronted with death, they go down into darkness.
Hope dawns anew for many in further cycles, but some move inexorably and unalterably one direction or the other along the continuum of divine potentiality.
But there is a cosmic cleansing at this stage. As was promised. As is fitting. And right. And Just.
The thoughts, and words, gestures and being. The movement. The will, intellect, feeling and consciousness. The timeless and spaceless. Man, and God.
The power is unbound for a time. It is final. It binds the instability. Dark souls fall, silently, instantly dead, severed connections. Their allotment, borrowed time, squandered divinity...spent.
And behold, I saw radiant beings, some mortal still, slowly walking the land, and where they passed, light that was not seen, and sound that was not heard, spread from them each to a great distance.
And the unbound, ultimate power, bound all wounds and perversions of mind and matter. And the darkness of ignorance too fled this presence. And some very few awoke in an instant and were glad, and renewed.
And the rest, who were not instantly slain, fled the horror of all they were not.
And when those beacons, messengers, transcenders, had walked their guided path, which together formed a pattern, they were positioned, alone and together, across the face of the globe.
And with one voice, they...
For far, far too many, there is no salvation. In the end game. They will choose and do nothing different, for their hearts and desires are mostly unchanged. Confronted with death, they go down into darkness.
Hope dawns anew for many in further cycles, but some move inexorably and unalterably one direction or the other along the continuum of divine potentiality.
But there is a cosmic cleansing at this stage. As was promised. As is fitting. And right. And Just.
The thoughts, and words, gestures and being. The movement. The will, intellect, feeling and consciousness. The timeless and spaceless. Man, and God.
The power is unbound for a time. It is final. It binds the instability. Dark souls fall, silently, instantly dead, severed connections. Their allotment, borrowed time, squandered divinity...spent.
And behold, I saw radiant beings, some mortal still, slowly walking the land, and where they passed, light that was not seen, and sound that was not heard, spread from them each to a great distance.
And the unbound, ultimate power, bound all wounds and perversions of mind and matter. And the darkness of ignorance too fled this presence. And some very few awoke in an instant and were glad, and renewed.
And the rest, who were not instantly slain, fled the horror of all they were not.
And when those beacons, messengers, transcenders, had walked their guided path, which together formed a pattern, they were positioned, alone and together, across the face of the globe.
And with one voice, they proclaimed unto the ends of the earth, and into the heavens above, this great work complete. And it was Godly. And endureth to the horizon of being. And none shall undo it, nor hide its true form.
All this talk of backwards and upside down reminds me....
what about the "Huge Tiny"?
Just wondering.
Here is an article which asserts that not only has Christianity been infiltrated and undermined by Judaism, but that Islam was created by Jews, and that the true author of the Koran may have been a rabbi!
"Those who turn to Islam have been hoodwinked by another Talmudic ploy. Islam has been studied by a wealth of theological scholars, including and Br. Bruno and Fr. De Nantes. The findings of such men have been ignored by the Establishment media for fear of exposing Islam for what it is – the product of a Talmudic Rabbi created to block the advance of Christianity."
It offers a link to the work of Br.Bruno a Catholic scholar of the true origins of Islam, who has been making an accurate translation of the Koran.
"The author does not have as a plan to found a third religion, but to abolish the two others—Jewish and Christian— by restoring what he believes is the sole “tradition” (qiblat), that of authentic Abrabaminism."
Mecca did not exist and the author of the Koran was more concerned about Jerusalem.
Curiously, it seems that the Kaa'ba originally referred to a monument at Jerusalem to the Virgin Mary.
The study of the true origins of Islam is becoming as interesting and even more controversial than the study of the origins of Christianity.
After his absence for 17 years Jesus/Issaia definitely did not want to be the Messianic Personality the Essenes needed. Or to be made into a God and certainly not to be worshipped as one.
The Kab,aa/Kabalah in Mecca is an ancient Siva-shrine with inside a Shiva-Lingam.
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