Friday, July 28, 2023

"When Suffering Becomes The Medium Necessary to Reach Us, it Means We Went to Some Great Lengths Not to Listen."

God Poet Transmitting.......

A crazy naked lady... obviously possessed by some subterranean sewer-drain concrete... climbing-up-on-the-sidewalk demon... and... obviously lacking accuracy... and... I suppose we could add fashion sense... went walking down (or up) a San Francisco highway... shooting at cars but not hitting anything.

Another naked lady about a hundred pounds overweight... unless you subscribe to the new surface-world manatee woman... living her best life; then she might be slightly underweight. She found her way to a supermarket bakery section and proceeded to rub whole cakes and pies all over her body... which... as I mentioned... involved a lot of real estate... and... it set me wondering.

Was she making a statement about what bakery sections had done to her body? Was she trying a new diet by topical application of the previously ingested; if you don't eat it you can't get fat? She could have gone to the cooking and salad oil section. That would have definitely called for; “clean-up on aisle whatever.” She could have gone to the meat section in a Lady Gaga state of mind. I'm just feeling my way here.

This is the new crazy we have been mentioning, and... yeah... I know... people have been acting out in public for a while, but... only occasionally... unless you are in certain sections of certain cities... where the future is now. What was once a now-and-again affair, is going to be a regular event happening all over the place all the time.

It's the logical progression of illogical obsession meeting up with spontaneous compulsion. (nice play on words, visible! Like... where there's a Will there's a Bill?)

Reason I'm talking about this at Origami is... I was talking with The Divine this morning. He tends to drop right in on something I mentioned the day before... or even the week before... as if we were already in the thick of discussion, and he said; “so... you want me to empty their heads and take away all sense of self and just leave them there?”

I had mentioned this to him a couple of times recently... and many times over the long reach. We were discussing the alpha predators; Schwab and Harari... Soros and those bent over the rail before him... Whitmer and Nessel... the vipers at State and The DOJ... BlackRock and Vanguard... Google and Meta... so on and so forth.

I had suggested a spiritual EMF on their minds... rendering them incapable of further harm. Leaving them like Tony Soprano's uncle... sitting on a park bench... talking to a geriatric hooker.

He said... “Well, the thing is, I had already started on that, and usually... any time you bring something to my attention, I had already initiated action in that direction or shelved it for a later date. That is the case here as well. You're already seeing signs of it, but... shortly... it's going to be like those people losing it in the streets... only they will be losing it in the corridors of power.

“Surely you caught McConnell the other day... and Feinstein? That analogy you use about the toilet bowl? That definitely applies here.

“I'm right behind your eyes, Visible... and a lot of other places too. I see what you see before you see it, and a lot that you don't see, and I remember it because it is all written on me. The vibration of all events radiate upon and within my person. Often when you come up with something that you want to bring to my attention, I put it there for you to do so.”


Things are not going well in The Land of Humpty Dumpty. Humpty already fell off the wall a couple of times and is pretty seriously cracked now.

When I talk with any of my invisible friends, it is no different than talking to another person; something I seldom do these days, but I remember having done so in the past. (grin) It's just like that. We all hear voices... though we may only interpret them as urges or hesitations. Sometimes they come in the form of alerts and premonitions. Mine come in detailed conversations that can go on for some time.

My gratitude for this is immense. I seek nothing more in life except more of the same. For decades... it was a mostly one-way street. Then I heard him say, “I'm here now.” Since that time... in altered states... or present unaltered states, it makes no difference, and the frequency... volume... and clarity of speech has increased noticeably since.

In recent conversations, I have been told that a singular event in my life is now approaching. It's been set since before I got here this time. Between all that time and now, certain friends of mine have been constrained... restrained from their ability to help me out. I have been in the dark about the meaning of many conditions and events. This has been a fixed reality in my existence. That all changes soon. I don't know what it implies. I'm still in the dark, but... not for much longer.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't speak about this sort of thing. It communicates nothing, and... it agitates my critics and detractors... something I am loath to do. (grin) However... it seems this is also going to be the case for others as well. We are like sleeper cells... time bombs ticking... but not for the purpose of injury to others. It involves a kind of awakening, as far as the little I've been told. It does involve a revolutionary transformation in our consciousness.

It exponentially alters our abilities... insights... and relationships... long held in check. With so much going on... change-wise... in the outer world... our hidden potentials have been a submerged consideration, much like the technological revolution that is taking place out of sight, but which will be very much like The Industrial Revolution on mega-steroids.

All sorts of problems that have been with us for a... very... long... time... will possibly be cleared up nearly overnight. At the same time... large blocks of the population will likely disappear, perhaps even landmasses as well. A lot of the street crazy you see and hear about going on, is the forerunner of massive changes in human consciousness, and the ones freaking out are simply those unable to process this force of change.

One thing for certain, those causing widespread harm are now... also... going to be having an internal conversation similar to my own, but... of a very different kind. Some of them are going to be read The Riot Act. Some of them are going to be severely warned. Some of them are going to be enveloped in a palpable... icy... presence... of amorphous fear. Some are going to feel the heat; so to speak.

Sadly... from what I am told... Most of them will not listen. They will... instead... resort to all sorts of deflection tactics... to no avail. Eventually, they will lose it, and when I say, lose it, I mean... it's gone.

This has been happening already, but... at a much lower level of presence. It's been in the process of an incremental approach... a step at a time. Now it is going to a whole nother level. You'll see it. You'll know what I'm talking about.

It shouldn't seem all that strange. It's a logical progression of the illogical. What will be strange are all the attendant things that we were not expecting... especially the good things. Not that many people are expecting the good things that are coming. There will be some real surprises.

The Divine talks to all of us in different ways... at different levels of impact... for different reasons. We listen differently too, and in some cases not at all, and so... that activates the maxim; those who will not hear must feel. If we listened more carefully... more attentively... to the efforts of The Divine to reach us; that effort being necessary because of the distance WE have generated between us... we might avoid a great deal of unnecessary suffering.

When suffering becomes the medium necessary to reach us, it means we went to some great lengths not to listen.

Love is The Universal Agent... the transforming force... the attractive force... the nutritive and protective force. It's a bit more than a 3-in-1 Oil. It is the lubricating agency that eases your passage. It is the heating element that melts what binds you. It is the healing agent that cures what ails you. It is the restorative compound that revitalizes and invigorates you. It is the skeleton key to every situation. It is both shield and weapon without appearing to be either.

It is your get-out-of-jail-free card from the prisons of this world. We cultivate many things in this life and the state of our garden indicates this. Love is really the only tool an effective and efficient gardener requires. It's the Swiss Army knife for getting by and leaving good footprints on your way out of Dodge.

End Transmission.......

Some links are to be had at GAB=

The International Bankers are working on a film project that got exposed to The Sunlight. It's called, “Saving Private Ukraine.”


robert said...

Gratitude to the One and to Visible writing down the down transformation to our consciousness!

The Divine talks to all of us in different ways... at different levels of impact... for different reasons. We listen differently too, and in some cases not at all, and so... that activates the maxim; those who will not hear must feel. If we listened more carefully... more attentively... to the efforts of The Divine to reach us; that effort being necessary because of the distance WE have generated between us... we might avoid a great deal of unnecessary suffering.

When suffering becomes the medium necessary to reach us, it means we went to some great lengths not to listen.

As a gross generalization, most of humanity is being pin-balled by their emotional responses
This pinball experience is aided and abetted by the mind control programming and the regressive removal from the death cult of all leavening or inspiring consciousness.

Without the constant currying of our coats to scrape off our emotional baggage, we sink under the weight of the chains we are dragging

Meditation, prayer, focus on the One will still the emotional storms, if we include them in our daily habits

If we seem to be getting radio silence from the One's representative speaking through our soul, it is because we are emotional instead of still.

The kicker is when what we are being guided toward triggers emotional upset!
Then we may spin off into the sunset processing emotional overwhelm
Take our selves in hand, throw away our personal reactions and return to still listening.

Visible shows us a human response to inner calling and we are enriched
How we handle our inner calling as the cusp approaches where we must respond, how we give up personal reaction in favor of essential states of being shows us where we are...

No one may remain aloof to the spiral spin, whether riding it up or down.

Do we not prefer the voice of a loving parent explaining and guiding us to being stressed out by events?

Fall back in love with the One who brought us to being here now
There is nothing out there in the projected perceptual space which loves us back

We are all there is when we are One

Feel the privilege of being part of the whole shiny fun ball of change for the better!

Visible said...


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

NOSTRILS TO THE SKY X 9999! Man, it's like I met a version of you in the credit union this morning. This subject was remotely covered, and my desert dwelling counterpart whom I shalt never meet in this life is gonna love this. We sorta talk about this in other words all the time.

Guy Reid-Brown said...

'. We cultivate many things in this life and the state of our garden indicates this. Love is really the only tool an effective and efficient gardener requires.' I don't know if you meant that literally, but that's the best advice about gardening or rather garden-tending - I've ever read.

Many thanks.

Visible said...

I'm always talking literally regardless. I'm guessing you've seen the film, "Being There." It's the best example of what occurs to me without thinking about it most of the time.

Guy Reid-Brown said...

Chance the Gardener, yes! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't thank you enough for all your writings. So a big thank you!


Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is now up=

"They Have Been Doing it Through a Hydra-Headed Act of... Replicating Serpent Heads... with TV Screens for Faces."



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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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