Thursday, October 20, 2022

"It's a More Strident Alarm for The Ears Attuned to The Sound of The Birds Going Silent, and The Wind Holding Still."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Life has its hard candy sides, sometimes it has a hard center too. When you know the... general... why... most... things... happen...if you are of a philosophical bent... and not just bent because your plumbing went... bad, and the wiring set the house on fire inside your head... then you can appreciate the hard side of things... BECAUSE... YOU KNOW... what happens when you go soft. Some things should be soft and some should be hard and the problem arrives when you confuse them. That kinda changes the message of... “hard cheese, old man.”

The little warning signs of a coming tilt; malfunctioning world weather of The Hive Mind... ratcheting tension... general disorder coming soon... to a sidewalk near you... is sounding a more strident alarm for the ears attuned to the sound of the birds going silent, and The Wind holding still. That moment of awesome cessation... of the inhalation... is upon us, almost like a gasping for breath on the periphery of a panic attack; right... when... you... could... have... caught... it... BEFORE it caught you.

It changes the whole dynamic... when you are able to wave the cape and step aside... rather than ride the horns of the bull into a gored selfie. All drama queens get their moments of real drama, just like The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Gaining control over yourself is a gift that just keeps giving; no more into the fray, you live to fight another day. The spirits of conflict and contention are looking for easier meat.

“Yes... I knoh... I knoh”; you wish you could do something, BUT... you will only make it worse or... it turns on you in a fury of rage. Empathy is a grinding irritation. Perhaps you will create a pearl? Meanwhile... The World goes on, no... matter... what... you... do. Every single day, those without conscience, collect money for people in need, AND... they are the people they are collecting it for.

They do... not... want... to... cure...Cancer. There's too much money in it. They don't want to cure any of those diseases. Those diseases are their livelihood. Cockroaches do not want to clean your kitchen. Rats are not babysitters. Evil is an abandoned construction zone, like the road to Marbella. Evil is all the leftover building supplies and refuse that were generated in the construction of something good. Everything has its purpose. Using a hammer to pound a screw is similar to not following your own dharma.

Something is coming. It's big... but it's stepping quiet. The Emergency Broadcasting System is engaged in radio silence. Something is creeping, BUT... everyone is sleeping, AND... even if you are looking directly at it, you can't tell what it is. No one's ever seen Change up close. Oh... they see the results of it all the time, BUT... Change itself? That's very much like seeing The Wind.

Some will be running wild. They do... not... want... it... to... touch... them! Otherwise... THEY'LL BE CHANGED!!! Some... of course... will embrace the change. They've been waiting for it their whole life, and... probably before that too. It will warm some and it will burn some. It will cool... even chill... others. It's going to be EXACTLY what you need, whether... you... like... it... or... not.

Everyone has called it up in their rituals of thought and feeling. It is a kind of invocation. Everyone has been building it in... invisible space. If you were to talk to The Wider World, their eyes would glaze over soon enough. It's the Krispy Kreme one-stop-shop for the cotton candy minds. These are the people who took LSD and all they saw were the groovy colors. You could hit them on the head all day long and still... all they would see are the colors.

Humanity exists in sectors of awareness. If it weren't for Mr. Apocalypse and The Great Awakening, they'd all just ride the see-saw Biorhythms... and call it Good and Bad by turns, depending on what they like and what they don't like. Go around the corner and the reasoning is reversed. That's because most people confuse Logic with Reason. With Logic, you can prove and justify ANYTHING. It's not supposed to work like that with Reason, BUT... you know... it's part of the times we are living in.

Boys and girls in arrested flight are frozen on Grecian funeral urns. They will never catch each other. They will only think that they have. It's like the legendary lovers who call to one another over impassable space or an angry ocean. Longing... never... ends. The World is a product of desire, and it is not The World that is seen by those whose desires are woven into a single cable. What you are chasing is not what it appears to be. What you are chasing is your own imaginary tail.

One day you will grow still. All that is cycling by you will also pause. You can then step in and out of it at will. The whole of Nature is filled with remarkable sources of wisdom and fulfillment. There are spirits who live in trees. There are others in the air, the water, and the Earth. All of them would gladly share what they know, if... you... knew... how... to... ask. Angels circle out of The Sun through the endless day, as The World turns through its seasons.

Now... Change... such as we have not seen in many thousands of moons is coming upon us. It is almost as if Truth were raindrops falling and... the contact resulted in every sentient being... suddenly seeing themselves as they are. For some, this would be a priceless blessing. For others, it would be torment itself, as if it were personalized, which... indeed... it... is. That from which there is no escape... is that which is revealed to you in your own mind through an irresistible awakening to it.

It is The Prodigal Son amongst the swine. Those of the rakshasa mindset, have no desire to return to their far home. They like it just fine where they are, BUT... some events cause the sense of pleasure to depart. Some events change the way of things. Change is coming.

buddha... buddha... buddha... snarls the machine-gun scream;

...the ironic
vacuous banalities
and fecundities of redundancy
like the be-ata-tat-tat-tat-titudes
of... scripture... looking... to... score/
blessing the cannon fodder meek...
with the prospects of war.

Unknown and forgotten they bloomed on their own
like Kudzu growing up through a broken cell phone.
"Yeah... she might be buried around here, we'd never know."
said the fat detective with the crime scene clipboard

"They'll be wanting authenticity, which is why they're filming here.
This is the last place anyone saw her disappear.
Apparently... she liked to do that sort of thing.
Made her feel like people loved her, but...this time we don't know;
usually... within the week... she would show...
been gone two months now... or so."

and so it goes. Change is coming. This is one of those times when you REALLY want to BE... THE... CHANGE, by not... disturbing the waters. They'll be plenty roiled without your oar intruding. We are not referring to that fatuous canard by the feckless... former... leader, which actually meant, “Be the same old same old.” Martha's Vineyard will now be producing basilisk vinegar.

Here... on the precipice, my friends... it is wiser to reach up and in... than it is to jump out and down. The Dark Splendor is shining with a million winking lights... welcoming you to Babylon and beyond. It is there that every appetite is satiated and then leaves you a junkie in search of the elusive facsimile fix... ♫ ain't nothing like the real thing baby ♫ Wow!!! Look at all the colors!

End Transmission.......

Some few links and such at GAB= (and soon at Truth-Social which is now online.)=


robert said...

Благодаря ти, Visible!

What satisfying folds you make!

Evil is all the leftover building supplies and refuse that were generated in the construction of something good

A most elegantly succinct summation of why the One SEEMS to allow chaos and anti-life to prevail out of balance with life.
Hindered by low bandwidth senses, we see neither the beauty in the blueprint nor the order in the construction process of dreamland making all dreams real.

No one's ever seen Change up close. Oh... they see the results of it all the time, BUT... Change itself? That's very much like seeing The Wind

Like time, we get it only after it passes by us and leaves the results in our senses.

BUT... some events cause the sense of pleasure to depart. Some events change the way of things. Change is coming.

It is helpful if Life has already taught us to detach from the teat of sense-based pleasure, supping on a gestalt of a higher order.

The loss of pleasure is no loss then, because we are already living on a deeper source of positive feedback than sensory sating disposable income

Everyone has called it up in their rituals of thought and feeling. It is a kind of invocation. Everyone has been building it in... invisible space.

Our power to create, always in gear, has us on the train we made, taking us exactly where we made our tracks go.

Here is where we find Grace or else! (grin)

It is almost as if Truth were raindrops falling and... the contact resulted in every sentient being... suddenly seeing themselves as they are. For some, this would be a priceless blessing. For others, it would be torment itself, as if it were personalized, which... indeed... it... is

Poetry encoding the vision of the transformation train!

This is one of those times when you REALLY want to BE... THE... CHANGE, by not... disturbing the waters. They'll be plenty roiled without your oar intruding

As Lao Tzu exposed:
"The way to do is to be"

Now is the time to make like meditating matter, pulling in the sheets, releasing all the ballast.

Floating is better than fearing!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

In analogy, expectin' a cat 9 hurricane ere year-end. If we're lucky, the Bay Area falls into the ocean by then. Or a 11.6 on the Richter Scale on the fault that's a half mile away from us is just as good. After all, we are 2 or 3 storeys up, dependin' on which room we're in. Such is life bein' built into a hill.

Nostrils to the sky. With all this good news, I feel like I'm gonna explode.

Anonymous said...

I have always asked God to show me who I really am and what I have been up to over all my past lives. I believe this is one of those 'be careful what you wish for' instances. Still, I really want to know. Detlef

Mr. Mcgranor said...

Something to think about·

Visible said...

We all come to know these things about past lives when the knowledge is no longer harmful to us. Yogananda and others speak about the matter. The ironies and contrasts that exist in our various paths through existence can be more than a person can handle before their perspective is more deeply rooted. Otherwise... the force of the realization can tear us from our moorings like a tree in a powerful storm.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is now up=

"Life is ONLY Uncertain When You are Out of Your Dharma. Discover Who You Are, and... There You Are!

the gardener said...


Gregory said...

Almismo said...

“The whole of Nature is filled with remarkable sources of wisdom and fulfillment. There are spirits who live in trees. There are others in the air, the water, and the Earth. All of them would gladly share what they know, if... you... knew... how... to... ask.”

The first fundamental experience I had as a composer of songs was the one I lived with the following one that I share with you about the quoted fragment, titled "question to the unknown" (Pregunta a lo desconocido)...

And always as a humble tribute for the Beauty and Thought that you give us, dear Visible.

A big hug from here.



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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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