Thursday, February 20, 2020

ATTENTION is the same as Sunlight and Rain and the Fruit and the Flower is the Offspring of Light!

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Someone once said, “When it rains it pours.” Off the cuff... first take... this seems to be saying that when one bad thing happens, other bad things often happen as well. This is, perhaps... how a Perfect Storm comes about. This writer has itemized an assortment of genuine plagues that are working their way forward at this moment. Taken in their aggregate state, they can be intimidating. If one did not know that these were mere shadows, passing before the face of an ever shining sun, we could be disheartened, dismayed... but there are those of us who are not. No matter what comes, be it trauma, separation, isolation, even death, it is of no importance... because all of this is no more than appearances we have attached ourselves to, unreal phantasms. ONLY God is real.

These phantasms are all just passing phases on the shores of a shining and infinite, eternal, sea ...and that sea... whose depths cannot be plumbed... and whose reach cannot be traversed, or charted... is (COSMIC DRUM ROLL) The Sea of Love. It is the Sea of Divine and incomprehensible LOVE from everlasting to everlasting. It is the first emanation of Almighty God. It is as much as we are permitted to know. It is as much as we can ever know and yet it cannot be known but... IT CAN BE FELT!

These are perilous times AND times of great promise. There are not just the threats and challenges from without but... more especially... there are the threats from within. So many of us are being driven to unfortunate acts...driven crazy by the force of Mr. Apocalypse... because we will not awaken. We resist awakening and CRAZY is what happens. My friends, daily, the episodes of CRAZY keep intensifying. I AM NOT going to post examples of this. Some of them are horrifying. How does it come to such a pass? There is a demonic wind blowing in the wind tunnels of the human mind and it can be difficult to resist. Without an anchor, without a firm foundation, it might be impossible ...but we must not see it as this because ALL THINGS WORK FOR GOOD FOR THOSE WHO LOVE THE LORD.

It is Mr. Apocalypse who is at work here. He is pressing for awakening! If you do not awaken, he WILL PRESS HARDER. When God wants to awaken you, he will come and gently shake your shoulder. If you do not awaken, he will shake your shoulder harder and if you still do not awaken? God picks up a two by four and “Katie bar the door!” It was Mikhael Aivanhov who first put it that way (not verbatim). Thank you Master Aivanhov!

In these times of uncertainty WE MUST recognize the indwelling! This is the key to awakening; the recognition of the indwelling. It all comes down to the Practice of the Presence of God. CELEBRATE IT MY FRIENDS!!! Perhaps you do not yet feel it? Perhaps there is a question in 'your mind' as to whether there even is an Indwelling Presence? I ASSURE YOU ON MY VERY SOUL that there is a God. You need ONLY to visualize God as present. I will tell you a secret; perhaps it is not a secret but it is not widely known, GOD IS COMING in the human heart. He is coming to every heart where a place has been prepared for him and how do you accomplish this? YOU CELEBRATE HIS INDWELLING PRESENCE. You affirm that he is there, REGARDLESS of whether you can presently sense it or not. IF you prepare the space, he WILL OCCUPY it.

This is the Aquarian Age. This is The Age of Brotherhood! So how else could God come at this time? How else could God announce his presence among so many billions of people? He MUST COME IN THE HUMAN HEART! Mr. Apocalypse is the predecessor. Mr Apocalypse is the prophet who is announcing his coming, Just as John the Baptist once did.

Perhaps you are suffering in this time. There are so many ways to suffer but your suffering does not have to be in vain! Bad Karma is working its way out because THESE ARE THE TIMES OF KARMIC RESOLUTION. Bad Karma working itself out becomes good karma because the bad karma is passing. Sometimes the best thing we can do is to endure because it will pass. Make note NOT to repeat your mistakes and CONSIDER THIS, 'the love of God passeth all understanding! The Grace of God is a miraculous force that can neutralize any Karma because GOD'S POWER is limitless. There is nothing that God cannot accomplish. Place your life... your hopes... your dreams and all your fears in the hands of God and ALL WILL BE MADE WELL BY MIRACULOUS AGENCY! Take to heart what the Lord God said to me... “rely on me! Rely on me.” This he said OVER and OVER and OVER. Why did it take me so long to get this? Do not suffer as I did through cognitive dissonance, where... somehow... it did not immediately occur to me that IF IT WAS GOD SAYING IT... IF IT WAS GOD SAYING IT... It MUST BE SO!!!

My own life is a masterpiece of the mercy and compassion of God. When I was young, I suffered to such an extreme that I cannot now even recall it. I had an adult ulcer at the age of 12 FROM FEAR. The doctors were mystified and it took them some time to find out what the problem was; why I was jackknifing from pain? It seemed that there would be no light at all. Then, at the age of 21, a being I met on a beach on Kalifornia, awakened my Kundalini, with such intensity that the reverberations went on and on and on.

Through psychedelics, I experienced things that made this world a gray Purgatory, with nothing of meaning to me. The spiritual delights I experienced were beyond the telling. Of course, I then stormed the gates of Heaven at every opportunity but I was not allowed to stay. I could not desist, eventually I fell into a whirlpool of excess, reaching into the darkness for light. I consumed so many mind altering substances in the pursuit of 'yet one more experience of The Divine' that it is a miracle I am still alive. Now... every organ is functioning fantastically, in defiance of 'what should have been'. How is this possible? GOD is how it is possible. THOSE WHO LOVE MUCH ARE FORGIVEN MUCH. God knows WHY we do things. God knows our INTENTIONS.

Without knowing it, I was doing everything to suppress the force of the Kundalini in me. It was AND IS, impossible to contain, so eventually, it burned away every impure desire. It burned its way through me and the turmoil of years is at an end. Surely my tale should be a cautionary tale and one obviously needs a dispensation to do what I did. Perhaps none of it was necessary but to assist me in evading regret and recrimination, I was told, and continue to be told that there was nothing I could have done to change any of it. It was meant to be and I am as much for The Purpose of Demonstration as anyone else. We are...all of us... the living evidence of where we have been and what we have done. I can tell you with absolute confidence and assurance; LOVE GOD and God will protect you from everything that may ever come about, or lead you out of it after leading you through it.

God is your only true friend and any other true friend you believe yourself to have, is simply God in another persona. It is only God awakened in the mutual exchange of Love. It is our power to invoke God or Devil in everyone we meet. Sometimes either happens for reasons otherwise and once again, for The Purpose of Demonstration. God creates not only our friends but our enemies as well, for The Purpose of Demonstration. We need not fret or agonize over it or anything. Whatever we, ourselves, choose to assume responsibility for, we will be responsible for. Whatever we leave in God's Hands, God will 'hand'le for us.

Make the commitment this moment to celebrate the Indwelling at every opportunity and prepare to be surprised and astonished because nothing is what it was before. Pay no attention to appearances. Pay no attention to agents of darkness. Keep your mind ONLY upon the ever growing light within. The light within grows as the result of ATTENTION. It is the same as sunlight and rain and the fruit and the flower of the offspring of light, will sprout in the darkness and appear in the light. This is so... and EVER SHALL BE! May God shine forth from you in this hour and may the light of God guide and protect you for all of your days!

End Transmission.......

Today's Song will arrive later today. (I got to go somewhere)

And then there is Pocketnet.

les visible at pocketnet


Anonymous said...

Hello les,

You wrote "When God wants to awaken you, he will come and gently shake your shoulder. If you do not awaken, he will shake your shoulder harder and if you still do not awaken? God picks up a two by four and “Katie bar the door!”

If I may offer a mild disagreement, I would politely suggest that God does not pick up a 2x4. He does, however, pick up a five gallon bucket of ice water to douse one with. Just as effective, if not more so. He's gentle that way.

With appreciation,
Elliott E.

P.S. Looking forward to your next video.

Visible said...

As I stated in the post, I didn't say it, a spiritual master named Mikhael Aivanhov said it.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Thank you for your inspirational blogs, many times over. Nostrils up!

Anonymous said...

Need to hear these things now more then ever.
Need to be reminded constantly in order to
Pray without ceasing. The distractions are
constant and terrifying.

Anonymous said...

Amun-Ra is a phosphene?

Anonymous said...

I don't think phosphenes are quite the same thing as God, but perhaps Visible is right.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking the most difficult thing about inviting the indwelling presence of God it is to simply get out of one's own way. God was/is there the whole time in any event. No doubt it's easier said than done for most as our ego identity tends to dug in like a tick.


Yukon Cornelius said...

Dog poet
Have read your blogs for years. I especially liked your video that you did of yourself
“Grunting” your whole body to both stay in shape and scare people
Away from you when you were in jail. My question is have you watched
The videos on the restoration of Boleskine “Crowley” old mansion
And it’s coincidence to the times we are in
Smoking mirrors has always been my favorite
I’m just one of those “back row guys”

robert said...

Dear Visble One,

In your own way, like the Sun, you shine on regardless of cloudy days!

My own life is a masterpiece of the mercy and compassion of God.

A mantra to remember and repeat when emotions rage!

Perhaps none of it was necessary but to assist me in evading regret and recrimination, I was told, and continue to be told that there was nothing I could have done to change any of it. It was meant to be and I am as much for The Purpose of Demonstration as anyone else. We are...all of us... the living evidence of where we have been and what we have done. I can tell you with absolute confidence and assurance; LOVE GOD and God will protect you from everything that may ever come about, or lead you out of it after leading you through it.

When we despair about the mess we have made or our gift of life, the ONLY comfort is the adopt the knowing child that knows that the One will walk us out of where we are, as we will to show up to meet the Presence within!

Logically, since the One created our souls, our souls manifested the physical temple wihtout our conscious participation AND the one Will animates all wills in every being, then our subjective conviction that we made our "own" choices from our purloined "seperate" (from our perception) bubble of consciousness is false and we are indeed lead toward and through the experiences NECESSARY to hew us out of star dust and polish our being to prepare for the Immanence to come.

Emotionally, we must detach from any fixed ideas that get in the way of higher expression.

Physically, we are the sensors deployed to feed back just how it feels to be here in seemingly isolated forms.

Your love shows up and calls us to bring ours forth to dance.


Link to latest Pocketnet essay:

Assault on Reason – The Scene of the Crime

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Off topic, but something you may want to check out if you've never read The Epic of Gilgamesh when you have 1.75 hours to kill.

The Annunnaki version of the flood myth. So, is the OT god; Enlil renamed?

Ray B. said...

Vis, an attention-capturing column. Thanks!

Vis: "There are not just the threats and challenges from without but... more especially... there are the threats from within."

One of my early teachers said that it was best to get as much emotional-work done as possible, before a serious kundalini-rising. The kundalini energy would 'boost' whatever unresolved-stuff was inside, leading to often-incongruous/irreconcilable/inconsistent behavior. During the 60s/70s, this was why you would see someone exhibiting 'advanced' manifestations while also exhibiting self-defeating behaviors (and woe to their followers). If the person was courageous enough to confront themselves, however, they often had personal breakthroughs...
Vis: "So many of us are being driven to unfortunate acts...driven crazy by the force of Mr. Apocalypse... because we will not awaken."

What I have learned over the years is that a non-awakening is often because of a slug-of-pain from the past (even past lives) that is intuitively-known to be within. Quite naturally, we shrink from it. Sadly, this binds-us to behaviors conditioned by that pain. Fortunately, there is also an inner force which wants us to heal. It will place us into circumstances where we are face-to-face with that held-pain. If we face it and ask for Higher help, there are helpers of many 'grades' who will pull-off enough of the slug-of-pain to enable it to be felt-through and sent-on to the Soul. Once the Soul has registered that Experience to be done, we are 'directed' on to the next learning...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful writing, needed the boost in energy.
Check this video out:
Might have some relevance to what you are saying.
Or it might just give you a good laugh. Either way that's okay.
Irve from the Verve.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

NEXT. . .

Mad as a Hatter they Hurry up to Wait.



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'I Need More Light' from the Les Visible Album
God in Country

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A classic Visible post:

With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

Click here to watch and comment on Vimeo and here to read the original text.

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