Thursday, February 15, 2024

"Or... We Can Leap Once More into The Breach, The Entryway... The Portal... into The Primordial Soup of Carnal Desire."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I can't get the scale of it... the amount of population... hundreds and thousands of people in places I never heard of... though... as time passes... I become more familiar with parts of The World, and I still... routinely... come across cities, and sometimes even countries that I did not know about previously.

I remember being in airplanes at night... in Europe... flying from one country to another, and looking out the window to the lights below. Sometimes there were smaller clusters. Sometimes there were wide stretches of light. I would think about the lives being lived below me... people I would never meet. Places I would never go, but the whole of it... here and... even in the distant reaches of space... all choreographed by a being with an intimate knowledge of everything coming... going... and standing still.

That being is the actual force of life in every living thing. Everyone I saw... man or woman... bird or beast... possessed a spark of The Divine Being. Everything I saw... Trees and plants... rocks and other solid matter... were all made out of the body of that Divine Being. Every living thing... every inanimate thing... was some adaptation of The Life Force for a specific purpose... often possessing of a destiny that reached far away... into the distance of time... forever coming, and... totally unknown to the one passing through it.

Lately, when reading books, it occurs to me that I've already seen this... that... and the other thing... over and over again, and why am I reading any of it since I found what I was looking for and there is nothing left to find ever again? Now... all that remains are the changes and progressions from what I am... to what I really am.

I'm reminded of that line in The Bhagavad Gita; “Just as a reservoir is of little use when the whole countryside is flooded, scriptures are of little use to the illumined man or woman who sees The Lord everywhere.” I don't mean... in any way to imply that I am an illumined person, only that the whole countryside is flooded... with sunlight... and the teachings of The Sun, and there is little use for scriptures... for me... because there are living reproductions... in life itself... everywhere I look...

I imagine I will continue to read The Gita and The Sutras of Patanjali each day, but... The Sun radiates Ageless Wisdom all day long, and a smaller... replica Sun is resident within each one of us, though it might not be operating at prime efficiency OR... the person it is present in... has distanced themselves from its light to such an extent... that it appears as a very distant star in the sky... if it appears at all.

I had an image of The Sun today. I know that every soul that departs from here sets off for The Sun initially, I tend to subscribe to the Tibetan teaching concerning The Soul's migration. You see a bright light and you head toward it. That light becomes increasingly brighter... until you cannot bear it. At that moment... a softer light appears to the side, and you change direction.

This can happen a number of times, and once you have turned away from The Sun itself, you are headed toward some permutation of The Moon... or even Pluto for all I know... or worse. Each soul is drawn to the place that accommodates the nature... the persona... it has developed during its residence here... in The Department of the Flesh... also known as The Magnetic Dust Composite (by me anyway) which was woven for each of us... by a seamstress on The Moon... during our last journey in and out.

This seamstress weaves our fate into the material envelope... that carries us through this material dimension... each time we come and go. Free Will enables us to cooperate with the forces from The Higher Planes, whose job it is to assist us in Liberation from The Vale of Tears OR... we can tell them to piss off and leap once more into the breach... the entryway... the portal... into the seething primordial soup of carnal desire. There we can writhe like the characters in the living wall that moves behind Al Pacino when he speaks to Keanu about taking over his father's business in “The Devil's Advocate.”

You also see these lifeforms described in Dante's Inferno, (which is not actually what scholars have defined it to be...) OR... visually depicted in the paintings of Bosch and others, and most especially represented in Buddhist iconography.

Anyway... I got distracted and went off on a segue several paragraphs ago. I was thinking about The Sun, and over the course of millions of years, the number of souls who actually make it to The Sun must be huge by now, even if it is never more than a trickle at the best of times. I saw The Sun as a vast mass of individual lights... all joined together and shining with a fiery love. Imagine millions of realized beings all generating soul light for our existence here on Earth!

Could this be the actual cause of the put-up job of Global Warming? Could it be the gradual increases in The Trickle Up Theory of population increases in The Sun?

At regular intervals, avatars of different ranks travel to Earth. Some of them are directed toward specific communities, and every now and then... a World Avatar descends... with a number of attendants... who fulfill certain duties... that have to do with his message... disseminated around The World.

So... the Sun is composed of millions of cells that are each a living creature of light... an angel... or other illumined beings, and they are constantly in an endless rhapsody of movement and song that dances and sings its praises to The Creator, and that is what life is like there. Many of the people resident down here... at this time... would not like it there. They still have all kinds of business here that The Separated Mind is heir to.

Our planet at this time is in a raging fury of billions of separated minds, jostling one another in a skirmish of appetites. Massive currents of hunger... anger... lust... all manner of negative desires... out of the Lower Nature... move through this ocean of humanity. Some currents burn like fire. Some chill like ice. They foment the wars, and... the wanting, and... the fear that moves... like giant creatures... in these currents. It is all born out of the sense of separation. In The Sun there is only unity. There are no battles of personalities in The Sun. Heaven is impersonal.

Yes... some shine brighter than others. They have been at it longer. Sometimes, they are driven with greater intensity, but there is no resentment among the others... because each and every resident is filled with an unspeakable joy that is born of an inviolable unity... Unity is always the objective of love... even when it is carnal... it is in search of union. The key is to seek a higher union, BUT... the flesh is demanding. Taming the flesh is much more difficult than letting it have its way.

This is true only for a short time though. Habit soon becomes stronger than one's ability to resist or avoid it. Good character is something one develops through the performance of habits, and the avoidance of habits. This is why Discrimination is of such critical importance. Discrimination is born out of Temperance... the force of tempering, which is the endless effort for ever-greater refinement. Eventually... the process makes one free of suffering altogether.

Each of the planets in this solar system has large populations of souls. In each location... lessons are being learned, and time is being served. In The Earth, there are chambers that also contain populations that work at producing metals and all manner of things. Our physical population on Earth is considerably smaller than the populations that exist outside the bandwidth of our senses. Those with spiritual talents of perception have no trouble seeing them and they have reported on their appearances.

Paracelsus documented many types of creatures of this sort.

There are many heavens. There are the Christian heavens of various densities of light. There is The Western Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha. There are the Muslim Heavens... Krishna's Brahmaloka and various other locations. As Christ said, “In my Father's House are many mansions. If it were not true, I would not have told you so.” Fundies don't like that cause it implies less exclusivity for them. Anywhere that Fundies go could hardly be called Heaven; could it?

Every religion has Fundies where it's... my way or the highway... or worse... people who don't get along with anyone else, and they don't get along with each other either... they watch to see if anyone is breaking the contracts that are understood as The Letter of The Law. One of these days they might discover The Rules, but... it won't happen quickly because nothing happens quickly for these people.

Every religion has its Heavens and its Hells. You can see that right here on Earth, according to the eternal maxim; As Above so Below. Here we have imperfect reflections of what is ever more and more perfect the higher you go. If you discovered The Truth you will head toward The Sun, and... keep on going. Then you will head into The Lightning, and then... something... something.

If you have some relative truth, some truth that is in conflict with other truths... especially, say... if you are living your own truth, then you will wind up... temporarily... on The Moon until you are processed to your next port of call. It's all perfectly orchestrated for the people who love the systems they fancy they are in control of. Whoops!

End Transmission.......

Only a few links (today) at GAB=

I'm not putting any extra credit (grin) literature up today... or until I find something I think would enhance your state instead of confusing it.

Some health and sundry links=


0 said...


"Lately, when reading books, it occurs to me that I've already seen this... that... and the other thing... over and over again, and why am I reading any of it since I found what I was looking for and there is nothing left to find ever again? Now... all that remains are the changes and progressions from what I am... to what I really am.

I'm reminded of that line in The Bhagavad Gita; “Just as a reservoir is of little use when the whole countryside is flooded, scriptures are of little use to the illumined man or woman who sees The Lord everywhere.” I don't mean... in any way to imply that I am an illumined person, only that the whole countryside is flooded... with sunlight... and the teachings of The Sun, and there is little use for scriptures... for me... because there are living reproductions... in life itself... everywhere I look..."

Yep. Thats about where I am with it too. I could read more or look for more, but it just reinforces whats been produced already in my mind.

Ironic how things press in so much just now, both at reach and local. I guess I'll just mosey on thru, what blocks the way, becomes the way huh.


M - said...

I finally got around to watching some of your videos on Vimeo. On most videos and podcasts, the voice-over is super annoying for me (which is why I prefer transcripts if they're provided), but not yours.

On the "Best Back Workout" short, anyone attempting this should keep their stomach tight when executing. Otherwise, they will end up straining their back - especially if this sort of exercise is new for them and/or their lower back muscles are weak. Start with very light weights.

On a similar note, the "1 minute standing exercise for fat loss" is misleading. One can have stomach muscles made of iron and still have a spare tire. The more muscle one has, however, the more efficiently one can burn fat. That being said, to burn fat one must engage in at least 15-30 minutes of aerobic activity, preferably 5 days a week.

Aerobic activity can be defined as being able to talk but not sing while aerobicising. You can also monitor your target heart rate, but I find the former to be much easier to use. ;>

Visible said...

No! It's not. Stupid questions are routed to the circular file where they will spin forever and no one will ever hear them. At some point, the trolls asking them will join those questions and live in a place where there are no answers and nothing makes sense.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"Everything Seems to be Going Wrong, and It Was Going So Smoothly... Like Spreading Child Butter on Toast Points."

Always Striding said...

LV, Keanu is a favorite actor even before the first Matrix that was stolen by the now tranny brothers.
The best line in Al Pacino as Ol' Scratch will is a bitch!
I love that scene in the subway car where he riles up the hot headed Latin guy by saying...she is at home smoking a jumbo with Julio. (paraphrased)
Some scenes are pretty funny even if Captain Howdy doesn't like funny.
Regarding exercise, lost 150lbs in six years and off all sickcare meds just by watching portions, avoiding all synthetic Frankenfoods and walking.
The conveyor belt experience was mesmerizing and terrifying at the same time and certainly a purposeful demonstration.
Now it is like you said, why would you not do it regarding exercise.
I tell those who doubt that God exists HE is one million trillion percent real and you won't call on any government, Hollywood star or historical figure when you are at the end of the rope, you will call on God.



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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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