Thursday, March 16, 2023

"Push-me and Pull-u Dance with The Fallen Stars... That Shine in The Oil Slick Wash of The Glittering Asphalt Night."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

On my way to a point beyond, I looked into the darkness below a number of times. Many strange and fascinating shapes continuously appear. The shining of The False Light on The Lower Nature creates a hypnotic pull that is difficult to break. It is a tractor beam on the unconscious, and before you know it, you are through the door. The objective of the attraction is to suck The Mind into a rolling darkness that is not unlike an angry sea.

Do not go down into The Dark Splendor;

or lose your way inside your own head

There were conspiracies... ancient and modern; webs within webs... wheels within wheels. There were entities behind sorcerers of every kind, and sorcerers behind the masks of the men and women that wear the faces of the time, to act as the channels for the darkness and as focus points for submission and longing; monkey see... monkey do.

It all got old; who did what to whom. How they did it. Somebody said this way, and somebody said that way, and I? I didn't care. That's not my world. I never really lived there... in that place where nothing matters; that only matters to people who have skin... in... the... game. The people below, in The Carnal Zone, have no idea about the people who live beyond it. The people beyond it must exercise caution when interacting with animal eyes.

It is possible to get lost for a very long time in The Hall of Appetites, in The Mirrors of Desire. When you are always reflecting on what you become in the image of what you pursue, where does that leave you? You literally have to die to the one to live in the other, and that is an act of faith in both directions. It's always easier to believe in what you can see. When you live where the only reality is what occurs on the bandwidth of the senses, how do you muster enough belief to escape it?

I practice The Presence. I rely on The Presence, and I love The Presence, with all my heart, soul, strength, and mind. That's all I seek to do, and that's all I am... essentially. Each time that I am sidetracked, my invisible friends remind me to pull back from the distractions... and stop wandering about in them. I am like a passer-by in a curiosity shop who is not even remotely curious, having been that way enough times before.

You can be lost for some time before you realize you are lost. If you do not stay on track, with daily reminders on familiar roads, it is not difficult for the unfamiliar to be mistaken for the familiar; bad companions... poor judgment... the resident impurities of weak character. We all struggle with these conditions until we grow tired of the fight. We are boxing with our own shadows.

This is the point of determination in search of the light. No shadows can continue with you on the way, once The Sun has broken through the cloud cover that obscures The Hive Mind. The World itself operates on a bandwidth. EVERYTHING is on a bandwidth. If you are resonant there, you will remain there in an endless loop. If you resonate with that which is beyond the bandwidth... beyond the gravitational pull of Material Culture; that... puts you into resonance with another tractor beam toward a place of greater light.

I don't care who did what to who. I discuss these things sometimes, in order to have a starting point to talk about God. Appearances are The Divine World when it is bent out of shape. Many people live there and depend on them. I do not. I am not a hollow man. I am an empty man, fortunate enough to be filled with something greater than my temporary self.

The absence of attention given to The Temporary Self permits me to be an emptiness into which The Eternal Self can shine; is shining... is always shining... but the darkness of the mind... enswathed in pedestrian passions... cannot see that light.

It is faith that permits you to continue toward what cannot yet be seen, and which materializes it before you: “faith is THE SUBSTANCE of things unseen.”

All around you are the endless gyrations of The Lower Mind... in pursuit of the objectives of desire and appetite... of ambition... of all the attractors toward the swirling illusions of animated dust... that dances just out of reach; ashes to ashes, dust to dust. How many times yet will you go down to the grave... worn out and in search of rest... out of gas spent chasing strange dreams in imaginary malls?

There is only one mind. We are... individually... like fish in an ocean. The ocean is the one mind. The fish are the temporary animated elements that host The Separated Mind that imagines it is apart and individual, and... according to appearances... SEEMS to be apart, but... there is only one mind. There is One Self and then there are all the separated selves seeking... in countless ways... to find the true unity, which cannot be found outside of it, and which accounts for all those wandering lost.

Being apart from that singular self puts us in The World of Serving Time... makes us mortals... living and dying... living and dying... and forgetting what we are... while being lost in what we are not. That is the ever-changing dreamscape... The Land of Wanting. The Land of The Suffering... in search of The Missing Part.

The endlessly proven truth that it cannot be found in externalities does not seem to dawn on those who move from one enchantment to the next. It is certain they do not know what there is to be found within. If they did... ah well; what wonders await.

This is a most extraordinary time. Rarely ever does such a time come around. It accounts for the very powerful intensity of the attractions, and variations of the distractions. The Attractive Life is at a fever pitch. Push-me and Pull-u dance with the fallen stars... that shine in the oil slick of the glittering asphalt night. How many times have Hansel and Gretel been abandoned in the forest? How many times has Red Riding Hood set out for her grandmother's house?

The Dreamscape is on a bandwidth too. EVERYTHING is on a bandwidth. You need to turn The Dial up so that the resonance changes and pulls you along the moving track. Ride The Spiral into the light that shines from a point beyond... within... and above.

“The initiate is not content to limit himself to the physical world. He knows there are 3 aspects or dimensions to every process in Nature, the physical. The psychic, and the spiritual, and he looks within to find the inner manifestations that correspond with those in the physical world. If scientists took the trouble to look more deeply into the laws that govern the universe, they would understand that all the different elements, objects, and phenomena they study point to a vaster richer world. It is because scientists do not understand how these laws work that scientific progress has not led to moral progress.” (Mikhail Aivanhov)

It is the lack of a moral compass in scientific inquiry that has led to the destruction of The World many... many times already. We are at that point now, where ridiculous areas of experimentation... financed by deluded characters in search of gain... are dominating the research. Tits on a boar? No problem; coming right up. A pig's ear into a silk purse? Give us a moment. Wings on camels? Elephants who piss Kool-Aid? Something to wipe out the human race? Take a seat in the lounge while we fire up the 3-D printer.

Sure, given the time and the technology anything is possible, BUT... is it necessary? Does it make The World a better place? We are at a remarkable crossroads with scientific possibilities, however... have you seen the quality of life on the streets recently? If the moral sense does not keep pace with the speed of technological advancement... shit happens to you.

End Transmission.......

Some links are at GAB=.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

You SAID it! Nostrils to the sky.

Ty said...

Whenever a certain thought from the lower realms comes into my head, I mean my other head, someone/thing knocks on my wall, ceiling, or something, instantaneously. Its been happening for 6 months now. The frequency and perceived intent changed as I did. I used to think it was just an attachment, a wandering ghost who didn't want to let go. But now it seems more like an angel or something of the sort.

Visible said...

It could well be in times like these, BUT angels... generally... usually only come around for one of two reasons; because aspirations are high... zeal and ardor directed Heavenward... or unfortunate circumstances... trial, and such are in the immediate proximity. Since some months are involved... if it's angels, it indicates the former.

Just speculating within the parameters of my limited knowledge.

robert said...

Visible's cheat sheet or cliff note drawing together reminders of where to focus our precious attention!

We are all strengthened when one sets the pace by example, exercising pure reason detached from emotional gravity

Pointing out from a sitting Buddha mind how the One sees through all human delusions, using a simple mind in clarity to cut through bogus complexity

There is only one mind. We are... individually... like fish in an ocean. The ocean is the one mind. The fish are the temporary animated elements that host The Separated Mind that imagines it is apart and individual, and... according to appearances... SEEMS to be apart, but... there is only one mind

As an example of how our language has been minded with misdirections for the mind:

Individual does not mean separate!
It means unique, singular, unpredictable. coming from a true center


Not dividable = individual
Being in an undivided state

Yet mind control connotation spin has inverted the meaning!

It is "selfish" to be yourself, to know yourself, to be true to yourself?
It is "responsible" to conform without reservation, to the death cult sacrificing children as the new normal?

Questions to pose to zombified humanimals:
*from an insulated position of course!*

Are you your thoughts?
Are you your feelings?
Are you your beliefs?

If someone thinks differently than you, are you divided?
If someone feels differently than you, are you offended?
If someone believes differently than you, are you shaken?

Is your mind more than a shrinking boundary where thoughts limit themselves?
Is your heart more than a hollow subjective sphere where feelings bounce off prison walls?
Is your being more than a temporary abode for permanent players?

Just speculating within the parameters of my limited knowledge.

An example of humble sharing which holds within a perspective gem:
Baggage-less, we can see what is behind the baggage train
With no axe to grind but light to shed, we can feel more than human
With compassion, we are lifted above and beyond our own limitations

When clear enough, we can be asked by a brother or sister or confused, a question from their wondering soul and we can answer as a switchboard operator, conveying an echo back from the deepest well being

That is satisfying service, when we can help by being less personal, surrendering carnal imperatives without hesitation, to carry water and shop wood for other individuals relearning with us to dance with the Divine.

When that service resonates in passing, we are carried on to our purpose without trying our patience!

Are we ready to rumble?
Better question:
Are we ready to wonder???!!!

What took us so long to see who we really are as individual aspects of the One Individual Being whose dream we are waking up within?
Why we waited so long to wake up?
Why we pretended to be asleep far longer than we were ever awake?

Are we prepared to be more human and become more divine?
Can we handle life freed from parasitical paradoxes perpetrating our prisoner pain?

How long will the perpetual motion of predatory plays of pretense continue to hold our attention when the coruscating light saber dance comes on stage?

A dramatic climax to satisfy all souls and an after party to end all crying

Reunited and it will feel so good!

Eyes on the unseen prize while we imagine to the best of our capacity to create, the way the One would have our world reflect complete perfection!

Anonymous said...

The exposing of everything that has and is happening in this world and in this country is a bit much to take, I understand now why it had to come out slowly. It would have been too much to digest had it happened at once . Linear time has a reason here.
Still it is almost too much to bear. Faith is ultimately the answer but no one said it was going to be easy to watch the unfolding.
God bless the Awakening

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"AND You Won't be Sailing long on The Ocean of Nonsense... Unless You Have a Bicycle Pump Attached to Your Nipples

Ty said...

Thank you Vis, I also wondered, 'maybe its the divine itself?' I just pulled up a tarot for an answer as the four of swords, effigy of a knight's coffin. Maybe its a deceased spiritual master? A few months ago, I asked the kundalini for an angel to come, and I began to hear a resonant vibration around me, especially while lying in bed, and certain locations of my house. Almost like the sound of a distant vehicle engine, vibrating in resonant frequencies that fold into another. If I leaned over, it would be louder in one place or another.

Have you seen the Mandalorian series? I swore you were in that movie, as this little green fella.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous Ty said...
Whenever a certain thought from the lower realms comes into my head, I mean my other head, someone/thing knocks on my wall, ceiling, or something, instantaneously. Its been happening for 6 months now. The frequency and perceived intent changed as I did. I used to think it was just an attachment, a wandering ghost who didn't want to let go. But now it seems more like an angel or something of the sort.

Friday, March 17, 2023 3:43:00 AM
Blogger Visible said...
It could well be in times like these, BUT angels... generally... usually only come around for one of two reasons; because aspirations are high... zeal and ardor directed Heavenward... or unfortunate circumstances... trial, and such are in the immediate proximity. Since some months are involved... if it's angels, it indicates the former.

Just speculating within the parameters of my limited knowledge.

Friday, March 17, 2023 5:16:00 AM

This happened to me two nights ago, a knocking on the walls and a feminine voice which I could not ascertain what was being said.
I've been thinking and feeling what it meant, and putting into context what I've been through in recent times. Either a release of something that will no longer 'bother' me or angelic higher forces making themselves known. I feel them, hear these regularly, so the prior is a point I was thinking. I do feel a release.

Vinifera (Gretchen)



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