Dog Poet Transmitting.......
You know that saying, “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak?” There is this facility where you can take command of the flesh and actually... that qualifies as one of the great states of liberation...To be able to tell your body when to sit and when to go, is to have a gratefully trained animal that loves you and love keeps it young. I'm really learning something about the idea of aging and I realize in my own experience that all that is is an idea and I don't have that idea. We are timeless and ageless, if we choose to be. Of course, there are dances you do at a certain stage and other dances at later stages. They might all still be there in potential but... the manner in which the energy is used dictates ones state of well being and it is always a good idea to take residence in the next place you are going to 'BEFORE' you get there.
The spirit is willing. Between the spirit and the flesh is the mind and the heart. Like a flashlight, whatever direction you point it in illuminates what is in its light. Physical culture should be routine; a habit that is not broken and the body will really like that. Sometimes the body can get frisky at advanced ages because the inner light is resonating with the greater light. That sort of thing makes you want to dance, on some level.
The flesh is weak, if the mind is strong in that direction. In any direction the ineffable provides the steam. You can go wherever you can imagine and beyond. It really makes you wonder about what's in a lot of people's heads but that is the direction they roll in. The ineffable will take you to places beyond description. You can walk with the ineffable and if you assume and believe that the ineffable is walking with you all the time, there will come a time and times of great recognition when you can literally walk right off with the ineffable, depending on how you have convinced the ineffable and however the ineffable feels about it. That's the final say, which is why, probably the best prayer you can make is, “Lord work your will in and on me to the glory of your presence. I know that you know what I want and what I need before I even think about it. I'll leave it all in your hands ahead of time.”
One cannot stress too intensely, the importance of the divine in one's life. That is the single important possession one can and must attain to. Then everything flows serendipitously, exactly to the degree of one's resonance with it. All the yogas and disciplines of any type are just for the sake of tuning in. The sincere cannot fail. It's a good question to ask on a regular basis; “Why am I doing this?” “Who am I?” is a good one too. 'Who am I' leads with quick intensity. You get definite answers with that sort of thing; answers relevant to the question.
If you want to get somewhere, you have to go somewhere. It might be some long distance into many lands, or it might be inward and cover as much ground and it might be both. One of them is the most important cause it makes any other part of it possible. I am truly stunned at what goes on in the world but I do not wield a temporal scepter. I'm guessing my job is to rule myself. Trying to shape the world into your own design always leads to problems. Worse than that, no one is ever completely successful at it and some of them make big mistakes in technique and motive, not to mention results.
It's really something to be on your own and to be able put all your attention on what should be the primary objective of life. In short order you ask yourself, “What was I doing?” Divinity will reside in us if we tolerate no other presence. Of course, with the indwelling divinity, no other presence can approach. This is what Lao Tzu meant when he said, “The tiger and wild bull keep clear of his inland path. Weapons turn from him on the battle-field, No bull-horn could tell where to gore him, No tiger-claw where to tear him, No weapon where to enter him. And why? Because he has no death to die.” Last time I looked, the divine was eternal and immortal. This is right about that time when words fail and one must move on to something else, which, of course,will also involve the ineffable.
For instance, if the divine is in everything and moves through everything and lives and experiences existence as all of us and... is in control of everything, no matter how out of control any of it might seem to be then, logically, where should one be? Simultaneously, billions of lives are taking place right now and everything you can imagine is taking place somewhere. Who are you and what are you doing? What kind of mental climate have you created? If you don't like it, you simply change your mind. Not so easy to do for many, depending on what has its hooks into them.
If you study the world you see it is a kingdom of bondage and confinement. The single most desirable state is to be free. You don't get it as an accessory to being rich and it doesn't come around just cause you are poor or middle class. It seems to exist independent of these conditions. It definitely doesn't come with privilege or looks. It's elusive to be sure but we have it on good authority that it is around and it is there for those who exercise it in the particular way that makes it want to stay around or... what have you?
Two very important periods are when one goes to bed and that time before they fall sleep and the moments upon awakening. You can tell a lot about yourself by where your thoughts go in these times. It can't be said too often that we are living in important times, as well as times of great opportunity. It doesn't matter what the world is up to. There are portals for everything and everywhere.
Sunday I went to this weekly event called “Ecstatic Dance” It's at this resort down by the shore and its been going on for years. I didn't know what to expect. I even, foolishly, assumed that it might mean dancing. As I waited for this event to come about, I scanned the various bulletin boards with their many ads about seminars being conducted in a safe and nurturing environment and got introduced to a whole lot of new terms for new ways to reveal your true self and really... I can't remember most of it because my mind rejects their residence but what I did notice was that in not one of these presentations was the divine mentioned, except within the context of one's own replacement of it. Either the divine is front row and center or you are and apparently you are.
Meanwhile, back at the ecstatic dance, there were some number of people doing bicycle built for two yoga on the grass (or on grass for all I know), some indeterminate exercises and half a dozen people were meditating while people walked past them or chatted around them. It was silly and horrifically vain. I remember from the bible; “When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.”
Then the ecstatic dancing began and all it was was a continuation of what was going on prior. Here was a hall full of people moving around in very exaggerated ways, which looked to me like someone with Down's Syndrome performing modern dance in a giant tub of Jell-O. This isn't meant as a criticism of people with Down's Syndrome. It is simply because that is exactly how it looked (to me). The rules are that you cannot speak on the dance floor. A couple of days later, I was discussing this with a Slovenian native who said to me; “It's okay if you just go there and sit in the chairs at the side and laugh at them. Then it is worthwhile.” I'm sorry, it really was weird and I left because I knew that I would start to burst out laughing and I didn't want to leave the wrong impression.
So... I went into the parking lot and then I thought, Why not walk up around the gate that separates the main retreat location from the Shop and Shill location down by the road? There were signs here and there to let you know that the whole property was under 'digital' video surveillance. The digital part was made to appear to be an important feature. Before I was able to take the path around the gate, a fellow came running up to ask me if I was a guest and to tell me that I had to sign in at Shop and Shill and leave some ID at the same time. He had literally run a hundred yards to get to me and was out of breath. The security was tight and it was hard to imagine why. There are always plenty of people running around the place.
It's been awhile since I've been around the trustfunder, new age, reggae haired, tattooed and pierced god beings but I will say that the level of shameless acting out has gone up and the Hollywood air kissing thing has become more prevalent. It might be only me and my being overly judgmental but... I had to get out of there. I felt freakishly disaffiliated from it all, like I was from another planet. Bottom line, they weren't very friendly either. I've noticed this in several locations where most people are either overly apprehensive and prickly, or way too slinky with the bad Galadriel impersonations. I don't know why this is. There's a lot of casual sex going on with this crowd, so maybe, given that they've all been passed around from one to each other, there are particular undercurrents at work.
At one point I was standing by the bathrooms because there happened to be a bulletin board right there and not because I was looking for some action (grin). This young lady comes up and asks is anyone in there? She was pointing to the door on my right. I said I think that one is empty but there was definitely someone behind the door to my left. So she goes past me and tries the door on my left. It happens to be open and another lady is sitting in there and the intruding lady apologizes and shuts the door. I said to her, “I wouldn't lie to you.” and in her simpering best she says, “Oh, I know you wouldn't but I had to check.” What does that mean??? AND... why not go into the door on the right which was empty? Like I said, I had to go, well, I didn't have to go. I had to leave.
Now... I do not want to pass judgment on anyone but at the same time I can't write these things without descriptors and anecdotal screen captures. For all I know these people have advanced well beyond my meager accomplishments and level of awareness. I only brought this up to illustrate that the most glaring omission I notice is the absence of the ineffable from the conversation and the pop psych spirituality of the day and I have been noticing this for awhile, here and elsewhere. The divine has been surgically removed from the mix; be it yoga, or meditation, be it whatever. Perhaps in the case of the privileged youth of the day, the spirit is wilted but the flesh is sleek. I remember it wasn't all that different a few decades ago. Mostly people are self promoting, rather than hosting mechanisms for The Self. It's a pity. You can only get so much from your personal self and all of that is made possible by the ineffable anyway, regardless of how we bend, fold, spindle and mutilate it from the original. On the other hand, you can get anything and everything from the ineffable and that includes the 9,999.99% percent of what we are unaware of.
End Transmission.......
'You Wanna Dance' is track no. 10 of 13 on Visible's 2007 album 'The Sacred and The Profane'
Lyrics (pops up)

Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World
- 'An Exploration Toward the Ineffable'
Paperback: $25.00 | |
Kindle Edition: $9.99 |
You made my evening, Visible.
Me thinks freedom is a state of mind. For me, I have declared myself obligated to no one and nothing but my contract with myself. I will serve those of the varying species that are in the vicinity, but I DON'T OWE IT TO THEM. I will do what I programmed myself to do, but I may one day walk out of myself and not look back, for what is done no longer serves me, and might be a liability.
And you reminded me why I have no social life. Gods, what a liability that is these days.
Nostrils up!
Mr Visible. The last three columns are five star classic. You will equal but probably not top the easy simple truth in the words you deliver all polished up. Artwork in letters, words, sounds and thought. Unsurpassed briefings to would be somethings. Much fresh and sticky to ye.
Yuh huh.
(The Hipper than Thou
scene Is now ubiquitous
Erm ridiculous...
Great Visible witticisms: (Thanks; made me grin.)
"...way too slinky with the bad Galadriel impersonations."
"...the spirit is wilted but the flesh is sleek."
With the "ecstatic dancing" and casual sex references, could you have been at the Rajneesh or Osho "Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center" on the Big Island? (Don't answer if that would be inappropriate.)
If so, I read that they also had a surveillance and paramilitary presence at their ashram when they were in Oregon, so that would be in accordance with what you experienced at the gate.
Having run across folks of this persuasion in pockets from Seattle to Sedona, there were everything from sincere seekers to self-absorbed types to folks who were attracted to the sexual 'freedom'. Hard to know if that extended community will produce any world teachers...
"...the most glaring omission I notice is the absence of the ineffable from the conversation and the pop psych spirituality of the day..."
This would be different from when Rajneesh was in charge (if this was a Rajneesh retreat center), and might reflect the dilution of any 'order' when the primary Teacher has been 'gone' for some time. On the other hand, they might restrict that kind of talk to when 'infidels' were not on the premises.
If this was related to Rajneesh (Osho), would you be willing to speak on your sense of him and his teachings?
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
This was not the Osho/Rajneesh ashram, nor did I know, until you mentioned it, that there even was one here.
This place is called Kalani and is owned by some very rich gay guy. I didn't want to mention that in the post because that isn't supposed to make any difference but that is how everyone mentions it to me.
As for the Roger Nietzsche read. I first came across him when I have my spiritual occult bookstore in Woodstock. His works were out and circulating at the time and I read some of him and the thought that occurred to me at the time, and I was about 23 at the time was... my god, he's culled the best from all those other teachers but he's translated them into his own statements.
I can't comment on Roger himself. For a lot of the time he was doped up by the black widow who actually ran the place but the operation itself was not a good one. They had 55 gallon drums burning 24 hours a day for people to dispose of their condoms.
The large percentage of Roger's followers that I ran into were stone cold materialists and hedonistic predators. This is not a judgment on Roger (brother of Friedrich). I do have to hold his curriculum as being fairly responsible for the things that followed. In any case, the 99 Rolls Royces and the cats with submachine guns running alongside whatever Rolls he was rolling away leaves me with a certain amount of unsettling imagery.
Kept crackin' up with today's post. I have had so many similar experiences. Those folks, bless their hearts. I believe the word is "affected." So many of us went through it. Can't go back to Kansas any more. And the surveillance. Oh my!! Hard to put that in the context of anything so-called "spiritual." Used to be intimidated by the "spiritual elite." Now I can laugh. Must be some growth there.
We don't need a mind-set to dance.
ps: BB King just crossed over.
It was 1979, Santa Rosa, Ca. BB was set to do a concert with Chuck Berry and a few other luminaries. Another producer, other side of town set up a bigger show with bigger celebs, so there was only a small turn-out for BB and the others on the bill with him. So "the others" decided they wouldn't play because they could not be paid since there was such a low turn-out. It was tense for 30 or 40 minutes when all of a sudden BB bursts out on the stage and says, "I'm here to play." A crowd of 200 cheered him on. Then the blues moved into a transcendence. Business, money, madness, all left in the dust. God Bless BB, he knew his soul was free.
He had been in ill health for awhile and there was this big legal tug of war going on over who would wield power of attorney. He was worth about 30 million. His manager, or some lawyer or something had the power of attorney and his family wanted it, claiming he was being ill treated. The judge ruled against the family.
Here is a funny B.B. King story. I was in a bar in Georgetown (I think it was The Crazy Horse) one night with John Hall (the guitar player) and Douglas Hume (brother of Brit Hume). B.B. King was playing. At the end of his set he came down to sit with us. Primarily, I am sure, because John and I were in there with these two Nordic goddesses. B.B. sits down next to mine and at one point Douglas leans over and tells me that B.B. has his hand on Darren's leg (the girl I was with). I looked over at that and then I turned to Douglas and said, "Yea, but it's B.B. King." Heh heh. Didn't do him any good anyway, not that he got shortchanged in that department, I don't think.
Vis, thanks for the comments on "Roger Nietzsche." I remember reading about the "black widow who actually ran the place," and wondering how she got into that position and got delegated that 'authority'...
Different but related subject: When I first went to India in the early 80s, I visited the ashram of a then-famous guru who had a large American following. (Not "Roger Nietzsche.") While there, I noticed that glass shards had been mortared into the top of the walls encompassing the Ashram. I called them 'spiritual barbed wire'. A strange world...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
That's like Elizabeth Claire Prophet with the machinegun towers. This is the thing about getting transmissions from distant locations within and without. These entities can be really sharp about all kinds of things and seem on the level but slowly and gradually one gets led places they never imagined they would go.
I stay away from all that channeling and communicating with beings from other dimensions and star systems, mostly because they are not who they make themselves out to be.
“The geographical pilgrimage is the symbolic acting out an inner journey. The inner journey is the interpolation of the meanings and signs of the outer pilgrimage. One can have one without the other. It is best to have both.”
― Thomas Merton
Thank you Vis. I was reminded of the above quote.
I really liked this one.
Thanks :)
Alan 22 perth
Hi Les thanks for your latest insights. I've been to a few of those 'dance' type things you described over the years. What often struck me was the sense of smugness those people often radiated, almost like the born-again types. Also, the lack of real warmth and friendliness and trust seems to be a constant with these types. Anyway, all the best.
Same new age bullshit, different decade.
Some credit must go to Stewart Brand & Co. who generated an ethos, of sorts, by proudly proudly proclaiming in the preface of the 1968 Whole Earth Catalog:
"We are as gods and might as well get good at it."
Vis: "This is the thing about getting transmissions from distant locations within and without"
I am reminded of old 'science' experiments that I read about (ugh). If 'scientists' shocked a mouse on a regular schedule or in a regular location, the mouse soon adapted to the attack - tensing before the shock and relaxing at other times/places. However, if 'scientists' shocked a mouse at random times or locations, the mouse stayed hyperalert and then ultimately lapsed into a 'numb' posture. (Sick bastards.)
I bring this up because it relates to your quote. Over the last few decades, I have 'watched' baddies inject voice and visual communications into my perceptual realm. This includes both attempts to pass themselves off as benevolent types and as my Higher Self. I still get chills when I remember attempting to contact my Higher Self and getting a distinct "Yes?" in a form/manner that was obviously not my Higher Self. That incident was 'taken care of', but Brrr...
I have gradually built a pretty-good 'immune system' to these intrusions, but this has taken much time and discernment. I fear for those who are 'late to the game' in this regard. Like the mice above, they can be 'shocked' by random, 'rigged' inputs. I suspect that this is a major reason the average person has lapsed into a 'numb' posture as regards higher input. It is just not guaranteed 'trustworthy'. (Not to mention that the entire topic is deeply disturbing.)
I do not know a solution to this problem. Perhaps, this is the ineffable's 'training camp' for discernment in this regard. I remember a SF movie, "Galaxy Quest," where an alien species did not know how to discern lying (falsehoods). This obviously left them wide open to other species who had mastered this 'ability'. The present situation on Earth could be a 'boot camp' for Us to master this discernment (in the woo-woo planes).
Sure sucks in the meantime...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-
Try as Hard as You Can and then You Let Go.
Since Visible Origami talks about the ultimate nature of Reality, I thought the following article exerpt was interesting. Enjoy:
Astronomy magazine, June 2015, pp. 30-35
"The Nature of Empty Space: Let's talk about Nothing"
by Bob Berman
"Most of us regard space as if it were a vast container without walls. Inside this huge floorless cathedral lurks the appearance of myriad separate objects. Seeing them as individual items requires that each object be isolated and identified as a pattern imprinted on the mind. We then also require surrounding space if we are to identify them as separate entities.
But what if visible objects are merely bits of flotsam materializing out of the vastly more powerful underlying vacuum energy, which is ignored because it's visually imperceptible? In a different mindset, might we perceive a fundamental oneness rather than distinct entities separated by space? If known objects are blocked out within boundaries of color, shape, or utility only by the thinking mind, then we might ask if space is always a reality rather than mere perception.
Then, too, a minority school is convinced that the observer and the universe are correlative. By this reasoning, the space "out there" is part of a continuum of consciousness and nothing exists apart from the observer. If so, the farthest regions of space are located here in our minds."
p.34 (within main article)
"Entanglement Stands"
by Korey Haynes
"Albert Einstein had strong feelings against quantum entanglement (and indeed, quantum mechanics as a whole), which he called 'spooky actions at a distance.' He firmly rejected the idea that physics might not be 'local' (objects must be in physical proximity in order to affect each other) or 'real' (meaning here that objects have a predetermined state prior to being measured). If locality did not exist, then Einstein's own laws of relativity were flawed because they were incompatible with information being transmitted instantaneously across space. If reality did not exist, then... frankly this idea was simply deeply disturbing. It was easier to believe in 'hidden variables,' or the idea that, contrary to quantum laws, particles have a 'true' state that is revealed, rather than determined, by observation.
In 1935, Einstein, along with Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, proposed the EPR Paradox. They claimed that the absurdity of entanglement - twinned particles randomly choosing complementary states and then communicating that information across immeasurable space - must prove quantum theory flawed, or at best incomplete. In 1964, John Bell continued their thought experiment, developing testable hypotheses (Bell's inequalities) that would prove we live in a classically determined universe. So far, experiments have consistently disproven Bell's inequalities, negating Einstein's paradox and showing that the universe we live in does not require local realism. Weird as it sounds on a human scale, the universe is measurably unreal on a fundamental level.
And yet, there is one loophole left to close in Bell's theorem, probably the weirdest yet: free will. Bell's theorem suggests that quantum mechanics could be disproven if humans lack free will. If we are preprogrammed in the observations we make, then entangled particles aren't required to perform any 'spooky actions.' The universe knows what we will measure before we start. Not all scientists put stock in this interpretation, but others are hard at work finding ways to test this last holdout for a classical world. Spooky."
The entire world is suffering from an overdose of ego and insanity and it's only going to get worse as the pace quickens. The Matrix dwellers are headed for pathological destruction mefinks.
I don't think anybody here has much of a social life Buttons. I live in the woods, off the main drag set back but close enough to get what I need. However I've got a manic village down the road which guarantees all manner of interesting situations, purchases and conversations. Mind you the conversations here on this forum are way more interesting -grin-
Does anybody know what has become of Smyrna? Quite a few regulars have disappeared in the past year.
"If you want to get somewhere, you have to go somewhere. It might be some long distance into many lands, or it might be inward and cover as much ground and it might be both. "
Reminded me of this...
"The physical pilgrimage is the outer manifestation of the inward journey. It is possible to have one without the other. It is best to have both."
-Thomas Merton
The amazingly visceral nature of the writing and comments on this one...anyone else feel the need to shower after reading?
Images of the burning oildrums ...
Yes, even a couple days after it stayed with me.
So, group shower:
if you can get out a copy of Desire (i still have vinyl) and cue to Romance in Durango...[although i were but a wee one, i later did fall for this album hard when driving crosscountry...]
At the corrida we'll sit in the shade
And watch the young torero stand alone
We'll drink tequila where our grandfathers stayed
When they rode with Villa into Torre6n.
Then the padre will recite the prayers of old
In the little church this side of town
I will wear new boots and an earring of gold
You'll shine with diamonds in your wedding gown.
The way is long but the end is near
Already the fiesta has begun
The face of God will appear
With His serpent eyes of obsidian.
No llores mi querida
Dios nos vigila
Soon the horse will take us to Durango
Agarrame mi vida
Soon the desert will be gone
Soon you will be dancing the fandango.
A new Petri Dish is up now-
Rhinestones, Diamonds and Hard Baked Earth Syndrome.
This Sunday's radio broadcast is now streamable.
via Homer..
"So Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam's categorization of the common man without any spiritual enlightenment into the society of dogs, hogs, camels and asses is not at all an exaggeration."
SB 2.3.19
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