Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Dragon of the Apocalypse at the Crossroads of Impasse.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

The march of fascism continues. Why? It is because those who have stolen so much from the public that they are rich beyond need and everyone else is in need. When you steal a lot of money, you need a lot of money. You have to hire your own private army to protect you but... that never works for very long and it definitely won't work in an apocalypse. You can't tell these people anything though. It's similar to what happens when the dictator's palace is being mobbed by his subjects. Long before it came to that he could have done things, set things in motion that would have appeased the populace but instead (he did not) and even at that late hour, he orders the army to shoot down the populace. The army is a part of the populace though, comes out of the populace. These days that aspect presents itself to their minds, as it did in Yugoslavia and Romania. Those who will not listen will feel. Those who will not awaken by being called out to, will be shaken from their sleep by whatever force is necessary.

I think of all the things I could say to the reader. I think of all the things I have said to the reader and all the ways I've said the same things for the sake of variable perspectives. I work for an energy that provides me with these perspectives. I see what I believe to be the rightness of these perspectives and... we need various perspectives because we are different people, or we think we are and... "as a man thinketh, so is he". In reality there is only one persona behind us all and it can take two dramatic aspects, depending on personal intention. One of those leads to painful lessons and the other leads to a freedom from them. It's like that white light through a spectrum. It's like the snow on the mountaintops. When it melts, the water runs down and creates all of the riot of colors below. Wake up and smell your body burning. There's more than one kind of fire too.

So... I think of all the things I could say and ever and again my mind returns to Love being the skeleton key for all of life's confinement boxes. It might be that sometimes the lock is on the outside of the box and you're going to need help. Sometimes you have to cry out. Maybe you will be heard. Sometimes you have to keep crying out because the distance within you and what you believe to be outside of you is considerable. Sometimes you have to band together and sometimes the dire circumstances of life are arranged as they are for just that reason.

Some believe that life is just a series of random events, giving the impression that you are nothing more than a pinball. Then there are the fatalists that believe you are doomed to the road you're on, ♫Don't take your guns to town son. Leave your guns at home Bill. Don't take your guns to town♫ Some don't believe anything. They're the meat-heads who serve their appetites. Some believe "there's a destiny that shapes our ends." ... "rough hew them how we will." That last implies that we are in in some kind of a mysterious situation that we have something to do with or, what does 'we' mean?. What I take away from it is that we can cooperate in the direction of our best interests, or we can opposes them. Lao Tzu nails it again as he always does, "though Heaven prefers no man, the wise man prefers Heaven." If you've got no use for religion, like me, it's splendid to find something that rings so true that doubt is never a factor. What a man or woman believes, can be likened to a miner's helmet with the light on the brow. The light shines upon what your attention is on. I could spend the rest of this post weaving allegorical associations out of this image. For instance, consider what coal was originally. Consider the lyrics, ♫it's dark as a dungeon way down in the mind♫ we'd be speaking of our personal darkness here and all those past lives , so distant from this day that now we heat the moments of our present with lifetimes long obscured by the mists of time.

Enough with the allegories, analogies and metaphors, at least for a couple of sentences (grin). We are in a time phase that my vibrationary tripwires tell me is Defcon 2. The usual troublemakers are running around with their hair on fire. Ye Gods! They have encountered opposition! They don't like that, not at all. They did manage to buy off the thoroughly corrupt prime minister of France. He's toast. He is singlehandedly responsible for the huge rise in support for the right wing. The wheels are coming off the wagon. They've awakened the dragon. They have awakened The Dragon of the Apocalypse. He's red and green, depending on the mood; ♫working in a coal mine going down down down, working in a coal mine, whoops about to slip down♫ Then there are those who come "Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole." believing, "I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul." Sure you are. Then again, in a manner of speaking it is true. It's a general consensus that this is an atheist's poem. In fact it's the poster boy poem for atheists. Strangely enough, it was a testament of faith for some number of notable individuals. Nelson Mandela says he would never have made it through prison without that poem. Then again, Timothy McVeigh considered it inspirational as well.

Mind the passage of these coming days. I hope I'm wrong but the coconut telegraph of the astral plane has got a new bass and drums track that sounds like a carload of gangbangers going down the street. Today, tomorrow, this weekend, sooner rather than later now, we come to The Crossroads of Impasse and ♫something's got to give♫ On the one hand, the enemies of humanity are in no mood for compromise or retreat. Funny thing is, their ability to continue is diminishing by the day. They're distracted from being able to focus on that because things keep going wrong and they can't figure out why that is. On the inside of their mind they've got this portion that's precision machinery and that's the part that stays on top of fucking with the rest of the human race, though some of them are no longer members and none of them are in good standing. Thing is, things that used to happen with precision and what was out of sight would stay out of sight, that isn't happening like it used to. A sane individual would probably begin rethinking their courses of previous action. They aren't sane though and they are being driven more and more insane by the forces that covered their action in the past. Imagine your ability to do various things receding while the desire to do them steadily increases. Imagine your paranoia going up and up. It's counterpointed by the intrinsic knowledge that you are a detestable life form. This is radiating below the threshold of your conscious mind. Occasionally it leaps out upon the surface like a flying fish and then it's back under the water again. The waters are not stilled again for awhile. You know it's there but it's out of sight like a peripheral brain wave. You know about it but you don't know about it. You know you're troubled and it throws you off but the force of your arrogance is huge. Your memory of past offenses, truly awful offenses against your fellows is strong. You've had an incredible run. You've killed, tortured and maimed thousands, tens of thousands and no one has stopped you. You've stolen the wealth of entire countries. You've convinced a good portion of the world to believe improbable and impossible lies but now... the whole structure is shaking. Nuts and bolts are coming loose from their moorings. They're clattering on the cold concrete. Something's up... something big is up.

Digression... it looks like I am going to go to that seminar. I should be able to finalize the details in the next 24 hours... ba da bing!

I hope I'm wrong. I often say things because I suspect it is possible that saying them affects them happening in some way. If enough of us are sounding the alarm, they might retreat. It is my fervent hope that they get caught in the act. That would be a wonderful thing.

End Transmission.......

This week's radio broadcast is available now.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

But the Phoenix has to burn before She can rise again. I say let's get this over with so we (or YOU, 'cause I'm on my way out with the era. I've got a bridled, saddled comet waiting for me to explore the universe on. Hope she's well trained.) can heal again.

Anonymous said...

yeah...me too.

cathartic, and therapeutic

in a simile vein.

oddly Khazars are just now making EXODUS from the stool sculpture deity cult compound...

now that is funny



Visible said...

There are a few brilliant writers around. Not many but a few.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of old movies that are pretty darned good, what do you see here, up in the sky, behind Laurence Olivier, in a still shot from the 1960 movie, Spartacus...hmm.

Doug Pearson said...

Hey there Vis, congrats on going to London. Someone, somewhere, must be listening pretty closely to you. There's some heavy cats a gonna be there. Quite an honor.

Peter of Lone Tree said...

"There are a few brilliant writers around. Not many but a few."
Put this fellow on the list:
Now That the Parades Have Ended.

Visible said...

That is certainly truthful and articulate

Anonymous said...


May I?

Jesus spoke this to me yesterday.

Do not let any set of circumstances intimidate you. The more challenging your day, the more of My Power I place at your disposal. You seem to think that I empower you equally each day, but this is not so. Your tendency upon awakening is to assess the difficulties ahead of you, measuring them against your average strength. This is an exercise in unreality.

I know what each of your days will contain, and I empower you accordingly. The degree to which I strengthen you on a given day is based mainly on two variables: the difficulty of your circumstances and your willingness to depend on Me for help. Try to view challenging days as opportunities to receive more of My Power than usual. Look to Me for all that you need, and watch to see what I will do. As your day, so shall your strength be.

Ephesians 1:18-20; Psalms 105:4; Deuteronomy 33:25 NKJV

Let anyone try any kind of Magic they want, even to my death here at this level. I shall resurrect to stand before the throne of the Lord and be returned to finish my mission. I have met the Prince of the Air, the Planetary Prince and the Prince of Peace. No other, but the Son rules and runs this Universe's timeline. ALL demons shudder and beg for mercy at the sound of His name. Fear not the Valley of the Shadow of Death for I AM with you.

Most if not all of the sources you have espoused for the readers of your epistles to research from 2010 on, I have. From Aleister to Zu. I have researched and experienced many others before your entrance into my personal space. All of the wise men and women from every culture and tribe prior to His arrival were weather vanes. Pointing into the direction of the Sonshine and His arrival over the horizon. Those coming after claiming any authority from our Father other than through Christ are barometers for Satan to measure His pressure and the coming storm front. As prophesized He "Changed the World" in order for this 7 billion plus resurrection to occur.

His visits to John on Patmos are todays history unrolling. We have entered not just the apocalypse, but it is the Beginning of Sorrows as Matthew predicted it in 24:8-13 and Revelations with the 7 seals. He has begun the process of rebuilding his witnesses for the coming Tribulation.

Our Father in Heaven hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.

Peace be with you,


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I notice that there doesn't seem to be any aires of panic written of in the news. The vile politicians and all haven't seem to have made a run for it. Yet? Do they know? Do they have any idea? Some stories of the recent past seem to indicate yes, like all these people being trained for this or that by November 1, but on the other hand it seems the halcyon daze are still here. Will we be hit without warning of whatever will hit us, I do wonder. Or is everyone waiting until the last minute?

Ayuh, all is speculation, so don't bother answering that. I'm just thinking on the keyboard.

Eat The Trolls said...


Your entrance at these blogs is noted. Your maiden comment seems to good to be true. "Vis, May I?" is totally female cadence while your name is not only male but is also common tribe.

We'll see if you build some cred here for awhile before embarking on your actual agenda.

Curtis M. Ellsworth said...

Yes, there has to be a mere semblance of the elite idjets and business as usual going "just fine" by their terrible standards, and it's rather difficult, as of yet, to notice that much is being shaken up behind the scenes through normal senses. Nevertheless and ever the more, so to speak, the looks being deceiving thing here's not as bad as it looks: that things are fine for the satanic Powers That Be Going Down. I too strongly intuit that they're trying some of their old schtick and wondering, when they get ineffective to flat-out ineffectual results, "how can this be/ this isn't supposed to happen", and it makes me laugh at their satanic idiocy. So, in short, I can feel their fear, frustration, anger and even sadness that mostly centers around not being able to do more rotten shit, and for many at the "top"/Had Abbadon-esque bottom, they are having an ever-worsening "epiphany" of sorts that they'll truly not get away with it all, and it will, I strongly intuit, happen all at once, "thief in the night" style to their dumb dumb selves. But hey, they aren't allowed to know that much about consequences of a non-schmonsequential variety, so further into the trap they'll go! At any rate, there's never been a higher dividend rate for trying honestly and introspectively so to stick to one's principles, while many would still like to laugh at "crazy conspiracy theories", amongst which said chuckle heads don't try to understand the mundane ones, let alone cosmic plots. Much like Les said, the plot line of Earth is like a movie of sorts, so if people en masse don't understand the plot line of "the movie" about being plotted on the whole, damn time, just turn the other cheek, walk away and let the hive mind that such people are stuck in go hive blind, and sorry for the puns. I don't mean this in so much of a mean way, but to point out that they'll need our help en masse once the Homer's Odyssey-like eye ball of what "normal, sane" people can see and think about gets dropped and shattered.

Anonymous said...


Your words speak to a truth beyond measure.


P.S. the zio snoops erased every trace of our email correspondence. Collateral damage from their assault, I guess. I wonder if anyone else experienced the same email ablation.

Anonymous said...

Eat The Trolls,

Looks like Aaron is trying way too hard to ingratiate. Tag team good-troll/bad-troll tactics.


Ray B. said...

Vis: "Funny thing is, their ability to continue is diminishing by the day... Thing is, things that used to happen with precision and what was out of sight would stay out of sight, that isn't happening like it used to."

That is the 'miracle' of taking the bad guys out from the top down. First, the area way up by (real) angels was taken. Then, bad entities were 'turned' in the work-down to the boundary of SpaceTime. After that, much work turned bad guys to good guys (or at least neutrals) all the way down through the astral plane, heading towards the physical.

Where before they could mob us, now we have the numbers. All the 'higher ups' are united in common (good) cause. That is why the bad guy schemes are falling apart "from the inside out," so to speak. It won't be long for the shakeout, now...


Vis: "We are in a time phase that my vibrationary tripwires tell me is Defcon 2."

I really get that feeling, too. Something is Soon. In preceding comments, I mentioned that a 'change energy' that I call the Turning had worked it's way down into near-manifestation. It's still there. Whether it 'launches' on it's own or will be a reaction/counteraction to physical bad-guy moves will be interesting to see.

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

The Wanderer said...

Hi Vis, could you let us know the date and time for London. Thank you.

Lee said...

To Anonymous:
I saw the Chemtrails behind the still picture. I noticed them in old westerns and other movies as far back as the 1940's.

Mr. Visible:
My laptop got attacked by malware last week. Programs froze but, I was still able to get online and open a browser but, that was all.

I installed an old Gateway copy of Windows XP a 30 day free trial but, was able to disable it thanks to a hack I found online. Yay me.

I subscribed to a forum called,
-a while ago. People comment about their experiences with auras and other mysterious phenomenon.

The VISIBLE part was just a coincidence when I found it.
Many people in the forum were all seeing the same kind of energy fields as I did but, thought we were all crazy or maybe something wrong with out vision. I just thought I would mention it.

I hope all goes well in London.


Visible said...

(grin), the date time and location of the UK event is prominently linked in every post. In this case, the whole statement concerning the event is hotlinked and in bold type at the almost bottom of this post. It's at the beginning or near the middle in the last two posts and after the end of the post in the latest Smoking Mirrors.

Visible said...

A new Petri dish is up now-

The Last Gasp of the Satanic Ridiculous and a Primer.



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