Friday, November 18, 2022

"Try to Remember... EVERYONE is Living in A World of Their Mind's Creation. Refine and Elevate your Aspirations."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

All manifest life comes from The Sun. We are composed of elements of The Sun, and we are fed, directly and indirectly by The Sun. If we are truly fortunate, AND deserving... we go to The Sun when we pass from here. Otherwise... and... as it is in most cases, we go to the wardrobe department of The Moon upon departure OR... to a place of penance if... so... required... by the soul involved.

In very rare instances, one proceeds further on into the lightning... whose flash indicates The Presence of God. One might then move directly to Brahmaloka. Of course... each tradition will experience these features in a manner consistent with their esoteric teachings. Good luck finding any physical evidence of these. They are revealed and transmitted through The Intuition.

Keep in mind that EVERYTHING you encounter on The Manifest Plane... is a reflection of their prototypes on The Higher Planes. Everything you see here, came into form through the process of precipitation, AND... in nearly every case... something gets lost in the transition/translation. This is how there come to be arguments between the teachings of different traditions that, are... ALL... based... on... the... same... thing.

There's one truth. You can accommodate to this or not... most don't, AND... suffer accordingly.

If you are earnestly and sincerely seeking God, IT... WILL... COME... TO... GOD'S... ATTENTION... via his witnesses that are everywhere present. You can count on this. You can trust this to be so, and this is the source of all great Faith/Shraddha... as it appears in those in whom it has been developed or discovered. If you are real... serious... and sincere about your quest, GOD... WILL... KNOW... OF... IT.

Given that... it doesn't matter what gets thrown at you. It all becomes child's play, for God is also experiencing it with you, and no harm comes to the true lovers of God.

All that we imagine to be the threats... fears... and worries of this life are nothing more than cosmic nudges to center us in the presence of The Eternal. It ONLY hurts if you resist your liberation. ALL of your suffering is generated by your attractions and aversions interacting. Cut... the... whole... damn... thing... loose! Freedom's origin is in... detachment; detachment from any and all things that confine and imprison us in The Penitentiary of The Mind. What is a penitent?

What do so many words... that we use to explain The World around us... really mean? It is our thoughts and intentions that give meaning to the words we use. This is what separates the real Truthtellers from those fashioning an incomplete... inconsistent... or simply wrong perception of it. It is why ten people can say the same thing, using basically the same words, and ONLY one of them will... ring... true. I've directly experienced this on many occasions; so... do... we... all, whether we are paying attention or not.

We might not recognize that it is happening... because most of us are usually not paying attention to things like this. Most people are paying attention to their appetites and possessions; what they have, and... what they are after. It is how certain criminal minds can pick your pockets while you are looking right at them, and... not... seeing... it... happen. Look at all the people who got sucked into FTX by word of mouth and their own greed.

No one who is free of these base hungers gets injured by these scams.

You will note the recent intensification of events involving a specific group of people engaged in flimflamming the public. This is all a part of the continuous efforts of Mr. Apocalypse. He is exposing the crimes and criminals previously concealed from The Public Eye. The Awakening is taking care of exposing what was previously concealed from The Public Mind. It's all part of a long and protracted agenda across centuries of time. The Solar Logos has a keen and far-seeing eye. Much of what we read and hear about, concerning ongoing world transitions of long ago... and of the moment... often make no sense to us. They make perfect sense to The Solar Logos.

As we evolve we become ever more and more like that which we emulate and aspire to. This road can lead in ANY direction that The Imagination is able to envision. It can make you a microcosmic version of The Sun... in perfect resonance with The Greater Sun, which is... itself... a lesser version of a still Greater Sun; and beyond that? Who knows? It can also take you to depths previously unfathomed, and awful torments that are considered pleasures by The Cenobites. You can go ANYWHERE from here.

The Golden Harmony of Being sits directly central to the poles of pain and pleasure, both of these have... extremes, and finally they touch... out of sight... and out of mind. You will surely be out of your mind before you get to the end of either one.

You become what you love. This is why people are switching their sexes from life to life, depending on their level of being unconscious. It is of CRITICAL importance for you to discover Real Love... Higher Love. Otherwise, you are on a treadmill of suffering, doing The Dance of Sisyphus.

As you raise the level of your affection, you become ever more capable of a greater love. Loving God is the be-all and end-all of all love. Any love not directed at God is not feeding God and it... will... result... in... starving... you. This is the nature of Impersonal Love; to look upon all things with the same love, knowing they are all extensions of Sunlight... frozen sunlight... sunlight crystallized into temporary form.

Yes... but from where does The Sun get its light? And where does that light get its light from? Mehmet Karagoz... a great magician of some centuries past, though he is likely still around... said (and I'm paraphrasing) “when you come to the limits of what you can imagine as being the source of it all, you must imagine further, and then further still beyond that.” As the Buddhists say... Gate! Gate! Paragate!!!

Look... you can stay here as long as you like. Nobody is going to make you leave. You can get on an endless loop... where everyone you know plays every role there is in your life, one after the other... in one life after another... until the end of time, and then come back and start it all over again. There are some who do. There are some whose work it is to assist in the production and maintenance of The Manifest. There are also those who... simply have a taste for it.

What lobsters, hyenas, jackals, and buzzards eat does not taste bad to them, unless one happens to be in one of those punishment zones. I know you might have seen some of what Hieronymus Bosch, Dante, and others have seen or imagined. I know some of you were tortured by tales of Hell... woven out of the twisted dreams of sexual degenerates... posing as celibates, via the Christian religion. However... if you want a fuller understanding with a closer proximity to truth, I suggest you study in The Buddhist tradition, which, by... the... way... is an offshoot of Hinduism.

In more enlightened times, The Sun is the true altar of human worship. Of course... The Sun is only a channel for Light that comes from a higher vibratory state, BUT... that is as far as most people can see... even on a good day... while they are in particular stages of their evolution, so... traditional religions will always be based on a lesser, BUT... more visible personification.

In an altered state, which did not require any added chemistry on my part, I went to visit The Sun, not that long ago, and noted certain conditions. Everything that was different from anything else that was there... was composed of denser or less dense sunlight. The Lord of The Sun himself... wore a helmet almost identical to that of the Trojan and Greek warriors. Everything was shades of golden. There was a table there, which I sat at and it was a different shade of gold than was The Lord of The Sun, and his armor was also various other shades of gold.

His helmet had a red-gold Mohawk (best way to describe it) that flowed over the top of it, in upright flaming tassels. Like I said, much like that of a Trojan warrior. Achilles wore something very similar, though he was a Greek. The fiery atmosphere of the place was invigorating, and also a tad unsettling because of the intensity, BUT... the prevailing force of Love that permeated everything that was present... held a state of calm and vibrant serenity beyond my capacity to describe.

Now... of course, I know there will be those who doubt the ability of anyone to travel anywhere in The Mind at the speed of thought. HOWEVER... we have a vast historical record of people doing all kinds of things UNDER... THE... AEGIS... OF... HEAVEN, and sometimes by inscrutable means. We are only limited by self-imposed limitations. You want to be like The Sun? Go for it! If you want to be like anyone or anything... simply love and emulate them. The personal aspect in any of us CAN BE incredibly flexible and fluid... as is the case, most often, with children.

This is why The Key to Existence is Love, and most specifically, Love... for... God... because this affinity of mind causes you to... resonate... with... and become like God, and at the speed at which you are capable of dropping everything else... getting rid of the ballast in your balloon... tossing your troubles into the all-forgetting sea... letting go of what ails you... tripping the light fantastic, out of the company of the vain and sarcastic... into The True World of which this one is only a poor copy, and... in some cases a... very... poor... copy.

Try to remember that EVERYONE is living in a world of their mind's creation, accentuated by the fire of their desire. Refine and Elevate your Aspirations. Find someone or something more sublime and beautiful than you presently represent- and... grow into their likeness. You have all the time in the world, and life after life in which to fulfill it; “Success is speedy for the energetic.”

End Transmission.......

A very few links are to be found at GAB=


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky!

robert said...

Baraka allahou feek, Visible!

All that we imagine to be the threats... fears... and worries of this life are nothing more than cosmic nudges to center us in the presence of The Eternal. It ONLY hurts if you resist your liberation. ALL of your suffering is generated by your attractions and aversions interacting

So our life comes from Center yet we run around it
We see ourselves circling the drain, swim harder
We prefer endless slothful spirals to vorticular swirl of ascending

We are programmed to dread the way out so we stay and play the games of stupid, the throne of toilet water

It is our thoughts and intentions that give meaning to the words we use. This is what separates the real Truthtellers from those fashioning an incomplete... inconsistent... or simply wrong perception of it. ONLY one of them will... ring... true

What are we to make of words?
We are to learn creation by our words
Words ringing true make coherent beauty to our sense
Words from fear-stained brains extrude cacophony

You become what you love. This is why people are switching their sexes from life to life, depending on their level of being unconscious. It is of CRITICAL importance for you to discover Real Love... Higher Love. Otherwise, you are on a treadmill of suffering, doing The Dance of Sisyphus.

Are we weary of procreating instead of co-creating?
Aiming our love light out in horizontal sweeps instead of aiming directly to the zenith and lift off the earthly attraction?

When we model clay, we make mud pies
When we model light, we make light beings

As you raise the level of your affection, you become ever more capable of a greater love. Loving God is the be-all and end-all of all love. Any love not directed at God is not feeding God and it... will... result... in... starving... you

We own our created experiences, full or empty
If we focus love power on projected flickering fictional characters
Human actors playing dimming roles
We should expect: live fiction subject to friction

When we tire of tedium, we focus our love power on the Eternal Lover
Whose Being completely infuses our experience when we notch back
When we pull Our attention from external influences
Balance our sight on the edge of perception
When our eye adjusts to the effulgence, we find delight

This is why The Key to Existence is Love, and most specifically, Love... for... God... because this affinity of mind causes you to... resonate... with... and become like God, and at the speed at which you are capable of dropping everything else... getting rid of the ballast in your balloon... tossing your troubles into the all-forgetting sea... letting go of what ails you... tripping the light fantastic, out of the company of the vain and sarcastic... into The True World of which this one is only a poor copy

Who else rings true?
Anyone apart from the One?
Lit from within, going with that flow, fractal followers ring truly

But if we reach, grab or cling to anyone as if we are drowning in need, what happens?
Our selfish consumption disturbs the natural flow and any object of our attention
Once observed in a consumptive light, recoils from being a source of attachment
We return to being resourceful and tune back in to inner balance

Why be the cat obsessed with laser pointers wielded by teasing takers?
We shine light from the One in every sight, in order to see anything!
When we notice enough times, we get the idea of where the love expressing through us belongs:

Returned to sender
Address now known

Becoming free is the place to be
Who would cling to a sinking ship when we can swim?

As the former misqualified world skin is shed before us
Is not the choice made crystal clear which way is up and out?

Choose wisely, every conscious moment we are given

Duntoirab said...

Be still, and know, I am..God

Kazz said...


As I am sure you know, the Origin of sun worship originated in Babylon with Nimrod. Nimrod/Tammuz and his mother-wife, Semiramis, founded the great pagan religions centred around this counterfeit representation of the messianic hope of mankind.

Since sun worship is diametrically opposed to God, because it is the earliest idolatry (Fausset Bible Dictionary, p. 666), I am a little confused as to who you do actually worship, because you talk up both God and the sun.

I find that a little confusing.

Just sayin'

Cheers Kazz

Anonymous said...

I have been coming here for about as long as Visible has been doing this. Therefore I have seen you come around in search of an argument a number of times over the years. You are what happens to a Fundie when they try to think. The two are mutually exclusive. Rather than have a mind battle in words because I will not fight a defenseless person, let me suggest that sun worship goes mucvh further back and who do you think The Avatar, The Sun King and assorted terms refer to? You are not well read and this is a big handicap for you. Go to a search engine and insert Solar Logos. Read up on what the general understanding of The Wayshower who comes from the sun turns out to be.

Fortunate for him, Visible knows better than to attempt to inform you. It never ends well.


Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is now up=

"You Can Easily Remove Yourself from The China Shop Life, No Longer Waving or Chasing The Red Flag of Desire."



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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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